Tag "magyar gazdaság"

Economic growth can substantially accelerate this year

The gross domestic product (GDP) increased less than expected in the fourth quarter of last year, but this year the analysts interviewed by MTI expect a substantial acceleration. The Central...

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KSH: GDP rose by 2.0 percent in 2016

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter of 2016 rose 1.6 percent last year, compared to the same period of the previous year. In 2016, GDP rose by...

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Consumer prices grew by 2.3 percent in January

Consumer prices increased by an average of 2.3 percent in January, comapred to the previous year – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced. Compared to December last year, consumer prices...

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The European Commission expects a 3.5 percent growth for Hungary in 2017 and a 3.2 percent growth for 2018

The European Commission expects a 3.5 percent growth for Hungary this year and a 3.2 percent growth for the next year. The European Commission published its winter economic forecast for...

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Erzsébet vouchers: increased sales

According to the data of Central Statistical Office, institutions and businesses requested Erzsébet vouchers in December 2016 in a value of nearly 53 billion HUF. This is more than two...

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CIB Fund Management: Hungarian economic growth this year will be above 3 percent year on year

According to the CIB Fund Management, the Hungarian economic growth will be above 3 percent this year, while inflation will be between 2-3 percent. Hajdu Egon, investment director at the...

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The Széchenyi Card Program closed its most successful year in 2016

The Széchenyi Card Program closed its most successful year of its existence in 2016, when the lending was the highest in the last 15 years, 180 billion HUF – Krisán...

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KSH: export growth continues further

Last November, export value in euros increased by 5.8, while the value of imports increased by 5.1 percent, compared to the same month of the previous year. The trade surplus...

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GKI: economic growth may be around 3 percent this year

After last year’s 2 percent, Hungary’s GDP growth will be around 3 percent this year. In particular, due to the restart of the EU support a significant growth will occur...

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KAVOSZ: 2017 will be a strong year in the use of EU funds

2017 will be a strong year in the use of EU funds because an incredible amount of EU funds will arrive to the market – Krisán László, CEO of the...

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Raiffeisen: the outlook for the Hungarian economy is very favorable

The outlook for the Hungarian economy is extremely favorable: the expansion of the GDP may be over three percent this year and for the next year – Török Zoltán, chief...

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Analysts: this year’s expected inflation rate exceeds 2 percent

Macroeconomic analysts who responded to the Central Statistical Office’s (KSH) fresh data told MTI that they expect more than 2 percent inflation this year. According to the report, consumer prices...

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A record year in Hungarian foreign trade

The Hungarian foreign trade closed a record year in 2016 in all respects – Szijjártó Péter Foreign Economic Relations and Foreign Minister stressed. In response to the January-November 2016 foreign...

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GKI expects a 3 percent growth in the economy and a 5 percent in consumption next year

The Hungarian economy is essentially proceed along the path indicated in September. Due to the decline in EU subsidies, the 2 percent GDP growth of 2016 is one of the...

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The Kopint- Tárki improved its growth forecast for next year

The Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Intézet Zrt. (Kopint- Tárki Business Climate Research Institute Plc.) has improved its forecast for next year's GDP growth from the 2.7 percent forecasted in October to 3.2...

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Takarékbank: economic growth may be 2.1 percent this year and 3.6 percent next year

According to the analysts of the Takarékbank (Savings Bank), the economic growth of Hungary may be 2.1 percent this year and 3.6 percent next year and 4 percent in 2018....

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There is still no inflationary pressure in the economy

The November inflation data did not cause a surprise – according to the analysts interviewed by MTI. Despite the wage increases there is still no inflationary pressures in the economy....

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The inflation rate was above 1 percent in November

In November, consumer prices were on average 1.1 percent higher than a year before. Compared with the previous month, prices increased by an average of 0.1 percent – the Central...

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GKI: wage increase prospects for the next year

The low level of wages in Hungary is becoming a more acute problem. While the employees feel the severity of the problem for a long, the employers are beginning to...

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KSH: retail sales rose in October

The volume of retail sales increased by 2.6 percent in October, compared to the same period of last year, both according to the calendar adjusted and raw data – the...

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VOSZ: serious tasks await the entrepreneurs

The Hungarian economy had a good year, but serious challenges await the entrepreneurs in order to increase the country's competitiveness – Demján Sándor, President of the National Association of Entrepreneurs...

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The volume of commercial real estate investments has doubled

The volume of commercial real estate investment transactions increased to 1.5 billion euros (457 billion HUF), in the first three quarters of this year in Hungary, which is the double...

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The PMI of November is on a two decades peak

The Purchasing Manager Index indicates an expansion for the eleventh month now. The seasonally adjusted value of the index in November was 56.6 percent, the third highest in the past...

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GKI: growth can be around 2 percent this year

The GKI confirmed its expected annual 2 percent growth forecast for the whole year, after the 2 percent increase of this year's third quarter. Thanks to the re-start of the...

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The agriculture and market services contributed most to GDP growth

According to the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, the agriculture and market services contributed to the 2 percent GDP expansion in the third quarter in the greatest...

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Hungarian Export Day: another record may come this year

On the basis of the current informations, the Hungarian economy is expected to be able to show the highest export figures of its history – Szijjártó Péter Foreign Economic Relations...

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An agreement was born on next year's wages

On Tuesday, the government agreed with the social partners over the next two years’, minimum wage increase and contribution reduction. Due to the agreement, the Minister of National Economy expects...

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GKI: business and consumer expectations have improved

In November – after the three year nadir in October – the GKI economic index has strengthened to the levels of Spring. According to the survey of GKI (www.gki.hu), conducted...

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With corporate tax cuts 145 billion HUF will stay at the businesses

In the wake of the uniform reduction of the corporate tax rate to 9 percent, 145 billion HUF will remain at the businesses and the step would provide the most...

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Analysts: The economy may accelerate at the end of the year

The 2.0 percent GDP growth in the third quarter met analysts' consensus. Suppan Gergely, the analys of Savings Bank in his commentary sent to MTI drew attention that growth may...

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