Tag "gyümölcstermesztés"

Agroinform.hu: this year’s fruit harvest promises a good brandy season

This year’s fruit harvest promises a good pálinka season, the professionals expect a more favorable year than the previous one, after last year’s decline, this year’s volume is expected to...

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Hungary is a net exporter of both frozen and fresh cherries

According to KSH data, Hungary’s cherry crop ranged between 60.5 and 83.5 thousand tons between 2018 and 2022. According to KSH data, the cherry crop in 2023 decreased by 18...

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Domestic berry fruit cultivation could be saved

Even though there is a demand for berries from consumers and the processing industry, domestic cultivation has been pushed into the background in recent decades. Partly due to climate change...

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The melon season started earlier this year

This year, we can enjoy high-quality cantaloupes and cantaloupes two weeks earlier than usual, thanks to the development of cultivation technology and the expansion of the variety selection, said Minister...

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We can expect a long apricot season

Apricot growers can expect an excellent harvest, double last year’s, and a long season this year, the Minister of Agriculture announced on his social media page. István Nagy emphasized that...

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The producer price of cherries is 14 percent lower

According to Eurostat data, the EU is a net importer of fresh cherries: the delivered quantity changed to 52.6 thousand tons (+108 percent), the exported volume to 10.8 thousand tons...

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Cherry growers expect a smaller than average harvest

The cherry season is in full swing, but due to the extreme spring weather, a smaller harvest than the average of previous years is expected. However, lower yields are not...

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This year’s cherry harvest covers domestic needs

The cherry growers can have a good year because the weather has been favorable, so this year’s crop will surely cover domestic needs, said the state secretary of the Ministry...

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Apricot growers expect a long season

This year, apricot harvesting began two weeks earlier than usual on the domestic plantations.Although there is no problem with the quality so far, the quantity was significantly affected by the...

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Agroinform.hu: the domestic melon season may start weeks earlier this year

Due to the warm spring period, it is expected that the domestic watermelon season can start already at the beginning of July this year. This year, the producers planted melons in...

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The domestic cherries are ripening. The popular fruit will soon be available in larger quantities on the markets

The domestic cherry season started earlier than usual, the picking of the early varieties started already in mid-May, but a larger quantity of the popular fruit will be on the...

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This year, a not abundant but satisfactory apricot harvest is expected in Hungary

Apricots were a fruit with a good export position in the past, before 2018 we exported 4-5 thousand tons annually. In recent years, however, due to the unpredictable harvest and...

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This year’s strawberry crop prospects are good

According to KSH data, 5,000 to 5,500 tons of strawberries were harvested annually in Hungary in recent years. This season started earlier than usual, experts expected good harvest prospects. According...

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Overview of the beginning of the cherry season: under very heterogeneous conditions, a slightly better than average harvest is expected

Major frost damage and plant protection problems avoided the cherry plantations. In addition to the better-than-average quantity, the smaller fruit size can cause (mainly sales) problems. By harvesting the early...

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Cherry clusters – Video of the day

It’s fantastic to look at, you just have to try it!...

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From 2024, March 25 is the day of Hungarian fruit landscape varieties

Preserving the genetic diversity of our cultivated crops is in the fundamental interest of domestic agriculture. These include the fruit landscape varieties that have long been present in the Carpathian...

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Agrometeorology: the risk of frost will only temporarily disappear

In the warmer-than-average weather, the vegetation is 3-4 weeks more developed than usual, but frosts can still be expected in the coming weeks, which primarily endanger the fruit crop, HungaroMet...

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Agrometeorology: the sap circulation of early fruits started in the mild weather

Due to the mild weather of the past week, several plants are feeling the arrival of spring, the sap circulation of the early stone fruits has already started in the...

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The production of pears decreased in the EU and increased in Hungary

According to data from the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA), the European Union (including the United Kingdom) produced 1.7 million tons of pears in 2023, which is 13 percent...

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Ministerial fees and diplomas were handed over on the day of producer communities

In the 25th anniversary year of the launch of the News Program, 5 products of 3 applicants won the right to use the news, and the number of trademark products...

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The average yields of corn and winter apples also doubled

Based on the data of the operational reports for the subject date of October 8, 97.7 percent of the sunflower sowing area has already been harvested, so far a total...

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Producer cooperation can provide an answer to the problems of agriculture

Producer cooperation can provide an answer to the problems of agriculture – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy stated on Thursday in Szentes. István Nagy said at the Autumn Harvest Professional...

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A device developed in Hungary helps to slow down the spread of the Asian horse wasp in Hungary

A Hungarian-developed tool helps to slow down the domestic spread of the Asian horse wasp: this summer, individuals of the invasive wasp species coming from Europe were observed in Hungary...

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Georgian-Hungarian agricultural relations continue to develop

Georgian-Hungarian agricultural economic relations are expanding at such a rate that Europe and Asia can clearly benefit from it, said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Thursday in Tsinandali, where...

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As part of the take-your-own deals, we are guaranteed to fill our pantry with fresh fruit!

Although the weather is already approaching autumn, it is still not too late to fill our pantry with fruit harvested by ourselves within the framework of pick-it-yourself promotions available in...

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A good apple harvest is expected this year

Based on market information, a good apple harvest is expected this year, the amount of which could be 500-550 thousand tons, which is almost double the amount reached last year,...

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We can expect a weaker than average plum crop this year

According to KSH data, 34.9 thousand tons of plums were harvested from 7 thousand hectares in Hungary in 2022 (33.2 thousand tons were produced in 2021). According to experts, due to...

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Hungarian pears are already ripening, they are harvested by the end of October

The pear season is in full swing, one of autumn’s favorite fruits is picked on domestic plantations until the end of October. In our country, pears are grown on nearly 2,000...

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The average yield of wheat increased by 36 percent compared to last year

The harvest of grain cereals was almost completed by August 13, 2023, and the harvest was completed on 1 million 602 thousand hectares of the planned 1 million 619 thousand...

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The rainy summer was favorable for domestic apple orchards

The domestic apple producers can count on a good harvest this year, after last year’s severe drought damage, for the time being it seems that there will be something to...

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