Tag "GDP"

Hungary is in the last quarter of the EU ranking in terms of GDP and individual consumption

Last year, Luxembourg was the wealthiest member of the European Union: in terms of purchasing power parity, on the basis of the gross domestic product per capita (GDP) and per...

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MNB: the convergence of the SME sector would increase the GDP by 3 to 5 percentage points

If the productivity of the Hungarian small and medium sized (SME) sector would reach the average of the region and would approach to large corporations, the Hungarian gross domestic product...

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Analysts raise their growth projections

Market analysts welcomed the 4.1 percent GDP growth rate of the first quarter and after the detailed data will be published they may adjust their forecasts upward for this year...

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The rate of GDP growth in the EU and the euro area barely changed

The euro area economy grew as it was expected, while the European Union’s economy expanded somewhat more than in the first quarter of this year – according to a second...

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KSH: GDP grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 4.1 percent in the first quarter, compared to the same period of last year – according to the first estimate of the Central...

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Inflation is speeding up, external and internal balance to worsen a little

Last year the Hungarian GDP growth was 2 percent, just as GKI predicted it would be – less than the 2.5 percent targeted by the government and the 2.8 percent...

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Coface: favorable prospects in the Central European Region

It is expected that the Central and Eastern European countries this year will reach a GDP growth excessing the economic performance of the Western European countries – the Coface’s international...

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Economy can grow by 4 percent for this year and for the next

The Hungarian economy will expand by 4 percent this year and for next year – Kovács Árpád, Chairman of the Budgetary Council (KT) said at the conference of the Piac...

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The IMF has improved Hungary’s and the world economic’s growth prospects

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved Hungary’s and the world economic’s growth prospects in its World Economic Outlook (WEO) study that was published on Tuesday. The IMF increased its...

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The Kopint-Tárki is expecting a 3.7 percent economic growth

The Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Intézet Zrt. increased its forecast for this year’s GDP growth from 3.2 percent to 3.7 percent. The business climate research institute expects a 3.2 percent economic growth...

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The gap between the richest and poorest EU regions is twenty-fold

There were huge differences between the in per capita gross domestic product of the 276 regions of the EU Member States in 2015 – according to data of the European...

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CIB Bank: GDP in Hungary could grow around 3 percent this year

This year the Hungarian GDP could grow around 3 percent, according to CIB Bank analysts, mainly due to the increase in domestic demand and the use of EU funds –...

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GKI published its forecast for 2017

Last year, the Hungarian economic growth slowed strongly, compared to the previous two years, mainly to the decline in EU funds and the decrease in investments. The GDP increased by...

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Pénzügykutató: GDP will expand above 4 percent this year

The gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate this year may rise above 4 percent, due to the fact that investments will jump on low base. According to the latest forecast...

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KSH: the services and agriculture pulled last year’s GDP

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in last year’s quarter exceeded the previous year’s same quarter by 1.6 percent. The increase was primarily due to market-based services and agriculture...

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KSH: GDP rose by 2.0 percent in 2016

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the fourth quarter of 2016 rose 1.6 percent last year, compared to the same period of the previous year. In 2016, GDP rose by...

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Home market still lead by Budapest, other areas catching up in commercial properties

In January 2017, the Budapest and the Hungarian real estate market indices of GKI-MGYOSZ stood at +4 and +2 points respectively. The index figure in Budapest was slightly up (within...

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Annual packaging barometer

Hungary’s packaging industry is an important one in Europe and it keeps developing. This year’s preliminary data are also positive, but the growth rate seems to have slowed down a...

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(HU) Fazekas: 2010 óta folyamatosan nő a magyar mezőgazdaság kibocsátása

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Analysts are surprised by the retail data

The 2.6 percent modest growth of retail sales is a negative surprise for the analysts, who expected 4.3 percent. The ten-month average is 4.8 percent. According to the report of...

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The agriculture and market services contributed most to GDP growth

According to the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, the agriculture and market services contributed to the 2 percent GDP expansion in the third quarter in the greatest...

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GDP grew by two percent in the third quarter

The gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.0 percent in the third quarter, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced its first...

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Pénzügykutató: Economic growth may accelerate next year

In its latest forecast presented on Monday, the Pénzügykutató Zrt. forecasts a 2.2 percent GDP growth for this year and a 3.0 percent growth for next year, after last year's...

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Kopint-Tárki: GDP may grow by 2.2 this year and 2.7 percent next year

According to the lastest forecast of the Kopint-Tárki Zrt., the Hungarian economy may grow by 2.2 this year and by 2.7 percent next year. The government deficit this year may...

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GDP grew by more than three percent last year

Last year, the GDP was 33 999.0 billion HUF. Calculated at constant prices GDP increased by 3.1 percent compared to the previous year, while the deficit of the governmental sector...

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GKI: balance-worsening changes are about to start

This year’s economic growth is slower than last year’s 2.9-percent expansion, due to less funding from the EU and fewer government investments. Just like in the 1st quarter of the...

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Prosperity is magnetic

The population of the United Kingdom is 64.1 million and the employment rate is 52 percent. Economic growth was 2.8 percent in 2014 and 2.2 percent in 2015. Per capita...

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Equilor: the growth of the Hungarian economy may fall short of the government's ambition

According to Equilor’s analysts, this year's growth of the Hungarian economy may fall short of the government's ambition, and is expected to be 2 percent – Szántó András, director of...

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Analysts: investments are needed to achieve higher growth

On the basis of the detailed GDP figures this year’s economic growth may be even more favorable than the analysts' expectations – according to analysts interviewed by MTI, who also...

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KSH: GDP increased by 2.6 percent in the second quarter

The volume of the gross domestic product grew by 2.6 percent in the second quarter, compared to the same period of last year. According to the seasonally and calendar adjusted...

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