Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Drought-tolerant plants are more and more important

The drought is one of the worst consequence of climate change, which could adversely affect the crop as well. The key objective of plant breeders is the creation of varieties...

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Hungary and Romania to coordinate agricultural diplomacy

Hungary and Romania will coordinate their agricultural diplomacy efforts in the planning and shaping of the EU’s agricultural policy (CAP) – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture and Achim Irimescu Romanian...

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The agricultural ministers stood beside the maintenance of the CAP

The meeting of the EU agricultural ministers was useful. The meeting showed that the agricultural ministry leaders are determined towards the maintenance and renewal of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)...

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FM: the hail response system is expanding to nationwide

The government will extend the already successfully operating hail response system in several counties to the area of the entire country – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Thursday....

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Improved profitability in the agricultural sector

Due to the continuously expanding output in agriculture that reached a record in 2015, as well as due to the rising agricultural subsidies, the profitability of the sector, has increased...

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Twenty-four thousand students are studying from September in agricultural vocational schools

Twenty-four thousand students are studying in the 48 agricultural vocational schools of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) at 63 sites from September. The agricultural, food and environmental education is carried...

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Hungary exports horticultural propagating material to Tatarstan

The state-owned Hungarian Gardening Propagation Office (MKSZ) is exporting horticultural propagating material to Tatarstan – the company told MTI According to the information, several hundred thousands of Hungarian seed grafts...

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Favorable yield may compensate livestock farmers

In 2016, all the yield of the plants significantly outperformed the average of the past five years – the presidency spokesman for the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) told....

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Industrial apple processing started in Szabolcs

Industrial apple processing started with a low purchase price in the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county juice factories, but for eating apples even 40 percent more is paid by purchasers, compared to last...

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A great interest occured towards the Hungarian exhibitors at the AGRA international fair in Slovenia

A great interest occured towards the Hungarian exhibitors at the AGRA international agricultural and food exhibition and fair in Slovenia – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry...

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Agricultural Chamber: game damage is a growing problem in the country

The game damage is becoming a growing problem in the country. The agricultural game damage (that was paid out) in 2015 amounted to 2.3 billion HUF – the National Agricultural...

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The advance payment of agricultural subsidies to begin in mid-October

Similarly to last year, the advance payment of agricultural subsidies may begin in mid-October this fall – Deputy Minister of State responsible for agriculture said at a conference on Friday....

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Record wheat crop in Romania

This year, 8.41 million tonnes of wheat was grown in Romania, which is the best harvest in the last ten years – Achim Irimescu Romanian agriculture minister said. According to...

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Food surplus remained

The export of agricultural and food products reached 2 571 million euros, while the import reached 1 684 million euros in the first four months of 2016. The agricultural foreign...

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Agricultural Forum in Debrecen

Although the European Commission has adopted the rural development program only a year ago, 70 percent of the 1294 billion HUF of funding for Hungary, about 900 million HUF is...

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“New Roads” lead to the Farmer Expo in Debrecen

The visitors of the 25th Farmer Expo in Debrecen can approach the exhibition on new roads. The Farmer Expo in Debrecen will start on Thursday. All the roads of the...

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KSH: agricultural producer prices increased by 1.5 percent in June

Due to the 3.5 percent rise in the price of crop products and the 1.8 percent price decline of live animals and animal products, the agricultural producer prices increased by...

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Livestock farmers suffered significant losses

Due to the the increase in feed prices and a simultaneous decrease in the purchase price of animal products considerable losses occured in recent months to the classic livestock sectors,...

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Summer harvested crops reached yields records

Winter wheat, barley and canola reached record yields this year – Nagy István Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said on Friday in Hajdúböszörmény at the press...

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Chamber of Agriculture: happy farmers after the harvest

After the completion of this year's harvest, farmers are satisfied with the crop, yield and quality – Süle Katalin, the spokeswoman for the National Bureau of Agricultural Economics Association (NAK)...

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This year hail caused less damages than last year in agriculture

The number of hail-stricken farmlands and claims also fell slightly compared to last year, but compensation claims due to the hail were still announced for 44 703 hectares. This year,...

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Experts: medium or poor apple crop is expected

After last year's 520 thousand tons of apple crop- mainly due to frost damages – medium or poor apple crop is expected – according to the survey of the North-East...

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The peak office to be terminated

For the reorganization of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) the enire staff of 1,800 people is needed – Gyuricza Csaba, president of MVH told agrárszektor.hu. According to the...

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The number of employees continued to increase in the agricultural sector

The number of employees continued to increase in the agricultural sector this year; in the first three months, the sector has employed more than 211 thousand people – the Minister...

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Farmers' Days in Bábolna again at the end of August

The 30 years old Farmers' Days in Bábolna opens its gates in the last day of August again. The primary theme of the exhibition will be the presentation of machinery...

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Nearly 300 exhibitors are expected to the 25th Debrecen Farmer Expo

Almost three hundred exhibitors will take part in Hungary's oldest and largest regional agricultural exhibition, the Debrecen Farmer Expo that will open on 18 August – Vaszkó László Fair Director...

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Illegal wells may become legal

A legislative change appeared recently that will legalize the illegally created wells. The legislative change was initiated by the National Agricultural Chamber and will allow the owners of the wells...

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Red pepper growers should remember that an important deadline will expire

The 37/2014 (IV. 4) agricultural de minimis decree of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) on the support of paprika growers was released. The producers can apply for non-refundable agricultural...

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About four hundred exhibitors at the farmer days in Szentlörinc

About four hundred exhibitors will debut at the farmer days in Szentlörinc, which is one of Hungary's largest agricultural trade fair. The fair will take place between 12 and 14...

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