Tag "MI"

Nébih became a member of the Artificial Intelligence Coalition

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has also joined the Artificial Intelligence Coalition – Nébih told MTI on Friday. By participating in the forum, Nébih can become one of...

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Artificial intelligence is one of the big winners of the pandemic

While for the time being, everyday users are just tasting the term artificial intelligence, AI and machine learning have become virtually unnoticed as one of the protagonists of our daily...

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Artificial intelligence creates new jobs

Artificial intelligence (AI) creates new jobs and simplifies people’s lives – the president of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) coalition told M1 news channel on Wednesday. Jakab Roland said that many...

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Artificial intelligence makes traveling easier

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) in many ways makes traveling easier not only for businessmen, but also for average tourists – origo wrote. With the help of AI, you can move...

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