Tag "infláció"

Hungarian food producers may be in serious danger due to the margin freeze

Following the introduction of the margin freeze, previously strictly confidential information has been made public: supplier prices can now be calculated back to almost anyone. This poses serious market risks...

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Margin stop works, says Márton Nagy

The margin freeze is working, the prices of more than a thousand products have been controlled – the Minister of National Economy emphasized in his video message on Tuesday, adding...

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Price increase and price decrease at the same time – the effect of the margin stop is felt in the first week

A significant rearrangement in food prices began following the margin freeze introduced on March 17. Although the aim of the official measure was to reduce the price of basic foodstuffs,...

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Viktor Orbán: retail chains made huge profits on food, we had to intervene

Retail chains have made huge profits on food. We had to intervene, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a video posted on the Hungarian government’s Facebook page on Sunday. He...

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Margin freeze here or there – has Hungarian shopping become cheaper? A test of prices in three countries

In the spring of 2024, the Hungarian government introduced another measure to curb inflation: a mark-up cap came into effect on 30 basic foodstuffs, the maximum mark-up of which was...

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Products affected by margin freeze have permanently low prices at Lidl

The government decree on margin caps came into effect on Monday, according to which larger grocery stores can apply a maximum margin of 10 percent on 30 basic foods. Lidl...

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Economic growth may finally start this year

Primarily due to the recovery in consumption, the Hungarian economy may grow by 2 percent this year. With the economic recovery, inflation has also regained strength, and the average annual...

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Margin is very much not profit

The government announced that it would introduce a margin cap on 30 food product groups from March 17, 2025, after food inflation reached 7.1 percent in February. The decision was...

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Despite global challenges, SMEs are still looking for breakthrough points in 2025

According to economic forecasts for 2025, businesses will face a number of challenges: high interest rates, inflationary pressures, geopolitical uncertainty and supply chain disruptions will all make it difficult to...

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Margin freeze versus VAT reduction: a solution to inflation or a field for political debate?

The government has been implementing a margin freeze since mid-March, which limits the margin on 30 basic foodstuffs to 10 percent. The measure aims to reduce inflation and curb unreasonably...

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Accelerating inflation in Hungary: brutal food price hikes and measures of questionable effectiveness

Inflation in Hungary accelerated again in February 2025: consumer prices were 5.6% higher on average than a year earlier. The price increase particularly affected basic foodstuffs, with prices of several...

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Analyst: Food pricing, which involves huge extra profits, must be brought within reasonable limits

Food pricing, which represents a huge extra profit for food retailers, must be kept within reasonable limits, and the 10 percent margin freeze announced by the Prime Minister can be...

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Róbert Zsigó promises serious control of margin restrictions

We will protect families and pensioners, we will prevent unjustified price increases – emphasized the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation in a video uploaded to...

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Viktor Orbán is also upset about the price increases

Enough is enough, we will put an end to unjustified price increases – the prime minister announced on his social media page on Tuesday. In a video shared on his...

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Another unpleasant inflation surprise

Despite the expected slight slowdown, inflation continued to rise in February, according to data published this morning by the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH). Consumer prices rose by 0.8 percent...

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Inflation in the Czech Republic decreased in February

Annual inflation in the Czech Republic fell to 2.7 percent in February from 2.8 percent in January, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Tuesday in Prague. The decrease was primarily...

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The pace of consumer price inflation in the euro area slowed in February

Annual inflation in the euro zone fell slightly less than analysts had expected in February, according to preliminary data released by the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, on Monday. The...

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Gergely Gulyás: the government is preparing a complex action plan to curb excessive increases in food prices

As a first step, the government is preparing a complex action plan to reduce inflation and food prices – announced Gergely Gulyás, the Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s...

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Very cautious monetary policy is expected due to the deteriorating inflation trajectory

The MNB kept the key interest rate at 6.50% today, as expected. The two ends of the interest rate corridor remained at 5.50% and 7.50%. Preliminary expectations, rising inflation, and...

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MBH Bank: improving economic prospects, expanding investments, but temporarily rising inflation expected in 2025

Real wage growth, stabilizing investments and further recovery in consumption are expected in 2025, thanks to which the outlook for economic performance is more favorable compared to 2024, it was...

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Eurozone inflation rises to six-month high in January

Eurozone inflation rose to a six-month high of 2.5 percent in January, mainly due to rising energy prices, Eurostat, the European Union’s statistics office, said in a report on Monday....

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Rice price trends: why is it getting more expensive and how does it affect us?

Rice, as a staple food, has recently experienced significant price fluctuations, not only in Hungary but also worldwide. The Japanese government is trying to ease the price increase by releasing...

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The Budapest Stock Exchange opened the year with momentum

The leading index of the Budapest Stock Exchange opened the year with momentum: the nearly 8 percent plus in January is twice the inflation rate for the whole year last...

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Inflation accelerated in Russia in January

In Russia, annual inflation accelerated to 9.92 percent in January from 9.52 percent in December, while experts’ average expectations were 10 percent, the Russian statistics agency reported. In January, consumer...

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Inflation in Romania slowed to 4.95 percent in January

The annual inflation rate in Romania fell to 4.95 percent in January, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Friday. In December, the consumer price index was 5.14 percent...

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Changing shopping habits: tricks, trends and disappearing specialty stores

The retail market is undergoing a continuous transformation. Shopping habits are changing, while stores are trying to attract consumers with various strategies. Today’s market is characterized by stores that offer...

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MBH Bank: Following January’s inflation data, we are raising our inflation forecast for this year to 4.6%

Following a 4.6% year-on-year price increase in December, consumer prices in Hungary rose by an average of 5.5% in January 2025. The figure exceeded both our expectations (4.9%) and the...

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The high inflation in January is not a Hungarian peculiarity – this is when price increases may slow down

The effects of the price increases at the beginning of the year are clearly visible in the latest inflation data. According to the report of the Central Statistical Office (KSH),...

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Price caps and economic measures in Central Europe: more and more countries are protecting themselves against inflation

While the introduction of price caps is back on the agenda in Hungary, the topic in Poland is the extension of the electricity price freeze. Croatia has recently expanded the...

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(HU) Működne Magyarországon a boltok elleni bojkott?

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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