Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Farmers receive help in the fight against the vole invasion

In addition to the autumn rainy weather, Nébih’s latest decision can also help protect against field voles, which are proliferating in an increasingly large area of the country. The authority...

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It is still not too late to announce the agrotechnical operations/second sowings

Today, the Hungarian State Treasury will start preparing and sending out to customers the fifth round of information letters related to the 2023 unified application, and also the last one...

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The new agricultural and rural development tenders will start at the beginning of next year

The 2024 tender schedule for agricultural and rural development subsidies has been prepared, almost HUF 2,900 billion in resources are available to farmers, announced Agriculture Minister István Nagy on his...

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MATE’s training portfolio is expanding with the Master’s degree in Agricultural Technical Systems Engineering

The Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences will launch a new master’s degree in agricultural technical systems engineering in February 2024, to which you can enroll with a bachelor’s...

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The producer price of broiler chicken is almost 20 percent higher compared to the same period in 2022

According to AKI PÁIR data, the live weight producer price of slaughter chickens in Hungary rose by 20.2 percent to HUF 494.4/kg, and that of slaughter turkeys by 25.9 percent...

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Is the European meat tax coming? We summarize in four points why we should not fall for this simplistic narrative

The anti-meat narrative has gained strength again in Brussels. Recently, one of the chief scientific advisers of the European Commission spoke about his support for the introduction of a European...

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In heavily infected areas, anti-pox products can be used in conjunction with treatment, but in higher doses

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) amended the use permit of Pocok Tox MAX and Rodent Stop rodenticides in view of the serious pest situation affecting several regions of...

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The price of slaughter heifers and slaughter cows has decreased

In the European Union, the slaughterhouse entry price of the young bull “R3” commercial class was 4.84 euros/kilogram cold carcass weight in September 2023, a decrease of 3 percent compared...

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The UBM Group closed the 2022-2023 business year with a pre-tax profit of over HUF 913 million

UBM Holding Nyrt. closed its business year from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 with a pre-tax profit of HUF 913.1 million, while a year earlier its profit was...

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Chamber of Agriculture: rabbit meat consumption in Hungary is undeservedly low

Hungarians undeservedly ignore one of the healthiest sources of protein, even though rabbit meat has excellent nutritional and physiological properties; Although the dynamically developing trend of the domestic rabbit sector has...

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The Hungarian Bread Program awarded young agricultural professionals

Twelve young agricultural professionals from Transylvania, Subcarpathia and the mainland received support for their studies and farming as part of the Hungarian bread for the future scholarship program, thanks to...

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Rabbit meat is an excellent source of protein, but it is rarely on Hungarians’ plates

Hungarians undeservedly neglect one of the healthiest sources of protein. Rabbit meat not only has excellent nutritional and physiological properties, it also tastes great. The domestic rabbit sector has undergone significant...

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Reference prices and average yield data for this year’s damage mitigation benefit

After the agricultural damages that occurred in this year’s damage mitigation year, the injured parties who filed a damage report during the damage mitigation period of 2023 can submit the...

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The national veterinarian once again ordered the compulsory confinement of poultry

Due to the increased risk of bird flu, the national chief veterinarian Dr. Szabolcs Pásztor ordered the compulsory confinement of poultry kept for commercial purposes in high-risk areas. In the...

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Digital agriculture specialists are trained in Csongrád

The technological changes affecting agriculture are taking place at an exponential rate, and our task is to adapt agricultural vocational training to this and make it attractive for young people. All...

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The average yields of corn and winter apples also doubled

Based on the data of the operational reports for the subject date of October 8, 97.7 percent of the sunflower sowing area has already been harvested, so far a total...

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Until now, the most advances have been paid to farmers in Békés County

On October 16, the advance payment of direct agricultural subsidies to farmers began, in which Békés County is in first place nationally, the Békés County Government Office announced on Friday...

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Fall is here, pumpkin season is here

The increasingly popular autumn-winter delicacy among domestic consumers is not only delicious, but also a real vitamin bomb, and thanks to its rich carontinoid content, it is also widely used...

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We train specialists in digital agriculture

The technological changes affecting agriculture are taking place at an exponential rate, and our task is to adapt agricultural vocational training to this and make it attractive for young people. All...

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Producer cooperation can provide an answer to the problems of agriculture

Producer cooperation can provide an answer to the problems of agriculture – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stated on Thursday in Szentes. István Nagy said at the Autumn Harvest Professional...

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The Chamber of Agriculture promotes the consumption of local products

Hungarian farmers produce quality food all over the country, and by buying a higher proportion of local products, consumers can help rural producers to get to the market quickly, the...

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Tense dilemmas in the regulation of European agriculture

Environmental sustainability is one of the most difficult topics of our time from a civilizational point of view. Although we deal a lot with the feasibility of sustainable development at the...

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Local products must play a prominent role

With local products, the transportation route of food can be reduced, and the producer, the processor and the consumer are not only physically “close” to each other, but a relationship...

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The 81st OMÉK has come to an end, nearly fifty thousand people visited

Hungary’s largest agricultural event The 81st National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK), organized every two years by the Agricultural Marketing Center commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture,...

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In the center is the fallow land covered with soil

Next year, the conditions for fallow areas with soil cover that can be accounted for in HMKÁ 8 will be changed. Therefore, farmers should pay special attention to the crop...

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The world market price of corn has decreased

According to Tallage, the world market price of corn fell between September 9 and October 5 due to the arrival of the American crop on the market, the record volume...

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It’s not worth saving on the metal-sealed seed!

The actors of the domestic seed sector expect a decrease in the use of metal-sealed seeds. The reason behind this is the deterioration of farmers’ liquidity situation, however, the National Chamber...

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A joint initiative of K&H and AKI: the agricultural CO2 calculator

On October 10, 2023, the K&H Group presented its gap-filling initiative created with the Institute of Agricultural Economics, the K&H agricultural CO2 calculator, which is available free of charge and...

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This year, the Ukrainian grain harvest may be somewhat larger than last year

The Ukrainian agricultural consulting company APK-Inform has worsened its forecast for Ukraine’s grain harvest this year, but the amount will still modestly exceed last year. The organization calculates that this...

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Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century

Hungarian agriculture can be the big winner of the 21st century, thanks to the development resources it can return to the forefront of Europe within a few years – said...

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