Tag "fenntarthatóság"

Shall we learn to save food on Facebook?

According to the latest research by Munch, being a member of the Facebookcommunity with more than 165,000 members significantly increases the motivation for sustainability. This article is available for reading...

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Barilla Invests €300m In Sustainability And Innovation

Italian pasta and sauce brand Barilla invested nearly €230 million in product and process innovation throughout 2023, according to its sustainability report. Additionally, €45 million was dedicated to research and...

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MNB vice president: there is no green transition without central banks

The energy transition is one of the world’s greatest challenges and at the same time one of its greatest opportunities, which also requires a new approach from the central banks...

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SPAR builds a sustainable future in the present

An important part of SPAR Hungary’s corporate philosophy is environmental awareness, social responsibility, respect for employees, food safety, and support for health preservation. Along these lines, the company launched forward-looking...

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Rising Costs and Declining Quality Hinder Use of Reusable Products, New Study Shows

Nearly 70% of people are willing to purchase reusable products, but nearly the same number say high prices have kept them from doing so, according to a new survey from...

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Danone Named As Partner To ‘100+ Accelerator’ Programme

Danone has joined AB InBev, The Coca-Cola Company, Colgate-Palmolive and Unilever as a partner in the 100+ Accelerator, a programme that seeks to drive sustainable innovation across global supply chains....

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Amcor: packaging and recyclability also play a role upon coffee purchasing

A recent research conducted by Amcor reveals that European coffee consumers prioritise factors such as taste, aroma, brand, and price when selecting coffee. But, sustainability claims such as recyclability also...

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Switching Food And Drink Purchases Could Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions By A Quarter

Switching food and drink purchases to more environmentally-friendly alternatives could reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from everyday grocery purchases by more than a quarter, a new study has found. The...

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Customer satisfaction is our best investment!

Auchan focuses on customers in every way, emphasises Viktória Lucenko, CEO of Auchan Magyarország Kft. “In addition to the economic downturn, the continuous increase in sourcing prices, rising costs and...

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Japan is a prominent agricultural partner of our country

Minister István Nagy discussed the priorities of the Hungarian EU presidency, the reduction of food waste, and animal health issues. At the meeting, the minister drew attention to the fact...

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New animal welfare grants worth HUF 42.5 billion

The government supports sustainable and efficient animal husbandry with all possible means, and therefore encourages the improvement of animal welfare with various subsidies. In recent days, the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Amazon AI initiative tackles defective products

Amazon is using artificial intelligence to scan items for defects before they are shipped. An Amazon AI model named “Project P.I.” (the P.I. stands for “private investigator”) uses a combination...

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Facilitation of land use change through social consultation

Based on the Strategic Plan of Hungary’s Common Agrarian Policy (KAP), the social consultation of the draft call for tenders entitled “Investments promoting land use change and their maintenance” has...

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Retail trade 2023: rationalising consumers, technological development

In this article we try to paint a picture of what happened in retail trade last year. 2023 was a challenging year for the food sector in Europe and overseas....

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Climate change is also a challenge for Hungarian breweries

Global climate change also presents challenges to breweries, since raw materials such as barley and hops are sensitive to weather conditions. Hungarian breweries are particularly sensitively affected, as their options...

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Tightening ESG regulation and practical challenges: where are we and where are we going?

The ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) framework has become a critical element in corporate operations and investment decision-making. At the Portfolio Property X 2024 conference, experts discussed the current status...

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European agriculture must be farmer-oriented

Competitiveness, crisis management, sustainability and the knowledge-based economy will be on the agenda of the six-month Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union starting July 1, with the...

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Ahold Delhaize Pledges To Boost Omnichannel Sales, Raise Private-Label Share To 45%

Ahold Delhaize is seeking to drive omnichannel loyalty sales penetration to more than 80% by 2028, and increase the share of private-label sales to 45% of its total assortment, as...

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Further increase detected in the GfK Sustainability Index

Sustainable consumption is on the rise again, at least according to the latest GfK Sustainability Index. After a temporary decline last autumn, the upward trend continued in April. The index...

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The amount of packaging must be reduced by 5% by 2030, by 10% by 2035 and by 15% by 2040

The European Union has reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability and environmental protection with recent regulatory measures aimed at reducing waste production and increasing recycling. These measures bring about significant changes...

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K&H: more people are interested in sustainability than you think

The majority of people around the world support the fight against climate change, but public opinion and politicians often underestimate the number of people who are actively engaged in it....

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The government stands by the grape growers and the winemakers

There are enough challenges in the grape and wine sector, but the Hungarian government stands by the producers and the winemakers, as it has so far and will continue to...

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Attitude formation for sustainable agricultural water management

The Ministry of Agriculture received a non-refundable European Union grant from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) EU financial fund for the implementation of an attitude-shaping reform project. The project...

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Lidl’s competition for students has ended successfully

The Lidl Magyarország SzelektáLOOK educational competition, which was announced by the company for elementary school students in April this year with the professional cooperation of the PET KUPA Association, has...

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Accessible products can be a real help for people with disabilities

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 30 million adults face visual challenges in Europe alone and 200 million people suffer from hearing loss. This article is available for reading...

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Industry trends are driving the corrugated board segment

IMARC Group, one of the world’s leading strategic consulting and market research firms reports: the size of the global corrugated box market reached USD 203.7bn in 2023. This article is...

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There are more and more green stores at Lidl

Lidl Hungary is committed to operating as sustainably as possible and, as a responsible company, is also working to increase the number of its own stores with sustainable certification. The...

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One in four consumers buys second-hand goods to protect the environment

Owing to increasing living costs and consumer commitment to a more sustainable lifestyle, today it is no longer a shame to buy second-hand goods or have broken products repaired, according...

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European companies do not take advantage of the business opportunities inherent in sustainable operations

The majority of companies are not yet aware of how sustainable operations contribute to business success, according to EY’s recent research with the participation of 200 company managers from 15...

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There are places where they have already started to cheat the new automatic glass replacement machines

In Romania, when buying plastic bottles, aluminum cans and glass bottles, customers must pay a surcharge of 50 banis, if the RetuRo logo, which authorizes recycling, is displayed on the...

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