Tag "NAK"

The National Chamber of Agriculture has successfully closed last year

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has successfully closed last year, and many of the measures to ease the economy have been created at the initiative of NAK – the...

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The amount of herbs decreases

The amount of herbs harvested and grown is constantly decreasing, and in order to reverse the trend there is a need to change both in the field of collection and...

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Agricultural Chamber: Farmers do not have to worry about the unusually hot January weather

Farmers are worried about the warm weather in January, but according to the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK), the warm weather has no negative impact on most plants, because nature is...

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Orbán: We will not be anybody’s forecourt

Hungary will not be the forecourt of any other country – said Prime Minister Orbán Viktor, referring to the importance of keeping the land in Hungarian ownership at the delegate...

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Irrigation water demand survey was launched by the National Chamber of Agriculture

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has launched an irrigation water demand survey as part of the development of the irrigation development strategy. After 2014, the public body will again...

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The law aimed at improving the competitiveness of agriculture has been announced

The amendments to the Act initiated by Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture, have been announced. The most common amendments to the Acts were published in the...

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Magazine: Training and development are the foundation on which the dairy sector rests

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organised a series of conferences this autumn, titled ‘Milk Processing’. Hungary’s milk processing sector is struggling with problems because it is lagging behind competitors in...

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Tesco to sell nearly 8,500 tons of apples this year

This year Tesco is expected to sell 8,500 tons from 14 types of apple. Almost 90 percent of the apples sold in Tesco stores are supplied by growers from Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and...

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New version of NAK’s smartphone app launched

As a result of the first phase of the NAK APP 2.0 project, the services which were formerly only available on the NAK website can now also be used on...

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Magosz wins chamber elections

At the end of November the members of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) were voting: from the approximately 360,000 NAK members 47,696 turned up. No less than 88.3 percent...

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NAK’s County officials were elected

The county delegating assembly of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) was held between November 23-25, 2017, where county officials were elected. The county delegations met on November 23-25, 2017,...

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The agrarian chamber wants a larger advance payment

According to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), there would be a possibility to pay out even tens of billion HUF more in the remaining two weeks of the advance...

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NAK asks for support for small-scale horticulturists

The storm at the end of October caused massive damages to the foil tents throughout the country, causing many small farmers to go bankrupt. The National Chamber of Agriculture has...

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The NAV will prepare the tax return for the primary producers

At the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) is preparing the personal income tax return instead of the primary producers and...

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The aim of the government is to give more and more tasks to the agrarian chamber

The aim of the government is to give more and more tasks to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) – Lázár János, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office said at...

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Tobacco growing creates jobs in disadvantageous regions

This year Hungarian tobacco growers are expected to produce 6,171 tons of tobacco on 3,400 hectares of land. The National Association of Tobacco Growers and NAK have stressed the importance of...

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The Food Book needs to be improved for the benefit of quality baked goods

Participants agreed at a recent conference – organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, NAK, the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and the Hungarian Baker Association – that in order...

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Cooperation can’t be forced

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has organised a discussion for food processing enterprises in Hajdúböszörmény, In his keynote speech Balázs Győrffy, president of the chamber told: the HUF 300-billion...

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The agraricultural chamber would increase apple consumption

Apple consumption is decreasing since years. the per capita consumption is 12 kilograms per year, which should be increased to 20 to 25 kilograms, therefore a campaign was launched to...

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The Gödöllő Service Center of the Agricultural Chamber was opened

The third service center of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), was handed over on Friday in Gödöllő. Győrffy Balázs, president of NAK, said in his speech that the chamber...

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The national hail reduction system will be operated from May

The national hail reduction system will operate from May next year. With the system tens of billions of forints can be saved per year only in agriculture – Kis Miklós...

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FM: campaign to encourage consumption and purchase of Hungarian apple has started

A nationwide promotional campaign encouraging the consumption and purchase of Hungarian apple was launched – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) announced on Thursday at...

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A closer collaboration to help farmers

Several organizations in the agricultural sector have joined forces to help the farmers – the president of the National Association of Hungarian Farmers (Magosz) announced on Wednesday at a press...

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The government provides 300 billion HUF to the food industry

In order to strengthen the food industry, the government has approved the 20-point food safety action plan and provides 300 billion forints for the development of the sector – Laszlovszky...

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The farmers in Zala county expect 7 million tons of average yield for maize

Seven tons per hectare average yield of maize is expected in Zala County, where nearly 10 percent of the crop is harvested – the county president of the National Agricultural...

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The agricultural chamber assists its members with rural economist and advisory networks

The agrarian chamber assists its members with a network of experts, farmers and consultants, Jakab István, president of the Hungarian Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations (Magosz) told M1 news channel....

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60 percent of the Hungarian mushrooms are exported

The most significant cultivated mushroom species in Hungary are csiperke and laska. The mushrooms are very healthy, but the mushroom consumption per person is very low in Hungary, 1-1.5 kilograms...

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NAK’s first 4 years

Our magazine interviewed Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) on the occasion of NAK’s 4th birthday. T. M.: – The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture was established a...

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Grapes are popular in every format

Winemakers and grape growers have an excellent year. More wine will be made this year than in 2016 and table grape consumption has also increased. Hungarians eat 2.5-3kg of grapes a year. On...

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NAK campaign in the apple season

This year NAK will start a campaign promoting apple consumption. The one and a half month campaign will start in mid-October, in cooperation with 6 retail chains and the Agricultural Marketing...

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