Tag "NAK"

Fresh Hungarian sweet corn is delicious both baked and boiled

Sweet corn is one of the hit vegetables of the summer. However, few people know that our country is a great power in sweet corn cultivation. In addition to vegetables...

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Domestic berry fruit cultivation could be saved

Even though there is a demand for berries from consumers and the processing industry, domestic cultivation has been pushed into the background in recent decades. Partly due to climate change...

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FruitVeB and NAK prepared a sector bulletin for fruit and vegetables

The fruit and vegetable sector bulletin summarizing the results of the past 10 years was prepared by FruitVeB, the Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Trade Organization and Product Council, and the...

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The Chamber of Agrarian Economy and the Ministry of Agriculture help producers with a new publication

This year, the law on certain issues of the organization of agricultural product markets, the law on producers and the new regulation improves the position of producers vis-à-vis buyers and...

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FruitVeb and NAK prepared a fruit and vegetable sector bulletin

The fruit and vegetable sector bulletin summarizing the results of the past 10 years was prepared by FruitVeB, the Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Trade Organization and Product Council, and the...

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Bringing industry players together is crucial

Our magazine has interviewed Balázs Győrffy, president of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK). This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7  – NAK is the main umbrella organisation...

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Results and experiences of the first year of the Agro-ecological Program

Following the 2023 applications of the new green area-based subsidy, the Agro-ecological Program (AÖP), nearly 51,000 producers received a total of HUF 92.5 billion in payments for approximately 3.6 million...

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V4 agricultural chambers: a change of direction is needed in EU agricultural policy

The agricultural policy of the EU must change radically, otherwise the agriculture of the union will be in a hopeless situation – the agricultural chambers of the V4 countries emphasize...

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Cherry growers expect a smaller than average harvest

The cherry season is in full swing, but due to the extreme spring weather, a smaller harvest than the average of previous years is expected. However, lower yields are not...

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The risk management of producers can only be improved through cooperation

On June 20, 2024, the Agricultural Economics Institute (AKI) hosted the workshop entitled “Experiences of the agricultural risk management system in 2023” for the tenth time. After presenting the results...

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Regional expansion can ensure the future of Hungarian melon cultivation, according to experts

After the successful technology and variety change, regional expansion can ensure the future of Hungarian melon cultivation – said the leaders of the producers’ interest representatives at the National Chamber...

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New vice president and department head at NAK

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy elected two new officials at its last national delegate meeting. NAK’s new national vice-president responsible for environmental sustainability and innovation Viktor Balázs, the new...

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NAK-FruitVeb: the apricot season will be long this year

The apricot season started earlier than usual and may last longer this year – the National Chamber of Agricultural Economy (NAK) and FruitVeb, the Hungarian Association of Vegetables and Fruits,...

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Breed trials by GOSZ-VSZT-NAK: prizes were awarded to the best breeds

The owners of the best performing varieties and hybrids in the 2023 post-registration winter wheat, corn and rapeseed trials of the National Association of Grain Growers (GOSZ), the National Chamber...

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Apricot growers expect a long season

This year, apricot harvesting began two weeks earlier than usual on the domestic plantations.Although there is no problem with the quality so far, the quantity was significantly affected by the...

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Chamber of Agriculture: they are looking for innovative solutions to the challenges of agriculture

Young developers, startups and researchers are looking for solutions to the challenges of agriculture and the food industry within the framework of the TechLab agricultural startup program of the National...

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This year, two-thirds of the uniform applications were also submitted by the farmers with the help of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy

The village farmer advisors of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) actively contributed to the submission of uniform applications this year. NAK specialists assisted in the submission of more than...

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Professional organizations: no one should bring plants, seeds, or fruits home from a vacation outside the European Union

The National Chamber of Agriculture, the National Food Chain Safety Office, the Interprofessional Association of Hungarian Ornamental Gardeners and the FruitVeB Hungarian Vegetable and Fruit Product Council advise travelers to...

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The membership fee determination and payment period has begun at the Chamber of Agriculture

The period for establishing and paying membership fees for economic organizations, primary producers and individual entrepreneurs at the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) began on June 1st, the deadline for...

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Be careful when buying plants from abroad!

Did you like a plant during your holiday outside the European Union and would you like to take it home?Do not do it! We can bring not only a beautiful,...

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Agrarszektor: this is why Hungarian agriculture is lagging behind

It is worthwhile to be more efficient and advanced in agricultural production, but it is difficult to grasp how this should be achieved, knowing that Hungarian agricultural production differs significantly...

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The NAK Szántóföldi Days were successful again this year

The NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show–Mezőfalva on June 5-6, 2024 took place again with great interest. At the country’s largest arable exhibition, the organizers focused on presenting sustainable farming...

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An efficient and competitive dairy industry is needed

The time has come to develop the domestic dairy industry, we need investments that improve efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the sector’s players. The goal is to regain the...

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An efficient, innovative and competitive dairy industry is needed

The time has come to develop the domestic dairy industry, we need investments that improve efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the sector’s players. The goal is to regain the domestic...

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Hungarian milk production has reached the forefront of Europe

Domestic milk production reached the forefront of Europe by renewing the technological background;based on sales and employment, the dairy industry is one of the largest and increasingly important sectors of...

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NAK – FruitVeb: from the beginning of June, even more cherries will be on the market

Thanks to the early varieties, the cherry season started early, but a larger quantity can be expected on the domestic market from the beginning of June – the National Chamber...

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During the period of permanent water shortage, it is possible to irrigate without a water law permit

The Ministry of Agriculture supported the initiative of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Cooperatives and Farmers’ Cooperatives and the National Chamber of Agriculture, following which the Ministry of the Interior...

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The domestic cherries are ripening. The popular fruit will soon be available in larger quantities on the markets

The domestic cherry season started earlier than usual, the picking of the early varieties started already in mid-May, but a larger quantity of the popular fruit will be on the...

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FoodTechShow: investing is a must

On 9-10 April the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organised its FoodTechShow at Millenáris. More than 60 exhibitors showcased nearly 150 innovative technologies and machinery for the representatives of the...

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The permanent water shortage period was announced at the initiative of NAK and MAGOSZ

Following the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives, the Minister of the Interior announced a permanent water shortage period...

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