Tag "magyar gazdaság"

European Commission: Hungary has reached the peak of growth

Hungary is approaching the peak of a cyclical growth period, according to an analysis published in the European Winter Package of the European Semester, in which the European Commission considers...

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The amount of cash in circulation is on top in Hungary

Although cash in circulation increased to 6,117 billion HUF in Hungary, and 74 percent of daily purchases are still carried out with cash, more and more innovative payment solutions are...

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KSH: the number of employees continued to increase

Between November 2018 and January 2019, the average number of employees was 4 million 481 thousand, 45 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of 15-64 year-olds increased...

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MKIK: business confidence fell slightly in the fourth quarter of last year

According to the survey of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK GVI), on the basis of the January data, the economic performance of the fourth quarter of 2018...

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The engines of the Hungarian economy to be awarded again this year

Hungary’s leading small and medium-sized enterprises to be ranked again in 2019. The full list and the podium categories will be announced at the Aquincum Hotel in Budapest on 21...

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GKI: Business expectations deteriorated slightly, while consumer expectations improved in February

Although the GKI economic sentiment index was rising constantly in the last quarter of 2018, it declined during the first two months of 2019. Of business expectations only expectations of...

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KSH: retail sales increased by six percent in 2018

Retail trade turnover in December last year was 3.7 percent higher than a year ago, according to the raw data. Calendar day effect adjusted the growth was 4.1 percent. In...

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The average earnings increased by more than 11 percent last year

In December last year, the average gross earnings were 360,000 HUF, 10.2 percent more than a year before. In January-December 2018, gross average earnings were 329,900 HUF, and net average...

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MNB: Hungarian households increased their savings with 5.9 percent of last year’s GDP

Hungarian households increased their savings by 2500 billion HUF, equivalent to 5.9 percent of GDP in 2018, of which 735 billion HUF was realized in the fourth quarter, which is...

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KSH: GDP grew by 4.8 percent last year

According to the raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 4.8 percent, according to the raw data. Seasonally and calendar effect adjusted the growth was 4.9 percent in...

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MNB: over the past half year, inflation has been around 3 percent

Over the past six months, inflation has fluctuated around 3 percent, and for a long period of time, there has been no example of this since the introduction of the...

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Prices increased by 2.7 percent in January

In January this year, consumer prices were on average 2.7 percent higher than a year before, just like last December – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday. The...

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Analysts: foreign trade surplus may rise again from 2020

The worse outlook for the global market and the continued strong growth in consumer and investment demand in the domestic market will lead to a slight decrease in the foreign...

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Ministry of Agriculture has decided on more than 1,300 billion HUF so far in the Rural Development Program

More than 1,300 billion forints have been decided in the Rural Development Program so far, supporting 176,000 applications – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Saturday. The ministry wrote...

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KSH: Foreign trade balance surplus remained above six billion euros in 2018

The value of exports in euro increased by 4.3 percent in 2018, while imports increased by 6.9 percent, compared to the previous year. Foreign trade balance surplus became 6,041 billion...

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The European Commission has improved its growth forecast for Hungary

The European Commission has improved its forecast for the growth of Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP), expecting 3.4 percent growth for this year, compared to the 3.2 percent previous expectations....

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Analysts: retail sales growth was surprisingly slow last December

The annual growth rate of retail sales surprisingly slowed down in December last year – market analysts told MTI, commenting the data of KSH’s first estimate published today. They conclude...

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(HU) Csökkenéssel kezdte az évet a GKI konjunktúraindexe

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Retail sales increased by six percent in 2018

In December last year, retail trade turnover was 3.7 percent, according to the raw data, while calendar effect adjusted it was 4.1 percent higher than a year before. At the...

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The agricultural output exceeded 2,700 billion HUF

The key issue for the development of Hungarian agriculture is to increase production, which can be achieved by improving competitiveness and efficiency – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on...

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MNB: corporate lending accelerated in 2018

According to the data of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), corporate loan demand picked up last year. At the end of December, the debt of non-financial corporations against domestic...

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Raiffeisen expects 3.4 percent growth this year

This year, the economy may grow by 3.4 percent in Hungary, but in 2020-2021, the economy is expected to grow by only 2-3 percent – RaIffeisen Bank told MTI in...

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Imports increased

In November last year, the value of exports calculated in euro increased by 4.5 percent, while the value of imports calculated in euro increased by 7.3 percent – according to...

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According to the OECD, further reforms will contribute to a stronger and more inclusive Hungarian economic performance

Due to the high employment level, the Hungarian economy is in the middle of a strong recovery, which also increases wages, consumer confidence and domestic demand. According to the new...

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SMEs are calculating with stable financial results

Companies are calculating with stable 8 percent revenue growth, but with a slightly more modest, 4 percent profit growth this year. According to the latest data of the K&H SME...

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MLBKT: the purchasing manager index declined in January

The seasonally adjusted January value of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI) was 54.0 points after the 54.3 points of December – the Hungarian Logistics, Purchasing and Inventory Company (MTPL) announced...

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OECD: positive outlook, with risks

According to the latest OECD report about the Hungarian economy, economic growth will be 3.9 percent in 2019 and 3.3 percent in 2020. The report was presented to the public...

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Analysts: policy intervention is needed to increase employment

The Hungarian economy practically reached full employment last year. The 3.6 percent unemployment data of the fourth quarter of 2018 indicate a tight labor market, and a further policy intervention...

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GKI: 2018 was probably the best year of the decade for Hungary

GKI estimates that Hungary’s GDP expanded by 4.6 per cent in 2018 and this rate was remarkably high in the EU. The growth cycle is likely to have reached its...

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