Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The export of live pigs increased by 58 percent

According to KSH data, Hungary’s live pig exports increased by 58 percent (8.7 thousand tons) in January-March 2024 compared to the amount in January-March 2023. The main partners were Romania,...

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A key issue is the farmer’s variety choice in field crop production

In the last hundred years, Hungarian breed breeding has been one of the most important professional pillars of domestic agriculture. During the challenging period, the issue of varieties, the presence...

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New agricultural investment decisions worth HUF 10.8 billion were made

In the past few days, the Ministry of Agriculture made support decisions worth 10.84 billion forints in relation to 171 more requests in connection with the calls announced within the...

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The irrigation plant of Talentis Agro Zrt., built with 1.7 billion forints, was handed over

The government will give farmers all the help they need to adapt to the challenges of climate change and to increase the cultivation of crops with greater added value –...

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In the first quarter, the number of pigs slaughtered in slaughterhouses increased

1,160,000 pigs were slaughtered at Hungarian slaughterhouses in the first quarter of 2024, 6.2 percent more (+67,000 pigs) than in January-March 2023. The total live weight of slaughtered animals was...

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Information about changes in direct area-based subsidies during the year

The Ministry of Agriculture informs agricultural producers and the relevant contributors that several regulations affecting the direct support entitlements of the Common Agricultural Policy are already changing favorably for producers...

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An efficient, innovative and competitive dairy industry is needed

The time has come to develop the domestic dairy industry, we need investments that improve efficiency and increase the competitiveness of the sector’s players. The goal is to regain the domestic...

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Composts and peat moss sold the most

Among the observed yield-enhancing categories, producers purchased the largest quantities of various composts and peat. This accounted for three quarters of the total sales examined. In second place, based on...

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Hungarian milk production has reached the forefront of Europe

Domestic milk production reached the forefront of Europe by renewing the technological background;based on sales and employment, the dairy industry is one of the largest and increasingly important sectors of...

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Agroinform.hu: the domestic melon season may start weeks earlier this year

Due to the warm spring period, it is expected that the domestic watermelon season can start already at the beginning of July this year. This year, the producers planted melons in...

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Facilitation of land use change through social consultation

Based on the Strategic Plan of Hungary’s Common Agrarian Policy (KAP), the social consultation of the draft call for tenders entitled “Investments promoting land use change and their maintenance” has...

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The domestic cherries are ripening. The popular fruit will soon be available in larger quantities on the markets

The domestic cherry season started earlier than usual, the picking of the early varieties started already in mid-May, but a larger quantity of the popular fruit will be on the...

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Farmers must be put at the center of EU agricultural policy

A competitive, crisis-proof, sustainable, farmer-friendly and knowledge-based future EU agricultural policy is needed, said István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who met with Cesare Onestini, Director General of Agriculture, Fisheries, Social...

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The Romanian government is launching a tractor purchase support program for farmers

The Bucharest government is launching a program to support the purchase of new tractors aimed at renewing Romania’s agricultural machinery fleet, the cabinet adopted a decision on Thursday to set...

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The countryside is the key to the renewal and success of Hungary in the 21st century

As part of its commitment to improving Hungarian agriculture and the quality of life in rural areas, the Hungarian government continues to invest in the modernization of livestock farms. The...

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The spring works came to an end by mid-May

Based on the data of the reports, the spring fodder pea sowing area is 5,000 hectares, a quarter of which is in the Northern Great Plain. The planned area of...

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Thanks to the teachers working in agricultural education

Thanks to the teachers working in agricultural education, who educate, set an example, provide guidance, form an identity and build a community, for which we cannot be grateful enough –...

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Agrometeorology: more showers will ease the drought

The early summer, rainy weather will continue, rainfall exceeding 20-30 millimeters may fall in a large area until the middle of next week, but the regional differences are expected to...

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This year, a not abundant but satisfactory apricot harvest is expected in Hungary

Apricots were a fruit with a good export position in the past, before 2018 we exported 4-5 thousand tons annually. In recent years, however, due to the unpredictable harvest and...

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State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture: the Carpathian Basin Village Farmers Network helps tens of thousands of foreign farmers

The number of village farmers and the territorial coverage of the network have increased with the expansion to Csángóföld – announced Sándor Farkas, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry...

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Crop security can only be achieved with suitable seeds

In view of the planting season, the authority checked seed samples in the past period. About the action dr. Márton Nobilis, the Secretary of State responsible for food industry and...

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This year’s strawberry crop prospects are good

According to KSH data, 5,000 to 5,500 tons of strawberries were harvested annually in Hungary in recent years. This season started earlier than usual, experts expected good harvest prospects. According...

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In agriculture, the strength for progress is still provided

By using the resources of the new tenders, the agrarian sector can be renewed with HUF 2,900 billion. The goal of the subsidies is to put the domestic agriculture and...

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Producer prices for soybeans and rapeseed exceeded last year

In Hungary, according to AKI PÁIR data, edible wheat was traded at an average producer price of HUF 72.9 thousand per ton without VAT and transport costs in the third...

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Domestic melons will soon appear in stores

A constant temperature above ten degrees is considered perfect weather for the development of plants, including melons, so there is still no weather factor that could influence the favorable ripening...

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European agriculture must be farmer-oriented

Competitiveness, crisis management, sustainability and the knowledge-based economy will be on the agenda of the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union starting July 1, with the...

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The permanent water shortage period was announced at the initiative of NAK and MAGOSZ

Following the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Associations and Farmers’ Cooperatives, the Minister of the Interior announced a permanent water shortage period...

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Competitive businesses help developing micro-regions

Hungarian agriculture has gone through a spectacular development since 2010, and the companies exhibiting at Kiskun Expo are a clear proof of this, showing the strength and competitiveness of the...

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The Agricultural Economics Institute is at the service of Hungarian farmers and agriculture

Every sector and, within that, every policy, every ministry needs an institution with a knowledge base like the Agricultural Economics Institute, which cultivates all elements of knowledge at a high...

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István Nagy: the countryside is the driving force for the renewal of the Hungarian economy

The Hungarian government sees the economic power of the countryside as a driving force in the renewal of the Hungarian economy, the Minister of Agriculture stated on Saturday at Bihartorda...

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