Tag "GKI"

VIMOSZ: optimism in the tourism sector

Persisting optimism characterizes the Hungarian tourism sector, the players of the sector perceived their situation as positive – the National Association of Tourist and Hospitality Employers (VIMOSZ) told MTI on...

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20 years of Hungary in the EU: how has the forint exchange rate changed?

On May 1, 2004, ten new states joined the European Union, including Hungary. In our series of articles, we use one indicator to explore how the situation of our country...

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In June, the GKI economic index rose slightly

According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutátó – with the support of the EU – the business sector became more optimistic in June, but the prospects of the population...

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VIMOSZ: tourism companies’ expectations improved in May

The expectations of Hungarian tourism companies improved in May compared to a year earlier, the sector is characterized by optimism with strongly expanding employment, the National Association of Tourist and...

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The Tourism Business Index is two years old

On June 5, the Tourism Business Index (TKI) celebrated its second birthday at the a&o Hostel. The press conference jointly organized by the National Association of Tourism and Hospitality Employers...

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Tourism could be a top sector this year

According to the monthly Tourism Business Climate Index (TKI) of VIMOSZ (prepared jointly with the Hungarian Tourism Association Foundation and GKI), the tourism sector stood at +5 points in April...

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In May, the economic index of the GKI barely changed

According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in May, the prospects of the business sector and the population did not change...

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The relaxation of anti-inflationary measures can be dangerous, the solvency of the population is at stake

In the first quarter of this year, the solvency of the Hungarian population improved thanks to falling inflation, however, according to analysts, price increases are expected again. Since the emphasis...

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GKI is more pessimistic than the government about growth, inflation and public finances

GKI hasn’t changed its 2-2.5% growth forecast for 2024. However, it has lowered its inflation forecast to 5.5%. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 The expected...

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GKI article in the EU: 20 years of change

Are we falling behind the Visegrád countries, or are we on the way? Has Romania really overtaken us? On May 1, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of our accession...

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The economic index of GKI decreased in April

According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in April, both the business world and the population reported somewhat less favorable prospects...

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Twenty years in the EU: how has Hungarian consumption changed?

On 1 May 2004 ten new member states joined the European Union, including Hungary. In connection with this, GKI has examined how the consumption of the population changed during the...

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Hungary has been in the EU for 20 years: how has foreign trade changed?

On May 1, 2004, ten new states joined the European Union, including Hungary. In our series of articles, we use one indicator to explore how the situation of our country...

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GKI expects slower growth, higher inflation and a larger public budget deficit than the government thought

The Hungarian economy entered a protracted recession in 2023, while inflation decreased significantly by the end of the year. There was a very favorable turn in the external balance, but...

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In March, the GKI economic index rose by 3 points

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in March, the business world and the population reported slightly more favorable prospects...

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GKI expects a 3.5% drop in purchased consumption in 2024

In its late December publication, GKI essentially confirmed its September forecast for 2023-2024. GKI lowered its inflation forecast from 18% to 17.7% in 2023 and from 7% to 6.5% in...

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Hungary has been in the EU for 20 years: how have prices changed?

On May 1, 2004, ten new states joined the European Union, including Hungary. In our series of articles, we use one indicator to explore how the situation of our country...

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In February, the economic index of GKI decreased by 3 points

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in February, business expectations changed only within the margin of error, but the...

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The solvency of Hungarians may slowly return to pre-war levels

In the last quarter of 2023 the solvency of Hungarians continued to increase, following the annual trend – according to research by Intrum and GKI. This article is available for...

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GKI: Hungary has been in the EU for 20 years: how has the population’s trust in the European Union changed?

On May 1, 2004, ten new states joined the European Union, including Hungary. In our series of articles, we use one indicator to explore how the situation of our country...

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GKI: The government’s economic policy leads to the recovery of the future

Last year, the Hungarian economy overcame the most difficult phase of the crisis caused by the domestic economy caused by the division before the 2022 elections, and the global economic...

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In January, the GKI economic index rose to its highest level in a year and a half

According to a survey conducted by GKI Gazdaságkutátó – with the support of the EU – in the first month of the year, the expectations of the public improved spectacularly,...

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In January, GKI’s consumer confidence index rose to a two-year high

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in January, the public’s expectations improved significantly compared to December, so the consumer...

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Slight improvement in the solvency of Hungarians due to lower inflation

According to research by Intrum and GKI, the small increase in Hungarian household solvency continued in the third quarter of 2023. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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VIMOSZ: expectations of tourism companies improved last December

The expectations of tourism companies improved in December – the National Association of Tourist and Hospitality Employers (VIMOSZ) announced to MTI on Monday based on the latest survey conducted with...

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GKI: How does the residential energy price calculation affect the entire consumer price index?

In September 2022, KSH found an “innovative” solution for measuring the changed residential energy expenditure. While in the case of the other representatives (986 products and services), the price index...

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In December, the GKI economic index rose to a nine-month high

According to a survey conducted by the GKI Gazdaságkutató – with the support of the EU – in December, the expectations of the public improved significantly and the prospects of...

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GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. 2023/4. forecast for 2023-24

By the fall of 2023, the Hungarian economy has passed the most difficult stage of the crisis caused by the domestic distribution before the 2022 parliamentary elections and the global...

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GKI’s economic sentiment index stagnated in October

In October consumer expectations improved markedly, while business prospects deteriorated a little, according to a survey conducted by GKI Economic Research, with the support of the EU. This article is...

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In November, the GKI economic index rose slightly

In November, consumers are somewhat more pessimistic and the business world somewhat more optimistic about the near future than they were in October, according to the results of a survey...

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