Tag "gazdaság"

KSH: the production of food, beverages and tobacco products expanded compared to a year earlier

In April 2024, the volume of industrial production exceeded a year earlier by 6.4 percent, while adjusted for the working day effect it was 2.4 percent lower than a year...

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Hungary has been in the EU for 20 years: how has GDP per capita changed?

On May 1, 2004, ten new states joined the European Union, including Hungary. In our series of articles, we use one indicator to explore how the situation of our country...

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BMI: Moderate expansion in May

The seasonally adjusted May value of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI): 51.8. Compared with the previous May values, this year’s value is lower than the long-term average for this month...

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Business sentiment in German retail improved slightly in May

In May, the German retail industry business sentiment index of the ifo economic research institute of the University of Munich improved somewhat. Based on the results published on the website...

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NGM: trust is unbroken, Moody’s also continues to recommend Hungary for investment

Despite the escalating war situation, confidence in Hungary is unbroken: Moody’s also continues to recommend our country for investment – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) emphasized in its statement...

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In the first quarter of 2024, the performance of investments decreased by 9.6 percent

According to the raw data, the volume of investments in the first quarter of 2024 was 9.6 percent lower than the same period of the previous year. Compared to the...

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KSH: a bruttó átlagkereset 658 400 forint volt 2024. márciusban, 13,9 százalékkal haladta meg az egy évvel korábbit

In March 2024, the gross average salary of those employed full-time was HUF 658,400, and the net average salary calculated with allowances in mind was HUF 452,700. The gross average...

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Mihály Varga: the sovereignty of the Hungarian economy and the domestic food industry must be strengthened

The future of Europe can be secured with equal, sovereign member states, which is why the government continues to work to strengthen the sovereignty of the Hungarian economy. One of...

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Mihály Varga: the economy is entering a phase of intensive development

Having closed the extensive era, the Hungarian economy is increasingly moving into the phase of intensive development, when the added value increases significantly, said the Minister of Finance in Kaposvár,...

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Customers will have more money to spend, but the economy is still not out of the crisis

This year, several new economic forecasts indicate that the Hungarian economy will achieve or even exceed regional growth averages, and the increase in real wages will once again enable consumption...

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Graboplast: focus on new developments after stable results

Despite the increasing price competition and the challenging economic environment, Graboplast achieved a stable result in 2023, after closing last year with sales revenue of HUF 20.3 billion. The leading...

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The European Union started the year with significant growth and a decrease in inflation

According to the latest report of the European Commission, at the beginning of 2024, the economy of the European Union began to grow at a surprisingly fast pace, while inflation...

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NGM State Secretary: the restoration of consumption and the credit market is among the most important economic policy goals

The state secretary responsible for economic strategy, financial resources and macroeconomic analysis of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) listed the restoration of consumption and the credit market, the resumption...

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Márton Nagy: inflation remained at a low level

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in April 2024, in line with the trends of previous months, the rate of inflation remained at a low...

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Today, the food industry is not “only” a strategic issue, but also a national security issue

Banks play an important role in boosting the Hungarian economy, the rate of which depends on the development of consumption and how long the war in Ukraine will last, said...

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Entrepreneurs’ Gala 2024: the food industry is among the priority sectors of the new industrial strategy

Knowledge-intensive sectors will play a major role in the economic policy of the coming years, the Deputy State Secretary responsible for the coordination of strategic affairs of the Prime Minister’s...

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HUMDA: The complex e-mobility roadshow of Zöld Életre Valók is visiting Miskolc

The complex e-mobility roadshow of the Green for Life HUMDA Hungarian Mobility Development Agency Zrt., which belongs to the Széchenyi University Group, will visit Miskolc between May 15 and 17,...

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Márton Nagy: artificial intelligence is inevitable

Artificial intelligence (AI) will have an inevitable and increasingly important role, but at the same time, everyone in the global economy is protecting their own technology, and trade wars are...

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In April, the economic performance of the euro area expanded at the fastest rate in almost a year

In April, the economic performance of the euro zone expanded at a greater rate than expected, at the fastest rate in 11 months, based on the growth rate of the...

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Hungarian imports and exports also fell in March

In the month of March, Hungarian exports and imports also suffered a serious decline. According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the value of exports was 15 percent...

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Péter Szijjártó: it’s time for another dimensional change in the Hungarian economy

The time has come for the Hungarian economy to go through another dimensional change, to increase the technological level and expand the research and development capacities – the Minister of...

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OECD: Food price inflation fell sharply in most countries

The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the OECD, slightly improved its global growth forecast for this year and next year compared to its previous estimate from February. According...

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BMI: Slower expansion in April

The seasonally adjusted April value of the Purchasing Manager Index (BMI): 51.8. Compared with the previous April values, this year’s value is lower than the long-term average for this month...

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KSH: in February, the product foreign trade surplus was 1.7 billion euros

In February 2024, the export volume exceeded 3.4 percent, while the import volume was 4.7 percent lower than in the same period of the previous year. The assets were 1.7...

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Gergely Suppan: the recession is clearly over in Hungary

The recession is clearly over in Hungary, from now on the only question is the rate of growth – said the leading economist of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM)...

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The domestic economy grew by 1.1% in the first quarter

In the first quarter of this year, the performance of the economy increased by 0.8% compared to the previous quarter, according to adjusted data, which is more favorable than our...

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Mihály Varga: the Hungarian economy is back on the growth track

The Hungarian economy returned to the growth path in the first three months of the year, GDP increased by 1.7 percent on an annual basis and by 0.8 percent compared...

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GKI article in the EU: 20 years of change

Are we falling behind the Visegrád countries, or are we on the way? Has Romania really overtaken us? On May 1, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of our accession...

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The companies expect only moderate expansion

The weakness of the domestic and German economies is also reflected in the business mood of the member companies of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK). According to...

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2024 Q2 Investment Outlook: Timing matters

Positive momentum is building. The outlook for 2024 has brightened, but we caution that it won’t take much to spill over.We came into 2024 believing that a cyclical recession, featuring...

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