Tag "gazdasági növekedés"

The OECD indicates a slowdown in world economic growth

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) indicates the slowdown in world economic growth in the next two years in its Progress Report published on Wednesday. The main driver...

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Rapid growth this year, slowing down next year

While most forecasts say growth is going to be at 4-4.5 percent this year, for next year experts foresee a 3-3.5 percent growth – with the exception of the Hungarian...

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GDP growth in the euro area continued to slow down in the third quarter

In the third quarter, GDP growth in the euro area continued to slow down, compared to the previous quarter – according to the second estimate of the European Union’s statistical...

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Analysts: third quarter GDP data exceeded expectations

Unlike analysts’ expectations, the growth of the Hungarian economy in the third quarter increased further, with surprises coming from agriculture, construction, investment and services – analysts told MTI, who commented...

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The Hungarian economy was strong in the third quarter

According to the raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 4.8 percent in the third quarter of this year, compared to the same period of the previous year....

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Raiffeisen: the growth of the Hungarian economy may be above 2 percent in 2020 and will be 3.5 percent next year

Raiffeisen Bank analysts expect a slowdown in economic growth in the coming years: while this year’s GDP growth is expected to exceed 4 percent, next year it will fall to...

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EBRD: Central European EU economies perform better than expected

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has improved in its comprehensive autumn prognosis for the forecasts of the growth rates of the central and eastern European economies, including...

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IMF has improved the Hungarian GDP growth forecast for 2018 and 2019

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved its GDP growth forecast for this year and the next year in its autumn global economic forecast. According to the World Economy Outlook,...

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The Savings Bank raised its growth forecast to 4.1 percent next year

The Savings Bank (Takarékbank) confirmed its 4.6 percent forecast for the growth of the Hungarian economy this year, basically based on the boom in investment. However in 2019, the GDP...

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Growth in 2017 was driven by consumption and investment

Last year, household consumption and investments pushed the economy’s growth, while net exports detracted performance – Németh Dávid senior analyst at K & H Bank commented the latest economic growth...

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Czech economic growth slowed down in the second quarter

In the second quarter, Czech economic growth declined to 2.4 percent from the 4.1 percent of the first quarter of the year in an annual comparision – the Czech Statistical...

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MLBKT: PMI in September shows continued growth

The seasonally adjusted September value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was 53.8 points, which indicates that respondents reported more favorable processes than in the previous month. The index is...

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Equilor: GDP growth continues to accelerate this year

According to the analysts of the Equilor Investment Ltd., the dynamic growth of the Hungarian economy will continue this year, but the dynamics of the economy may slow down next...

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Analysts: over four percent growth is expected in 2018

This year, gross domestic product (GDP) in Hungary could increase by 4.2 – 4.6 percent, analysts said after analyzing the second estimate of the Central Statistical Office’s data. Central Statistical...

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KSH: GDP increased by 4.8 percent in the second quarter

Gross domestic product (GDP) became 0.2 percentage points better than in the previously expected 4.6 percent in the second quarter, compared to the same period last year, according to the...

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GKI: growth is faster than expected, but its pace is slowing down

GKI has raised its forecast for the growth of the Hungarian economy this year to 4.2 percent, but believes that next year economic growth will decrease to close to 3...

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The economic performance of the euro area has improved slightly in August

Despite a slight deterioration in manufacturing performance, the economic performance of the euro area has improved slightly in August. The London-based IHS Markit’s Economic Research Institute announced on Thursday, that...

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Analysts: The KSH announced a better than expected GDP data

The growth of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter has surpassed analysts’ expectations. Although the seasonally and calendar-effect adjusted figures mainly indicate the maintaining of pace and...

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KSH: economy increased by 4.6 percent in the second quarter

According to the raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 4.6 percent. According to the seasonally adjusted and balanced data, a 4.4 percent increase occured in the second...

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The growth of the Gross Domestic Product slowed down in Europe

The performance of economic growth in the second quarter in the euro area has been slower than in the first quarter – according to Eurostat’s preliminary estimate. At Eurostat’s first...

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Markit: euro area economic growth has lost momentum

The final value of the composite purchasing manager index (PMI) of the IHS Markit Institute for Economics in London for July shows a decline in the pace of economic growth...

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Economic growth slowed down in the euro area

The performance of economic growth in the second quarter in the euro area has been slower than in the first quarter – according to Eurostat’s preliminary estimate. At Eurostat’s first...

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The IMF has not changed the global growth forecast for this year and the next

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) maintained its April forecast for the world economy’s growth for this year and next year, but indicated that the prospects are surrounded by increasing risks....

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The European Commission expects a 4 percent growth in Hungary for 2018 and 3.2 percent for 2019

The European Commission improved its prognosis for the growth in Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP), which is expected to grow by 4 percent in 2018 and by 3.2 percent in...

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Raiffeisen expects growth above four percent

Raiffeisen analysts have increased their GDP expectations from the previous 3.8 percent to 4.2 percent, and economic growth is expected to be 3.4 percent next year – Török Zoltán, senior...

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In the first quarter, euro area and EU GDP growth slowed down

According to Eurostat’s statistical data released on Thursday, according to the preliminary data, economic growth in both the euro area and the EU slowed down as a result of the...

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Analysts: growth can be higher than expected all year

The growth of Hungary’s GDP in the first quarter was slightly higher than expected. As a result the Takarékbank and ING Bank have already upgraded their growth expectations for the...

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The euro area’s economy has lost momentum

In May, the growth rate of economic performance in the euro area slowed down to the level of 18 months before, according to the survey published by the IHS Markit...

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Varga Mihály: economic growth of around 4 percent is expected in the next one and a half years

An economic growth of around 4 percent is expected in the next one to one and a half years – Finance Minister Varga Mihály said at the Business Forum of...

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KSH: GDP grew by 4.4 percent in the first quarter

In the first quarter, gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 4.4 percent. Seasonally and calendar effect adjusted, the growth was 4.7 percent, compared to the same period of the previous...

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