Tag "Hungarian Business Leaders Forum"

Excellent workplace practices at the Borsodi Brewery

The Borsodi Brewery also won the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum’s Diverse and Fair Workplace award in the “Excellent rating” category. The purpose of the tender, announced for the first time...

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Companies have important work to do in relation to the creation of a whistleblowing system

Medium and large companies will soon have to establish their internal abuse reporting system. In case of improper operation of this, they will have to face serious data protection, labor...

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HBLF year-end, Diversity Charter signing and Diversity Award Ceremony 2022

2022 was an exciting and eventful year for the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) and its member companies, which celebrated its 30th anniversary this year. HBLF 2022 Year-End event was...

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How not to give gifts to our business partners?

The Hungarian Business Leaders Forum (HBLF) has published an electronic publication to answer the most frequently asked questions about business gifts and events....

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Most companies consider the digital switchover to have strategic importance

Although in Hungary, 72 percent of the companies consider digital transformations very important and only 2 percent called it less important, companies are lagging behind in digital transformation – Uzsák...

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