Tag "földrajzi árujelző oltalom"

Japan is a prominent agricultural partner of our country

Minister István Nagy discussed the priorities of the Hungarian EU presidency, the reduction of food waste, and animal health issues. At the meeting, the minister drew attention to the fact...

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Lajta cheese received EU protection

The European Commission has registered another name for Hungarian cheese, thus increasing the number of Hungarian geographical indications under EU protection to 86, so the names of 33 food products,...

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New domestic products are under EU protection

The European Commission has registered the names of three new Hungarian agricultural products, namely Borzag pálinka, Sárréti kökénypálinka and Szabolcsi apple. This brought the number of Hungarian geographical indications under EU...

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Tokaji is also included in the EU agreement with China on the protection of geographical indications

The name Tokaji is also included in a bilateral agreement between the European Union and China on the protection of geographical indications containing one hundred European and one hundred Chinese...

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