Tag "francia kiskereskedelem"

Local Stores, Online Benefitting From ‘Profound Changes’ To French Retail Sector

Local stores, discounters and e-commerce providers are among the businesses taking advantage of the ‘profound changes’ in the French retail sector brought on by the COVID-19 crisis, according to a...

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French prohibited the use of plastic bags in trade from July

The ban, once introduced, will apply to small shops and supermarkets alike. Only reusable thicker plastic bags and paper bags may thenceforth be used. These may be given free of...

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Carrefour increased its revenue

The Carrefour, which is the world's second largest and Europe's largest retail company has announced its second-quarter performance. The French mammoth company’s revenue rose by 4.2 percent to 21.3 billion...

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The French National Assembly adopted the Government proposal on the extension of Sunday opening

On Saturday, the French National Assembly adopted the French Government’s proposal on the extension of Sunday opening. It was one of the most controversial issue of the economic reform package....

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