Tag "Fitch Ratings"

Fitch Ratings: stronger than previously expected global economic growth is expected this year

Stronger-than-expected world economic growth is likely for this year, according to the latest global forecast presented by Fitch Ratings on Monday, mainly due to the significant improvement in the outlook...

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Mihály Varga: it is favorable that Fitch Ratings confirmed Hungary’s rating despite the war crisis

It is good that Fitch Ratings has confirmed Hungary’s classification despite the war crisis and European recession fears, and continues to recommend Hungary for investment with a stable outlook –...

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Mihály Varga: Fitch Ratings says the relaunch of the Hungarian economy is a success

Fitch Ratings has confirmed Hungary’s rating, and according to the rating agency, the relaunch of the Hungarian economy is a success, Finance Minister Mihály Varga wrote on his Facebook page...

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Fitch Ratings confirmed Hungary’s sovereign debt rating with a stable outlook

Fitch Ratings confirmed Hungary’s foreign currency-denominated long-term public debt obligations at the “BBB” level, with an investment recommendation, with an unchanged stable outlook. Among other things, the international credit rating...

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Fitch: the EU recovery fund will significantly accelerate the recovery of the Central European EU economies

The European Union’s recovery fund, especially next year, is expected to significantly accelerate the recovery of EU economies in Central and Eastern Europe from the shock of the coronavirus pandemic,...

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Credit rating agencies did not change their Hungarian debt rating

Two major credit rating agencies, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s, also announced the results of their last scheduled review of the Hungarian debt rating this year, in which the...

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Fitch: global fiscal stimulus on unprecedented levels

Budgetary stimulus programs to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the world economy are on an unprecedented scale in modern economic history, and their value already far exceeds...

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Fitch: Coronavirus Shock Broadens

The economic fallout from the coronavirus crisis continues to broaden and deepen but Fitch Ratings’ forecasts are starting to show some signs of stabilisation. Activity levels should start to rise...

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Fitch: the big emerging economies pull the world economy back

In its latest Global Economic Outlook (GEO) Fitch Ratings forecasts the global economy will grow by just 2.3% in 2015, the weakest since the global financial crisis in 2009, dragged...

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