Tag "MBH"

Inflation stood at 3.7% in April

Slightly below our expectations, the annual rate of inflation rose to 3.7% in April. The monthly price change was +0.7%, also slightly below our expectation of 0.8-0.9%. Core inflation moderated,...

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In alliance with agriculture: MBH Bank responds to the challenges of the market together with professional organizations

MBH Bank has signed a cooperation agreement with the Association of Hungarian Livestock Breeders, the National Association of Grain Growers, the Milk Trade Organization and Product Council, and the FruitVeb...

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Easter eggs can be a third cheaper than last year

By Easter, the average consumer price of eggs can be around HUF 60, which means that customers can get one of the essential staple foods for the holiday one third...

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MBH: the prospects for the Hungarian food industry continued to improve in the third quarter

This year, after the strengthening experienced in the first half of the year, the prospects of the Hungarian food industry improved further in the third quarter, the more favorable situation...

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MBH AgrárTrend Index: Cautious optimism characterizes the players in Hungarian agriculture

After a year of continuous decline, the value of the MBH AgrárTrend Index rose again in the first quarter of 2023. Due to the drop in energy and fodder prices,...

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