Tag "külkereskedelem"

The European Commission has proposed closer trade relations with Africa

The European Commission has proposed a strong “Africa-Europe Alliance” to significantly increase investment in Africa, boost trade, invest in job creation and invest in education and skills development. According to...

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Analysts: the foreign trade balance surplus may be lower this year

Both exports and imports in euros are growing dynamically, but the surplus of the foreign trade balance is expected to be lower in 2018 than last year – macroeconomic analysts...

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KSH: showed a two-digit increase in exports and imports in July

In July, exports in euros were 11.4 percent higher than in the previous year and imports increased by 10.6 percent. Foreign trade surplus was 373 million euros, 91 million euros...

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KSH: export surplus was over 1 billion euros in June

In June, the value of exports in euro was 9.1 percent, the value of imports was 8.0 percent more than a year before, the surplus of foreign trade turnover was...

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Britain is looking for commercial opportunities in Africa

African and London analysts both question that British trade with Africa in some way could replace the downturn that is expected in the British trade after Brexit – Financial Times...

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The Canadian poultry demand is a good option

Canadian producers have been able to keep pace with the growth of poultry consumption thanks to the professional market organization, but in 2019 they will need 180 thousand tons of...

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Germany would open the EU market before Africa

The German Minister of Development proposes a special commissioner and the abolition of tariffs and quotas for African agricultural products – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The European Union should fully open...

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Surpluses in June rose above analysts’ expectations

In June, the second-highest foreign trade surplus of all time surprised the analysts, but did not shake their conviction that import and export growth will accelerate further this year as...

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KSH: foreign trade surpluses in June broke a two-year record

In June, the value of exports in euros increased by 8.9 percent, while the value of imports in euro increased by 8.4 percent, compared to a year before. The foreign...

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The exports of American soybeans exported into the EU increased by more than 280 percent

The exports of American soybeans exported into the EU increased by approximately 280 percent in July, compared to July last year – the European Commission announced. According to the Brussels...

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The KSH reported about nearly 600 million euros export surplus

In May, exports in euro were up 0.2 percent, imports increased by 2.9 percent, compared to the same period of last year. Foreign trade surplus was 596 million euros, 226...

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Agricultural advisors can help food export at Polish embassies

Poland strongly intends to stimulate food exports. The Minister of Rural Development urges to hire agricultural advisors to embassies – agrarszektor.hu wrote after syngenta.blog.hu. Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, Minister of Rural...

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The trading house held training courses for Hungarian entrepreneurs in Székelyföld

Entrepreneurship and export development trainings were held for Székelyföld’s Hungarian entrepreneurs, organized by the Hungarian National Chamber of Commerce (MNKH) on Wednesday in Tusnadfürdő, within the framework of the professional...

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The Czechs will check the imported Polish food more strictly

In the future, the Czech Ministry of Agriculture wants to check the foods imported from abroad more closely if they have previously experienced problems with the manufacturer. If they find...

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The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement has been signed

The comprehensive free trade agreement between the European Union and Japan has been signed by the leaders of the EU and Japan in Tokyo on Tuesday. The parties hope that...

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Ministry of Agriculture: Feed can be delivered again to Ukraine

Feed and herbal medicines can be re-exported to Ukraine from areas of Hungary that are not affected by ASF – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Monday. According to...

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Foreign trade surplus was 577 million euros in May

In May, the value of exports in euro was practically unchanged in annual terms, imports increased by 2.9 percent and foreign trade surplus decreased by 245 million euros to 577...

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The turnover of agricultural products with Vietnam is good

The foreign trade of agricultural products expanded dynamically in Asia in recent years – the Ministry of Agriculture told MTI on Saturday, reporting about the visit of Minister Nagy István...

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Trade flow is becoming more and more significant on the Silk Road

The rail freight trade between China and Europe is growing at a remarkable pace: the network can no longer handle the load, although Beijing is investing huge amounts of money...

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The service sector is continuously expanding in Hungary

The performance of services in Hungary has been expanding for years, and now it has four times the value of the industry in the entire economy – Csath Magdolna economist...

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The EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement was given a green light

The Council of EU Member States approved the signing of the free trade agreement between the European Union and Japan on Friday. The signing is expected to take place on...

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Hungary can become an important player in the world market for kosher food

Hungary can become an important player in the valuable kosher food market of the world – Magyar Levente, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told MTI...

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KSH foreign trade surplus was 517 million euros in April

In April, the volume of exports increased by 11.7 and its imports grew by 16.2 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, while the foreign trade surplus...

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Agricultural exports to China can be expanded

Agricultural exports to China can be expanded, especially in the exports of high-processed products, – the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said at the consultation he...

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Hungary continues to expand its agricultural relations with Africa

Research and business cooperation, as well as the existing forms of knowledge transfer can provide a solid foundation for the further development of Hungarian-African agricultural relations – Farkas Sándor, Minister...

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Exports and imports showed a double-digit growth

In April, the value of exports in euro was 10.7, while imports increased by 15.7 percent over the same period of last year. The turnover was affected by the fact...

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Imports rose more than exports

In the first quarter, the value of exports in euros was 3.4, the value of imports in euros was 3.9 percent higher than in the same period of last year,...

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Food imports have grown

The value of exports calculated in euros increased by 3.7 percent, while imports decreased by 1.1 percent, compared to March last year. Foreign trade surplus decreased by 255 million euros...

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The Hungarian-Vietnamese economic relations are expanding rapidly

Hungarian-Vietnamese trade flow grew by 79 percent in 2017, reaching 357 million USD, while growth remained in 2018 – Varga Mihály finance minister emphasized, after talks on Monday in Budapest...

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World Bank: foreign trade is the easiest from Hungary

Out of the 190 countries, the trading across borders is the easiest in Hungary – according to the World Bank’s Doing Business rankings – mfor.hu wrote. The ranking of the...

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