Tag "mezőgazdaság"

KSH: agricultural producer prices rose by 5.2 percent in December

Agricultural producer prices were 5.2 percent higher last December, than a year before. In terms of the whole year 2015 agricultural producer prices rose by 0.4 percent. The price of...

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Russia may be the world's largest grain exporter

Russia's government hopes that Russia can become the world's largest grain exporter in the next agricultural year, like the former Soviet Union – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. Russian Agriculture Minister...

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Magazine: Almost 700 square metres of Hungarian exhibition space at Grüne Woche

Between 15 and 24 January 2016 Berlin was the place where the world’s agri-food producers gathered: there were almost 1,700 exhibitors from 65 countries on 120,000m² at Grüne Woche, which...

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KSH: the performance of the economy grew by 2.9 percent last year

Hungary's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.9 percent in 2015, compared to the previous year. In the fourth quarter of 2015 the growth was 3.2 percent, compared to the...

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The product boards are concerned due to the transformation of irrigation rules

The FruitVeB, Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board and the Apple Product Board are calling for consultation on the subject. In the document sent to MTI on Friday,...

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Vine pruning at full swing

Vine pruning starts later in milder weather in the small gardens, but at the larger vineyard parcels work was going on during the whole winter. With the exception of harder...

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Production prices in November: +5.5 percent

In November 2015 agricultural production prices increased by 5.5 percent from the level of November 2014. The price of vegetable products increased 13.7 percent, but the price of livestock/products of...

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Decree on crop protection modified

As of this year several modifications of the crop protection decree entered into force. From now on only Category 2 and 3 pesticides are allowed to be used in public...

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GMO-free labeling may come after the approval of the European Commission

We still need to wait a few months for the introduction of the GMO-free labeling. The “GMO-free production” trademark will be put on food and feed after the approval of...

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MVH: basic support was allocated to 95 percent of the farmers by the beginning of February

Until the beginning of February, 95 percent of the farmers received basic support from the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH) – the president of MVH told MTI on Wednesday....

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Czerván: the Russian embargo re- organized the markets

The Russian embargo on food re- organized the markets. The European exports to Asian countries moved towards Japan, China, Hong Kong and South Korea – Czerván György, Minister of State...

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The gap is closing between the US and European prices

The futures price of corn gets closer and closer on commodity exchanges in the US and Europe in January. The decline lasting for months has continued in Europe and in...

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Hungarian seed market trends

The price of the seeds of the spring cereal crops is a net 97 thousand HUF per tonne price – the Seed Association Interprofessional Organization and Marketing Board published for...

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Chinese may buy Syngenta

China National Chemical Corp. is nearing an agreement to buy Swiss pesticide-and-seeds-maker Syngenta AG for about 43.7 billion francs ($42.8 billion) as the state-backed company extends its buying spree with...

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Hungary offset the Russian embargo with new markets

Hungary successfully offset the Russian embargo on the Hungarian agricultural and food products by exploring new markets – Budai Gyula, Ministerial Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign...

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MVH: the versatile use of EU funds for rural development

Local governments, nonprofit organizations and even churches are eligible to apply for EU rural development funds in a wide variety of sectors such as the food industry, irrigation development and...

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The Food Avalanche Program awaits the applications of active communities

The Food Avalanche Program of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and the Syngenta Food Programme expects the applications of local governments, educational institutions and non-governmental organizations until 18 February. The...

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FM: the output of agriculture increased last year

The output of the Hungarian agriculture is around 2400-2500 billion HUF each year. Last year's initial estimate of 2,457 billion HUF is exceeding the previous year’s level by 0.4 percent...

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Farmers bought agricultural machinery in a value of more than 100 billion HUF last year

Last year, the farmers bought agricultural machines in a value of more than 100 billion HUF – the Minister of Agriculture told on Wednesday in Budapest at the opening ceremony...

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The Agromash Expo opens on Wednesday in Budapest

The Agromash Expo and Agricultural Machine Show, the major international exhibition of the industry opens on Wednesday. The four-day fair will be held at the Hungexpo in Budapest with the...

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Syngenta is celebrating its 15th anniversary

Syngenta’s jubilee year is hallmarked by new sunflower and corn hybrids, promising better than ever yields, excellent wheat seeds, complex plant protection product portfolio, expanded Contivo ™ advisory system. The...

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FM: autumn sowings in good condition

The autumn sowings are especially in good shape, the rainy weather had a positive effect on crops – the Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told at...

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The replacing of the primary producer cards has begun

The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) has begun the exchange the primary producer cards of the small-scale agricultural producers. The National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) will introduce card-based electronic primary producer cards...

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MVH: half of the agricultural subsidies have already been paid

According to the president of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency, more than half of the funds of the direct agricultural support, 240 billion HUF have already been granted to...

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KSH: 15.7 percent less grain grown in 2015 than in 2014

Last year, 2.6 million tons less, 15.7 percent less grain grew on 132 thousand less hectares (on a minus 4.7 percent smaller area, compared to 2014 – the Central Statistical...

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The consumption of meat can continue to decrease in the EU countries

In agriculture, emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) are expected to decline slightly by 2025, through the expected decline in cattle breeding – the agrarszektor.hu cites the European Commission. It is...

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Soybean production is ramping up by the EU’s direct subsidies

One of the biggest challenge for crop producers last year was the convertion to the European Union’s direct aid. Among the new support conditions soybeans have become hit products, while...

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Record exports in 2015

Hungary has never exported as much as last year. According to the preliminary data, the trade surplus will reach 8 billion euros (2,500 billion HUF) – the Minister of State...

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The weight of agriculture need to be increased in bank lending

The agricultural sector can be the break out point of the banking world in the coming years, therefore, to increase the share of agricultural companies need to be increased in...

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Japanese-Hungarian agricultural negotiations at the Grüne Woche

The Hungarian Minister of Agriculture negotiated with his Japanese counterpart on a possible cooperation in the research of short-term bred rice varieties and sour cherry cultivars among other things in...

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