Tag "Frosta Hungary"

Lunch is waiting on the shelf

A new generation of modern semi-prepared foods and ready meals is emerging, and manufacturers are responding quickly to new demands in healthy eating, sustainability, alternative proteins and exploring foreign cuisines....

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Magazine: Let’s have something healthy that is ready in no time!

The first half of 2020 was a difficult period for frozen fruit and vegetable companies. Dr Adrienn Losó, managing director of MIRELITE MIRSA Zrt. explained that several fruit varieties were...

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Magazine: Jó idők, rossz idők

Nemcsak innovációban, értékesítésben, hanem – a szélsőséges időjárás miatt – már beszerzésben és termelésben is a maximumot kell nyújtaniuk a gyorsfagyasztott zöldségek-gyümölcsök gyártóinak. Ugyanakkor (csakúgy, mint a többi gyorsfagyasztott kategóriában)...

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Magazine: Fish market

Compared with Europe and the rest of the world, Hungarians eat little fish and seafood, but it is good news that consumption is growing. The majority of fish produced in...

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