Tag "gasztro abszurd"

What is called a blind tasting – Picture of the day

Something like this could be the real blind tasting…...

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One Moment Before Disaster – Picture of the Day

You need luck to take such a picture…...

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Barmixer’s Bike – Picture of the Day

Because the lord is also the lord in hell! (Although you have to make some concessions with plastic cups…)...

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Snacks dress you up – Picture of the day

At least according to fashion designer Bonny Carrera....

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The whole world is a game – Picture of the day

Gab Bois from Montreal with an unbridled imagination – whose work we have already shown here and there – is only 26 years old, but he has been a star...

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Animals in the kitchen – Picture of the day

One way or another, they are everywhere!!...

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300-year-old advice: post a picture of your food before eating! – Video of the day

Természetesen a mai divat karikírozásáról szól a film, és persze egy reklámfilmről van szó. De az ötlet kreatív!...

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The coolest invention since beach-friendly scrambled eggs – Video of the Day

The Coolest cooler is definitely the Swiss army knife of cooler bags: it can do a lot, a real wow experience, and at the same time sufficiently tiring!...

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Salt paradox – Picture of the day

Damn, it wasn’t long ago, we were almost able to buy the 250 million year old salt before it expired…...

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Japanese or decadent?

Maybe both. But designer bananas as a numbered product – this can only be done in Japan!...

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A woman is a woman, a man is a man! – The picture of the day

There’s no family: we’ve again selected the gender markings of restaurant toilets – here’s a fresh bunch!    ...

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Skills development breakfast – Picture of the day

Tetris-waffles are a good idea, but after that you can never tell the child again, “Son, don’t play with food!”...

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Furniture designed for the gingerbread house – Picture of the day

The seat on the sofa is as soft as cake!...

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Pseudo fine dining – Picture of the day

Anything on the plate! It’s been more than half a year since we showed a picture illustrating the food styling effect well /a>, we have now found more “evidence” on...

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Bad Roman – Video of the day

One of New York’s most creative Italian restaurants opened this year, Bad Roman, and the press not only of the city, but of the whole country was full of it....

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The live hamburger – Video of the day

Well, there is such a thing…...

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What should I do with a kilo of kiwi? – The picture of the day

So play with them, as Patrick Darby, the photographer from Phoenix, did: he personified them with a sharp knife!...

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A fusion device for a fusion kitchen! – The picture of the day

Ramen, which is loved by more and more people, can be ordered not only in Asian restaurants for quite some time now. Yes, but you don’t always get a spoon...

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The trigger, the grill and the two smoking barrels – Picture of the day

Once a cowboy managed to do it, after which the others imitated it one after the other – it became a strange fashion in the USA…...

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Fusion serving ideas – Picture of the day

We’ve already shown miracles from the world of food styling, and we’ve also talked about the – fortunately fading – anythigh-but-plate (anything but not on a plate) trend – now...

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Wine apocalypse – Video of the day

You see such a drama only once in your life: 3 million bottles of wine are flowing through the streets of São Lourenco do Bairro, Portugal, after two giant tanks...

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This is how the absolute cube makes coffee – Picture of the day

…if you can tear yourself away from the computer. Let’s try to appreciate at least the attempt: cups combine with alt-ctrl....

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On the summit of Sörhegyek – Picture of the day

We have no doubt that the picture is real, the waiter carrying the trays with one hand. We can’t believe one thing: that he can put them down…...

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What should a person do between two pizzas – Video of the day

Play Pizza Puzzle!...

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Take a strawberry… – Video of the day

There are places where a strawberry cake recipe starts like this: take 2-3 strawberries!...

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Militarized ice cream food truck – Image of the day

Big country, big army – you need a lot of ice cream!...

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Ice Cube Mania – Picture of the Day

They may be made of cubes, but they look more like ice cubes than the ice sculptures made using cooled CNC machine tools for the Japanese Suntori whiskey campaign....

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Lickestra – Video of the day

Music and ice cream in New York! [...

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Unicorn Roast – Picture of the Day

A 14th-century cookbook by royal chef Geoffrey Fule, recently discovered in a British library, includes pictures illustrating how to make the unicorn....

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I lower my head… – Picture of the day

Relaxing and filling is my dream on pillows that look like my favorite food; we would imagine that the primary target group for these things are children, even though they...

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