Tag "jégeső"

The drought was eased by the stormy Whitsunday weekend, JÉGER’s operation was needed across the country

The soil generators operated by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) did not rest during the long Pentecost weekend. The operation of the National Ice Damage Mitigation System (JÉGER) was...

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Bulgaria’s fruit growers are in big trouble

Without government help, the sector could be on the brink of bankruptcy. The spring frosts and last week’s hail destroyed 70-80 percent of the crop. Cruel conditions prevail in the Bulgarian...

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NAK: The ice protection system has started its fifth season

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) launched the National Ice Mitigation System (JÉGER) on April 15, thus starting its fifth defense season, the chamber announced in a statement on Wednesday....

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Chamber of Agriculture: the ice mitigation system prevented a lot of damage this year again

The national ice mitigation system prevented a lot of damage again this year: during the 169 days of this year’s defense period, which ended at the end of September, the...

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NAK: significantly less damages occured thanks to the hail damage mitigation system

The hail damage mitigation system, which has been operating in Europe for two years and is unique in Europe, has resulted in significantly less damages – the president of the...

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AM Minister of State: the ice mitigation system protects the country from damages worth tens of billions

Due to the operation of the soil generator ice mitigation system, the expenses paid by the Compensation Fund for ice damage were reduced by 1 billion HUF and it protected...

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The National Ice Damage Mitigation System operates from 1 May

The National Ice Damage Mitigation System is operated from 1 May. The National Ice Damage Mitigation System does not imply any additional obligations for farmers, as it is funded by...

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The ice damage mitigation system can be operated in the entire Carpathian Basin

The national ice damage mitigation system will be launched on 1 May and will be able to operate throughout the Carpathian Basin. Győrffy Balázs, the president of the National Chamber...

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The hail in the Mátra wine region in May caused Brutal damages

The mid-May hail this year hit the Mátra wine region seriously. Damages can be up to 100 million HUF, and a large number of crops were completely destroyed – agrarszektor.hu...

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Smaller grape yield is expected, due to hail in the Szekszárd wine region

Due to the hail, occured on hundreds of hectares smaller grape harvest is expected, compared to last year in the Szekszárd wine region, while in the non-damaged areas quality grapes...

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Mátra wine region was swept away by the hailstorm

The damages caused by the hail on Saturday surpassed the preliminary estimates in the Mátra wine region. About three hundred million HUF damage is expected – the president of the...

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A tender to prevent of hail damages

The Prime Minister’s Office published an application that supports investments for the prevention from hail damages – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The applications can be submitted between 14 March 2017 and 13...

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This year hail caused less damages than last year in agriculture

The number of hail-stricken farmlands and claims also fell slightly compared to last year, but compensation claims due to the hail were still announced for 44 703 hectares. This year,...

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