Tag "hatóság"

From now on, the Hungarian authorities will forward plant product shipments to the destination country for physical inspection

In the case of plant products intended for food from third countries, the Hungarian authorities will no longer carry out physical checks in Hungary, but forward the shipments to the...

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In the case of imports, this must be taken into account when handling cattle passports

Incompletely completed or hard-to-read cattle passports result in increased administration time in the case of cattle imports. Nébih draws the attention of those concerned to check the documents more carefully...

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This is how cattle can be moved between the member states of the European Union

In order to prevent the spread of animal diseases, many aspects of the keeping and movement of bovine animals are regulated by Regulation 2016/429/EU of the European Parliament and of...

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Don’t order firewood from Facebook!

Due to the extremely high demand for firewood, fraudsters have also become more active. Thanks to the increased official controls, their space for maneuver on the official advertising platforms has...

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Close because of a mask? But there’s something else here

And if the seller is pushed aside by the buyer who is not wearing the mask? Anyway, it could be a miracle if you find a store open: there are...

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