Tag "Magyar Zöldség-Gyümölcs Szakmaközi Szervezet"

Nature is in a hurry: the berry season starts earlier

As a result of this year’s warm winter and mild spring, nature woke up early and the season of most fruit varieties started about 10-14 days earlier than usual. This...

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Domestic berry fruit cultivation could be saved

Even though there is a demand for berries from consumers and the processing industry, domestic cultivation has been pushed into the background in recent decades. Partly due to climate change...

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The impact of extreme weather: the cherry harvest in Hungary has decreased

According to the latest analysis of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Association (FruitVeB), this year’s cherry harvest may be significantly lower than average...

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Apricot growers expect a long season

This year, apricot harvesting began two weeks earlier than usual on the domestic plantations.Although there is no problem with the quality so far, the quantity was significantly affected by the...

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The domestic cherries are ripening. The popular fruit will soon be available in larger quantities on the markets

The domestic cherry season started earlier than usual, the picking of the early varieties started already in mid-May, but a larger quantity of the popular fruit will be on the...

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With the spread of health-conscious nutrition, the popularity of spinach is also increasing in our country

Due to its outstanding protein and mineral content, spinach is one of the vegetables with the highest nutritional value. According to the map of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and...

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Vegetables on the grill – or as a side dish

The barbecue season kicks off with the arrival of really good weather, when a wide range of fresh Hungarian peppers and tomatoes become available. This article is available for reading...

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Hungarian strawberries are already ripening, a good harvest is expected this year

Hungarian strawberries are already ripening in heated and unheated foil tents, and the harvest can also begin in open-field plantations at the beginning of May. According to the overview of...

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This year’s asparagus season started earlier than usual

Thanks to the sudden warming, this spring asparagus picking started three weeks earlier than usual in domestic gardens. According to the joint market overview of the National Chamber of Agriculture and...

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Our country is still at the forefront of horseradish cultivation

In addition to the domestic market, there is plenty of high-quality Hungarian horseradish for export. In addition to the well-known – and in great demand during the Easter period –...

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The investments of the past few years in domestic horticulture have paid off

Grown peppers and tomatoes can now be found on store shelves all year round, and from mid-April the entire sector will be supplying not only the domestic but also the...

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NAK: as spring approaches, more and more domestic vegetables are available in stores

Starting from the early spring period, more and more domestic vegetables are entering the shops and Hungarian goods are taking the place of imports – it is clear from the...

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As spring approaches, more and more domestic vegetables are available in stores

Domestic lettuce and spring onions are available on the market almost all year round, but larger quantities are available in early spring, when imported goods are replaced by domestic produce...

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The winter pantry hides a treasure

The queen of root vegetables is tuberous celery, which can be included in our diet in extremely diverse ways. More and more people are recognizing the benefits of vegetables with a...

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Gyarapodó kihívások, felsejlő kilátások

A hazai zöldség-gyümölcs ágazat szereplőit az elmúlt időszakban az egyre inkább szélsőségessé váló időjárás, valamint a fokozódó munkaerőhiány mellett számos más gazdasági és politikai tényező is kíméletlenül sújtotta. A drasztikus...

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The horticulture sector received almost HUF 200 billion in support

The government has supported nearly seven thousand horticultural investments with around HUF 185 billion in recent years, which, in addition to helping farmers, has created a huge opportunity to reduce...

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Few sweet chestnuts were produced in Europe this year, the processing industry is in trouble

This year was not favorable for sweet chestnuts, the European harvest is far below the average, which also affects the amount of processed products – according to the overview of...

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Domestic melon production can be strengthened through cooperation

There is room for development in the domestic melon sector, the demand for Hungarian watermelons is increasing on the export markets. However, in order to take advantage of the opportunities, greater...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the domestic mushroom sector successfully recovered from the difficulties caused by the coronavirus epidemic

Like other agricultural sectors, the mushroom sector was also challenged by the coronavirus epidemic, from which, however, the sector successfully recovered; and with the rise of a healthier diet, the demand...

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Pumpkin consumption has been steadily increasing for years

According to the overview published by the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Association, FruitVeB, domestic pumpkin consumption has been steadily increasing in recent years, and...

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Mushrooms are a true superfood that can be found in any diet

Mushrooms are a superfood that can be included in any diet. It is no coincidence that ingredients with a specific taste are increasingly appearing on Hungarian plates. According to the joint...

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Let’s also choose domestic ones from cabbages!

Although most types of cabbage can be found in stores all year round, their real season begins in autumn, with the arrival of colder weather. Unfortunately, domestic kale producers are in...

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Beetroot is becoming more and more popular among Hungarian consumers

 There is a real superfood on Hungarian soil, beetroot, rich in vitamins and minerals, is being grown by farmers in an ever-increasing area, according to the joint market overview of...

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Fall is here, pumpkin season is here

The increasingly popular autumn-winter delicacy among domestic consumers is not only delicious, but also a real vitamin bomb, and thanks to its rich carontinoid content, it is also widely used...

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A more balanced nut crop is expected this year than before

Farmers on domestic walnut plantations are confident of a good harvest this year. After last year’s drought, a significant improvement in the quantity and quality of the harvest is expected. However,...

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Hungarian pears are already ripening, they are harvested by the end of October

The pear season is in full swing, one of autumn’s favorite fruits is picked on domestic plantations until the end of October. In our country, pears are grown on nearly 2,000...

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Severe frost damage decimated this year’s peach crop

The spring frosts caused significant damage to the peach plantations in Hungary, so a much weaker than average harvest is expected this year, according to the joint overview of the...

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The plum season is in full swing, the star fruit of autumn is already available in the markets

This year’s plum harvest will be weaker than average, farmers can harvest around 40-50 thousand tons of the popular fruit – according to the joint market overview of the National...

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In addition to supplying domestic consumers, fresh Hungarian tomatoes also reach foreign markets

From April until the onset of winter, fresh Hungarian tomatoes are waiting for customers, according to the joint market overview of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Hungarian Fruit...

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This year’s melon season is going well

There is an abundant supply on the domestic melon market, and in addition to the quantity, there is no complaint about the quality either. High-quality Hungarian watermelons are produced in all...

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