Tag "ipari paradicsom"

The world’s largest industrial tomato processors are meeting in Budapest

The biggest players in the global industrial tomato processing and production sector have arrived in Budapest for the 15th World Congress and 17th Symposium of the World Industrial Tomato Council...

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The production volume of industrial tomatoes may increase by 38 percent this year

According to the October forecast of the World Federation of Tomato Processors (WPTC), the amount of industrial tomatoes in Hungary may increase by 38 percent to 110,000 tons in 2023...

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We can be a decisive player in European tomato processing

Farmers engaged in industrial tomato production expect a good harvest this year as well. The success of the sector in recent years is well exemplified by the fact that products...

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The industrial tomato is the big winner

The production of vegetables declined by about one hundred thousand tonnes last year, mainly due to the Russian embargo, however, the production of industrial tomato cultivation increased, and there is...

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