Tag "infláció"

Inflation slowed in the United States in July

In July, inflation and core inflation in the United States slowed down as expected, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s statistical institute in Washington. Based on Wednesday’s report from...

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The core inflation rate calculated without food and energy prices did not change on a monthly basis in the USA

A várakozások alatt alakult júliusban a termelőiárak emelkedése mind havi, mind éves bázison a washingtoni munkaügyi minisztérium statisztikai intézete, az U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics kedden publikált jelentése alapján. Az...

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Annual inflation in Romania accelerated to 5.42 percent in July, food prices rose by 1.71 percent

Annual inflation in Romania rose to 5.42 percent in July from 4.94 percent the previous month, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Monday. Inflation in Romania slowed continuously...

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July inflation in Hungary was higher than expected

Against our expectation of 4.0%, the annual rate of inflation rose to 4.1% in July, following the 3.7% annual increase in June. Compared to the previous month, the price of...

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Inflation in Germany accelerated slightly in July

In July, inflation in Germany accelerated slightly based on the final data published by the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, on Friday. In July, consumer prices in Germany rose by...

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KSH: in July, consumer prices increased by 4.1 percent on average compared to the same month of the previous year

In July 2024, consumer prices were on average 4.1 percent higher than a year earlier, the Central Statistics Office (KSH) reported on Thursday. Compared to June, prices rose by an...

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NGM: in accordance with market expectations, inflation remains at a low level

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office, the rate of inflation reached 4.1 percent on an annual basis in July 2024, which is favorable in line with...

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Will the price increase continue?

According to the latest data, Hungarian customers still could not escape the drastic price increase of certain foodstuffs. In the past month, the prices of flour, UHT milk, and granulated...

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Dairy products are becoming more expensive in Hungary: what is behind this?

Dairy products are still a favorite of Hungarian consumers, but recently there has been a significant price increase in stores. Some products, especially milk, rose in price by HUF 150-200...

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The government guarantees that there will continue to be a flood of tourists in Croatia

Croatia remains an attractive destination for tourists, and the government aims to keep it that way. In order to do this, Croatian tourism providers must maintain the price restrictions that...

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German inflation accelerated in July

Inflation in Germany accelerated in July, according to a Tuesday report based on preliminary data by the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis. In July, the consumer price index was 2.3...

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Cheeseburgers have become too expensive

McDonald’s reported a drop in sales in the second quarter of 2024, the first time the fast-food chain has seen a decline in 13 quarters. According to the company’s CEO,...

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6 out of 10 companies are planning a price increase

According to the results of the April half-year business cycle survey of the MKIK Economic and Entrepreneurship Research Institute, 61 percent of domestic businesses expect their domestic sales prices to...

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The food market is also feeling the extreme weather

In Hungary, it is expected that the price of flour and, consequently, of bread will increase in the coming months. Zoltán Lakatos, the president of the grain processing department of...

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Retail traffic and residential consumption may slowly recover

The development of retail sales and the recovery of household consumption have been a prominent topic among economists in recent months. The weakening of the German economy further increased the...

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In Austria, inflation slowed down in June

In accordance with the preliminary estimate, the annual growth of consumer prices in Austria fell to 3.0 percent, the lowest since July 2021, in June after the previous month’s 3.3...

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Inflation is managed in an interesting way by a supermarket

Inflation and its effect on purchasing power is one of the biggest concerns among the French. This problem has been a defining theme of the elections for years, Telex wrote....

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Eurozone inflation slowed in June

Annual inflation slowed down in the euro area in June, according to the final data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, on Wednesday. In June, annual...

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In Italy, after May, the annual inflation was 0.8 percent in June as well

In line with the preliminary estimate, consumer prices in Italy increased by 0.8 percent year-on-year in June, as in May, the Italian statistical office, Istat, announced on Tuesday as final...

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The unexpectedly low inflation in June surprised analysts

The Hungarian inflation data published this week caused a pleasant surprise: according to the Central Statistical Office (KSH), consumer prices in June 2024 were on average 3.7% higher than a...

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Food prices rose at an accelerating rate in Germany

Inflation in Germany slowed down in June, according to the final data of the federal statistical office, Destatis, presented on Thursday. In June, consumer prices were 2.2 percent higher than...

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Food prices rose by 1.1 percent in Romania

Annual inflation in Romania fell to 4.9 percent in June, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Thursday. June was the fifth month in a row when the growth...

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Annual inflation slowed in France in June

In France, the annual consumer price increase decreased to 2.2 percent in June from 2.3 percent in the previous month, according to the final data published on the website of...

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Food prices in China have been falling for twelve months

In June, the annual inflation in China moderated to a greater extent than expected: according to the Wednesday report of the National Bureau of Statistics, consumer prices rose by 0.2...

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The development of fuel and food prices moderated inflation in the Czech Republic

Annual inflation in the Czech Republic dropped to two percent in June from 2.6 percent in May, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Wednesday in Prague. The monthly price decrease...

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Consumer opinions about the end of the mandatory promotion are mixed

On July 1, the government canceled the 13-month mandatory promotions in stores, but the Price Monitor is still available on the website of the Economic Competition Authority. In the mfor.hu...

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KSH: in June, consumer prices increased by 3.7 percent on average compared to the same month of the previous year

In June 2024, consumer prices were on average 3.7 percent higher than a year earlier. Compared to May, prices did not change on average, food prices fell by 0.3 percent,...

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MBH Bank analysis: Inflation moderated in June

According to MBH Bank’s latest analysis, the annual rate of inflation fell to 3.7% in June 2024, which is below the previously expected level of 4%. The level of consumer...

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Márton Nagy: the decrease in inflation in June exceeded all expectations

The targeted measures of the government broke down and suppressed inflation. And measures such as the online price monitoring system generate lively retail competition and support inflation to remain at...

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In the OECD, inflation increased in May

In the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the annual growth of consumer prices accelerated to an average of 5.9 percent in May from 5.7...

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