Tag "GKI prognózis"

GKI expects a 3.5% drop in purchased consumption in 2024

In its late December publication, GKI essentially confirmed its September forecast for 2023-2024. GKI lowered its inflation forecast from 18% to 17.7% in 2023 and from 7% to 6.5% in...

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GKI: jövőre alig 2% feletti lesz csak a növekedés

A magyar gazdaságban az idei második negyedévben már negyedik negyedéve tartott a recesszió, ez az EU-ban Magyarországon kívül csak Észtországban következett be. A második negyedévben az EU-ban a magyar visszaesés volt...

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Recession, growing inflation, rapidly worsening external balance

In the latest GKI report, which was published in September, the company raised its growth forecast from 3.7% to 4.5% for 2022. For 2023 the company envisages not plus 2.7%,...

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Magazine: Slower growth, faster inflation, Eastern closure

On 29 March GKI published its latest forecast, which doesn’t predict the escalation of the war in Ukraine but doesn’t rule it out either. There can be serious disturbances in...

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GKI forecasts a slowdown in economic growth

In 2021 the Hungarian economy was moving on a better growth path than the annual budget’s expectation had been. At the same time the balance conditions turned much less favourable...

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GKI forecast for 2021-2022 – Ahead of the parliamentary elections

GKI forecasts a 7-percent economic growth for 2021. In the first half of the year the increasing export surplus was the engine of growth, while in the second six months...

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GKI raises growth forecast

Thanks to better results in the 4th quarter of 2020 and the relatively favourable changes in business confidence in early 2021, GKI raised its 2021 growth forecast by 0.6 percentage...

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A top feeling

In 2020 economic growth was around 5 percent in Hungary, and this was one of the top growth rates in the EU. For 2020 GKI calculates with a 3-3.5 percent...

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Forecast for 2020

The growth rate of Hungary’s GDP accelerated to around 5 per cent in 2018 and 2019, one of the fastest in the EU. Thus, the Hungarian growth rate exceeded all...

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GKI: Forecast for 2019-2020

The Hungarian economy grew by 4.9 per cent in the second quarter of 2019, faster than expected. This was the highest growth rate in the EU. However, the slowdown, if...

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Cheerful statistics, gloomy expectations

According to April-May data, the growth rate of the Hungarian economy started to slow down in the second quarter compared to the record high dynamism of the first quarter. However,...

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GKI: Forecast for 2019

Contrary to expectations, the Hungarian economy did not start to slow down in the first quarter of 2019, and it even accelerated to record speed. Based on this, GKI raised...

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GKI: Hungarian GDP growth peaked in the first quarter

In the first quarter of 2019 the Hungarian economy grew by 5.3 per cent, at a record speed. This rate is by far the fastest in the EU, together with...

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Last year was the best of the decade

According to GKI’s estimation, the Hungarian economy grew by 4.6 percent in 2018 – this growth rate was exceptionally good in the European Union (ranked 2nd or 3rd in the...

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GKI: 2018 was probably the best year of the decade for Hungary

GKI estimates that Hungary’s GDP expanded by 4.6 per cent in 2018 and this rate was remarkably high in the EU. The growth cycle is likely to have reached its...

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(HU) GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. részletes előrejelzése 2018-19-re

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A very fast growth can be expected in 2018 , it will slow down noticeably next year

While most forecasters project a GDP growth rate of 4-4.5 per cent for 2018, they—with the exception of the government—expect only 3-3.5 per cent for next year. (GKI projects at...

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(HU) GKI: Egyelőre viszonylag gyors a növekedés

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GKI: Spectacular expansion of investments continued

The growth rate of the Hungarian economy was noticeably lower in the second quarter of 2017 than in the first one, and it was one of the lowest in the...

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GKI: balance-worsening changes are about to start

This year’s economic growth is slower than last year’s 2.9-percent expansion, due to less funding from the EU and fewer government investments. Just like in the 1st quarter of the...

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(HU) GKI: Gyorsuló, de szerény növekedés

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GKI: On slowing trajectory

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., the growth rate of the Hungarian GDP will drop to 2.7 per cent in 2015, after its temporarily extremely fast rate...

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