Tag "KAP Stratégiai Terv"

The animal farm development program continues

With a total budget of HUF 200 billion, two new calls for tenders have been published to support the development of livestock farms within the framework of the KAP Strategic...

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Never before have so many agricultural investments in irrigation development received support

Due to the changed climatic conditions, all irrigation development projects that farmers want to implement have received support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Minister of Agriculture István Nagy announced on...

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Results and experiences of the first year of the Agro-ecological Program

Following the 2023 applications of the new green area-based subsidy, the Agro-ecological Program (AÖP), nearly 51,000 producers received a total of HUF 92.5 billion in payments for approximately 3.6 million...

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Targeted subsidies help domestic potato cultivation

It is a priority to ensure that domestic potato production is competitive and that farmers have an adequate commodity base – said Sándor Farkas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of...

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AM: calls for tenders to support investments in processing plants have been published

The government regards the food industry as a strategic sector, so the sector can count on special support opportunities in the coming years as well. Within the framework of the...

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New animal welfare grants worth HUF 42.5 billion

The government supports sustainable and efficient animal husbandry with all possible means, and therefore encourages the improvement of animal welfare with various subsidies. In recent days, the Ministry of Agriculture...

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New agricultural investment decisions worth HUF 10.8 billion were made

In the past few days, the Ministry of Agriculture made support decisions worth 10.84 billion forints in relation to 171 more requests in connection with the calls announced within the...

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Facilitation of land use change through social consultation

Based on the Strategic Plan of Hungary’s Common Agrarian Policy (KAP), the social consultation of the draft call for tenders entitled “Investments promoting land use change and their maintenance” has...

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The countryside is the key to the renewal and success of Hungary in the 21st century

As part of its commitment to improving Hungarian agriculture and the quality of life in rural areas, the Hungarian government continues to invest in the modernization of livestock farms. The...

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The government stands by the grape growers and the winemakers

There are enough challenges in the grape and wine sector, but the Hungarian government stands by the producers and the winemakers, as it has so far and will continue to...

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An online conference series on organic farming is starting

Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. is launching an online conference series. The purpose of the information, consisting of three events, is to help processing plants, horticulture and livestock farms to effectively...

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The Council of the EU has adopted the review of the EU’s common agricultural policy

The Council of the European Union has definitively accepted the review of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which aims to reduce the administrative burden on EU farmers and ensure greater...

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Development in agriculture is unbroken

The poultry sector is the most competitive and also the most concentrated livestock sector in our country. It contributes to the improvement of the foreign trade balance, since poultry accounts...

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The European Parliament has accepted proposals to reduce the burden on farmers

As a result of the European farmers’ protests, the European Parliament approved the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which primarily serves to reduce the burden on farmers. Our...

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The network of village farmers and the range of services provided to chamber members have been expanded

In response to the challenges posed by the new Common Agricultural Policy, the National Chamber of Agriculture has transformed and expanded its network of village farmers to around 700 people....

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This year’s asparagus season started earlier than usual

Thanks to the sudden warming, this spring asparagus picking started three weeks earlier than usual in domestic gardens. According to the joint market overview of the National Chamber of Agriculture and...

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The submission of uniform applications for 2024 has started

The legislation required for the submission of uniform applications has been published. Thus, between April 10, 2024 and June 10, 2024, farmers can submit their applications for 44 direct support and...

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This year’s support program for the beekeeping industry is starting

Beekeepers can benefit from more than HUF 3 billion, as the regulation of the sector’s support program according to the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy has been published...

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Support for irrigation development continues

Farmers must be supported in being able to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change and at the same time increase the cultivation of crops with greater added value. As...

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Professional information on the rules of the Good Agricultural and Environmental Status and the Agro-ecology Program for 2024

In parallel with the legal finalization of the regulations for the uniform applications for 2024, which will be published within weeks, the Ministry of Agriculture will also share the details...

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The payment of support related to Natura 2000 grasslands has begun

In the first round, nearly 7,000 farmers will receive support worth more than HUF 7.5 billion through the call for tenders entitled “VP4-12.1.1-16 “Compensation payments for Natura 2000 agricultural areas”....

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Subsidies and opportunities in agriculture

The new support system will continue to help farmers adapt to the changed market and production conditions – declared Dr. Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, at...

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The application wave starts in the spring

The drafts of the first calls for tenders for rural development published this year are already available and can be commented on on the CAP thematic page of the Ministry...

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The horticulture sector can be renewed through integration

Integration is unavoidable for efficient development and renewal of the horticulture sector. And for this, it is necessary to make effective use of the tender opportunities. That is why we continue...

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The conditions for ewe support will become more favorable

This year, the conditions for subsidizing production-bound ewes will become more favorable with the first amendment to Hungary’s KAP Strategic Plan. It is important to inform farmers about the two...

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Subsidies for Hungarian farmers are also guaranteed in 2024

The Hungarian government recognizes the importance of domestic agriculture: agricultural subsidies have been provided this year as well, which give a significant impetus to the development of agriculture and the...

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Historical subsidies help agriculture

Last year, we set a new record, as the amount of agricultural subsidies successfully applied for and paid out exceeded HUF 1,300 billion in total – Minister of Agriculture István...

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Last year’s legislative proposals of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy were successful

Legislation did not rest in the past year, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) also took an active part in the development and amendment of legislation affecting agriculture and...

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The efficiency of pig farming has improved

The domestic pig sector has made significant progress in the last few years. Although the stock fell in line with the European trend, the reduction is partly due to increased efficiency....

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The Agrár Széchenyi Card with special interest subsidy can be applied for until June 2024

It is good news for farmers that it has been achieved in Brussels to extend and increase the amount of the temporary support entitlements, which are important for agriculture and...

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