Tag "Hegyközségek Nemzeti Tanácsa"

Winery of the Year

This August the Gere family that received the Winery of the Year award in Villány, presented annually by the Hungarian Wine Academy, the National Council of Wine Communities, and the...

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Mix and taste!

In recent years the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) has launched several campaigns to motivate young people for exploring the exciting world of wine. In 2023 the organisation started...

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Good wines, depressing aftertastes!

Nehéz gazdasági helyzet, az értékesítésben nem érvényesíthető költségnövekedés, csökkenő fogyasztás nehezíti a hazai borászok munkáját, az időjárás pedig idén a korai szüretelésű fajtáknak kedvezett – tudtuk meg beszélgetőpartnereinktől. Kérdeztük őket...

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National Council of Mountain Villages: raising the transfer prices of wines is essential

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), it is essential to increase the transfer price of wines, without which the sector could be in a critical situation by...

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Hungarian winemakers can count on government support in the future as well

Zsolt Feldman, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for agriculture and rural development, gave a presentation on the state of the grape and wine industry, the new wine...

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The winemakers’ burdens may increase due to the new waste management rules

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the joint introduction of the deposit return system (drs) and extended producer responsibility (epr) for products with a deposit fee will...

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Mountain communities fear an increase in the winemakers’ burden due to the new waste management rules

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the joint introduction of the deposit return system (drs) and extended producer responsibility (epr) for products with a deposit fee will...

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Mountain communities fear an increase in the winemakers’ burden due to the new waste management rules

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the joint introduction of the deposit return system (drs) and extended producer responsibility (epr) for products with a deposit fee will...

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New regulations affect wine producers

Wine producers must adapt to new rules. Within the framework of the extended producer responsibility system, a simplified administrative and lower flat-rate fee will be introduced for the wine industry, new...

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Borkoktél: Keverd és kóstold!

Az országos szőlész-borász szakmai önkormányzat célkitűzései között szerepel a kulturált és minőségi borfogyasztás népszerűsítése. Az elmúlt évek során számos induló kampány bizonyította, hogy a borok világát felfedezni önmagában is izgalmas dolog. Világossá...

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Wine distillation support helps wineries

The Ministry of Agriculture provides a HUF 1.6 billion subsidy to wineries for the distillation of rosé or red wines of protected origin in order to deal with difficulties on...

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This year, too, there will be special harvest inspections to protect grape growers

The grape harvest control program started in 2019 will continue this year, and based on the positive experiences of the past years, it has a serious market-cleansing effect in the...

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MBH AgrárTrend Index: the evaluation of the situation of the food economy has strengthened back to the level of the beginning of 2022

After the strengthening experienced in the first three months of 2023, the prospects for Hungarian agriculture improved further in the second quarter, the actors of the sector overall believe that...

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HNT: the new waste management regulations cannot increase the burden on grape and wine producers

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the economic and bureaucratic burdens of grape and wine production should not be increased, the organization therefore welcomes the fact that,...

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Medals at the 42nd National Wine Competition

Winemakers can turn the results and professional glory achieved at the National Wine Competition into business success, stated Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development of the...

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János Frittmann became the president of the National Council of Mountain Communities

The National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT) held a festive inaugural meeting and elected János Frittmann as its chairman – the HNT informed MTI on Wednesday. According to the statement...

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AM: We treat the support of the National Council of Mountain Communities as a priority

The domestic grape and wine sector is of particular importance, it is the flagship of Hungarian agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture and the National Council of Mountain Communities have an...

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Hungarian wines in the tasting glass

A wine competition is a competition between winemakers and winemakers, a point of alignment for wine consumers, and at the same time it has a community-unifying role – said Zsolt...

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Farmers can count on a predictable agricultural support system this year as well

Hungarian farmers are facing another difficult year, but they can trust the predictable agricultural support system this year as well – said the Minister of Agriculture at his press conference...

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The number of champagne wineries in Hungary has tripled

The number of wineries producing champagne has tripled in 5 years and last year it already exceeded 120 wineries, thanks to the growing consumer demand for special, high-quality champagnes and...

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(HU) Borászok kontra Európai Bizottság

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(HU) Már nevezhetnek a borászatok a 41. Országos Borversenyre

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(HU) Legek a borok világából

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Magazine: Key factors

During the coronavirus pandemic those winemakers suffered the biggest sales losses whose main partners were in the HoReCa sector or in event gastronomy. Those selling to retailers quickly adapted to...

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Mountain Villages: it is essential to raise the wholesale and market price of wine

The loss-making viticulture, which has been unprofitable for years, cannot be maintained at the current domestic wholesale wine prices, if there is no 15-20 percent wholesale price increase. The situation...

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1.5 billion HUF in exceptional support for small wineries in difficulty

Between 18 and 26 October, wineries in difficulty due to market disturbances caused by the coronavirus pandemic can apply for the extraordinary support of HUF 1.5 billion provided by the...

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(HU) Pezsegd át a nyarat stílusosan!

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(HU) Új központi honlapot indít a Wine in Moderation

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HNT another five years of trust

The National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT) delegation voted in confidence for Dr. Brazsil Dávid for another five years in the election of Secretary General. “My goal is not to...

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The grapes had a different idea

This time the experts were wrong: The grape harvest had been smaller in both Hungary and other European markets, so no oversupply occurred – in spite of the spring forecasts....

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