Tag "mezőgazdaság"

The Polish Minister of Agriculture has resigned

Polish Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Henryk Kowalczyk resigned on Wednesday, having linked his decision to Ukrainian grain exports flowing into Poland. Announcing his decision at a press conference,...

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Preservation of the gene stock of indigenous breeds is a priority state task

Preserving the gene pool of indigenous plant and animal breeds and maintaining genetic resources is a priority state task – said the Minister of Agriculture on Monday in Budapest, at...

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Eastern European heads of state and government jointly request help for their agriculture from the European Commission

In a joint letter, the Hungarian, Polish, Slovak and Romanian prime ministers and the Bulgarian president asked Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to immediately take measures to deal with...

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The government and the Ministry of Agriculture provide the foundations for future agricultural professionals

The knowledge acquired in the field of agriculture always provides a solid foundation and a good livelihood at all times. Because you always have to eat and the raw materials...

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Five and a half billion forints will go to ewes farmers

The payment of subsidies for ewes related to production has begun. The support financed by the European Union will be paid to more than 7,000 sheep farmers in the amount...

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The payment of subsidies related to Natura 2000 grasslands begins

By the end of the month, farmers will receive funds worth about HUF 12.5 billion through support related to Natura 2000 grasslands – announced Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible...

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The payment of 2022 mitigation benefits will begin

On March 28, 2023, the Hungarian State Treasury (hereinafter: the Treasury) started paying damage mitigation benefits within the framework of the agricultural risk management system. Within a few days, the...

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Smart farming – Video of the day

Agricultural machines controlled by artificial intelligence....

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Agricultural relations between Georgia and our country are getting stronger

There are great opportunities in the agricultural cooperation between our country and Georgia, a strategic partnership between the two nations was not created by chance – stated Minister of Agriculture...

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The Agricultural Innovation Awards were presented

In addition to recognizing the exceptional performance of domestic innovators, it is important to make society aware that without creative people there is no progress, competitive economy, competitive society, i.e....

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Nagisz Zrt. in Nádudvar and Gödöllő Agricultural University have signed a strategic agreement

In order to ensure quality product development, the dynamic development of precision farming and the supply of agricultural professionals, Nagisz Zrt. and the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences...

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The government quadrupled the resources of the damage mitigation fund

Until March 31, more than 22,000 producers will receive a total of HUF 50.6 billion in agricultural damage mitigation allowances to mitigate the losses of the exceptionally droughty last year,...

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This year will be a test of crisis resistance and crisis management in agriculture

This year will be a test of crisis resistance and crisis management, as the constantly emerging challenges must be responded to in a timely and effective manner, and this requires...

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A working group examines the effects of Ukrainian grain

A chamber working group is being formed to investigate the crop market crisis caused by Ukrainian grain, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) told MTI on Monday. In the...

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Many tools help the new agrarian generation to prevail

Agriculture is a sector of strategic importance, and generational change is key in aging agriculture, and the government supports it with a number of tools – it was said at...

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Crop production: There is no future without the use of new technologies

In plant cultivation, the farmers, taking advantage of the support opportunities, began to invest heavily in machinery. As part of the call for tenders for the purchase of precision machinery,...

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From now on, a regulation requires the reduction of the amount of greenhouse gases entering the air

At the plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament adopted the revised rules of the joint commitment regulation, which obliges all member states to annually reduce the amount of greenhouse...

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The leaven of success in agriculture is the cooperation between sector players

We will keep our promises to the region that provides the backbone of the Hungarian nation, and we will launch unprecedented developments. All players in the sector know that “it’s...

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The agricultural logistics center in Jánoshalma was handed over

The agricultural logistics center opens up new opportunities and new paths not only for farmers, but also for the Hungarian food and processing industry – said the Minister of Agriculture...

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It is recommended for all producers to use agricultural insurance

Due to the more extreme weather affecting agriculture, it is worth taking out agricultural insurance to manage risks that complicate production, for which farmers can apply for support in the...

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Farmers can use three times more resources for investments

We are committed to continuously increasing the competitiveness of agriculture and the food industry and to protecting the environment – stated Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the farmers’ forum...

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You only need to keep the spraying log in e-GN!

We would like to draw the attention of those involved in the management of the management logbook (GN) that currently only the data of pesticide treatments, i.e. sprayings, must be...

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The government is doing everything for the farmers

The government did everything to ensure that the farmers felt as little as possible the effects of the war and the consequences of last year’s drought, Minister of Agriculture István...

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Inspiration, science and innovation – this is how the future of the organic farming industry is shaping up

On February 28, 2023, the Ecological Agricultural Research Institute (ÖMKi) organized the Ecological Farming – Sectoral Conference for the fourth time, which this time was hosted in Kecskemét, at the...

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Vegetable and fruit cultivation is at the forefront in the use of modern technologies

The application of precision technologies, the integration of automation, robotization and digitization in vegetable and fruit cultivation cannot be neglected – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy at the 8th...

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With training for sustainable development and mitigating migration

Our country provides agricultural knowledge that can be put to good use in everyday life to the future food and food professionals of developing countries. The problems must be solved...

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Domestic organic farming bases its future on a decade of growth

Hungary’s goal is to double the size of domestic organic farming areas by 2027, thus reaching a 10 percent organic area ratio – highlighted Dr. Anikó Juhász, Deputy State Secretary...

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In the end of February, the economic sentiment of companies and households improved further

The population’s and businesses’ sense of the economic situation also improved in February, based on the Századvég Economic Researcher’s survey. The population index, interpreted on a scale between minus 100...

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Due to the drought, it may become necessary to restrict water use in Italy, according to the government

As a consequence of the extreme drought, it may even become necessary to “ration” the national water supply in Italy, Gilberto Pichetto Frantin, the minister responsible for environmental protection and...

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In Europe, there is a significant lack of precipitation, which can cause problems in agriculture in the spring

Until the middle of February, Europe was characterized by a significant lack of precipitation in many places, which could cause problems in the spring, when plants start to develop and...

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