Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Hungary exceeded the target number for the collection of packaging materials contaminated with plant protection agents

Hungary has exceeded the target number for the collection of packaging materials contaminated with plant protection agents – MOHU MOL Hulladékgazdászólji Zrt. announced in a joint statement to MTI with...

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This year’s Russian grain harvest could be the lowest since 2021

This year’s Russian grain harvest may be the lowest since 2021, according to a report presented on Wednesday by SovEcon, a Russian economic research company specializing in the study of...

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Targeted subsidies help domestic potato cultivation

It is a priority to ensure that domestic potato production is competitive and that farmers have an adequate commodity base – said Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of...

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István Nagy: the starting point of Hungarian agriculture is quality production

In the ever-stronger international competition, the starting point of Hungarian agriculture can be the increase of added value and the level of processing, the production of high-quality food, said István...

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Regional expansion can ensure the future of Hungarian melon cultivation, according to experts

After the successful technology and variety change, regional expansion can ensure the future of Hungarian melon cultivation – said the leaders of the producers’ interest representatives at the National Chamber...

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OTP: the arable land market contracted last year as well

The arable land market narrowed further in 2023: in 29 percent fewer transactions, 3 percent less arable land changed hands than a year earlier – according to the latest OTP...

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This year’s cherry harvest covers domestic needs

The cherry growers can have a good year because the weather has been favorable, so this year’s crop will surely cover domestic needs, said the state secretary of the Ministry...

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New vice president and department head at NAK

The National Chamber of Agrarian Economy elected two new officials at its last national delegate meeting. NAK’s new national vice-president responsible for environmental sustainability and innovation Viktor Balázs, the new...

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Agrometeorology: the quality and quantity of autumn sowing crops was damaged by the significant rainfall of the past week

The significant rainfall that fell in the past week was no longer lacking at all for the ripening fall-sown field crops, it worsened both the quality and quantity of the...

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Apricot growers expect a long season

This year, apricot harvesting began two weeks earlier than usual on the domestic plantations.Although there is no problem with the quality so far, the quantity was significantly affected by the...

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Chamber of Agriculture: they are looking for innovative solutions to the challenges of agriculture

Young developers, startups and researchers are looking for solutions to the challenges of agriculture and the food industry within the framework of the TechLab agricultural startup program of the National...

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This year, two-thirds of the uniform applications were also submitted by the farmers with the help of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy

The village farmer advisors of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) actively contributed to the submission of uniform applications this year. NAK specialists assisted in the submission of more than...

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The 25-year-old Hungarian-Slovak Agricultural Working Group met in Budapest

The participants of the meeting of the Hungarian-Slovak Agricultural Working Group reviewed the current challenges of agriculture and the opportunities for farmers to assert their interests on Wednesday at the...

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The retail distribution of vegetable seedlings was controlled by Nébih

Traders selling seedlings on the markets have been inspected by Nébih specialists in recent weeks, stated Dr.Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture. The state secretary emphasized that...

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Farmers can get new information on the KAP website

The updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) information form related to area- and animal-based direct subsidies, which will continue to expand in the future, has been expanded with current information for...

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Maize production may increase slightly at the EU level

In the May projection of the International Grains Council (IGC), the 2024/2025 indicates a global corn harvest of 1,220 million tons, which is 5 million tons less than last year....

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The world’s largest industrial tomato processors are meeting in Budapest

The biggest players in the global industrial tomato processing and production sector have arrived in Budapest for the 15th World Congress and 17th Symposium of the World Industrial Tomato Council...

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The export of frozen green peas increased by 20 percent in 2023

According to KSH data, green peas were harvested in Hungary in 2023, in a 6.9 percent larger area, 14 percent more (94 thousand tons) than in 2022. According to the...

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The membership fee determination and payment period has begun at the Chamber of Agriculture

The period for establishing and paying membership fees for economic organizations, primary producers and individual entrepreneurs at the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) began on June 1st, the deadline for...

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Agrarszektor: this is why Hungarian agriculture is lagging behind

It is worthwhile to be more efficient and advanced in agricultural production, but it is difficult to grasp how this should be achieved, knowing that Hungarian agricultural production differs significantly...

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The turnover of agricultural machinery fell by more than 50 percent

The willingness of Hungarian farmers to purchase machinery continued to rise continuously for years, until the first quarter of the previous year.In recent years, thanks to the call for tenders...

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A replenished Agricultural Damage Mitigation Fund helps producers affected by the damage

The reassuring information for the farmers who suffered damage this year is that about HUF 25 billion is available in the 2024 damage mitigation fund from the payments of the...

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Cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and the FAO continues to expand

Dr. Oszkár Ökrös, Deputy State Secretary, received Anping Ye, Director of South-South and Trilateral Cooperation (SSTC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), at the Ministry...

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Agrometeorology: the rainy early summer period associated with the Medárd day started weeks earlier

This year, the rainy early summer period associated with Medárd’s Day began weeks earlier than usual: the rainy and thundery weather of the past three weeks significantly reduced the accumulated...

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The NAK Szántóföldi Days were successful again this year

The NAK Szántóföldi Days and Agricultural Machinery Show–Mezőfalva on June 5-6, 2024 took place again with great interest. At the country’s largest arable exhibition, the organizers focused on presenting sustainable farming...

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Japan is a prominent agricultural partner of our country

Minister István Nagy discussed the priorities of the Hungarian EU presidency, the reduction of food waste, and animal health issues. At the meeting, the minister drew attention to the fact...

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New animal welfare grants worth HUF 42.5 billion

The government supports sustainable and efficient animal husbandry with all possible means, and therefore encourages the improvement of animal welfare with various subsidies. In recent days, the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The processing sales price of chicken breast decreased by 15 percent

Based on data from the KSH, Hungary’s poultry meat exports increased by 3 percent to 53,000 tons in the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period in...

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Nébih spends almost 1 billion forints on development and training at its experimental and breeding stations

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is modernizing the infrastructure of its variety testing and breeding stations in Monorierdő, Pölöské, Székkutas and Tordas with a non-refundable grant of HUF...

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The health of plants means the future of all of us

 Plants provide one of the bases of food supply: without plant cultivation, there would be no food or fodder. If plants die, it affects the livelihood of farmers and producers,...

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