Tag "európai hulladékcsökkentési hét"

The fight against food waste continues

The Hungarian government has taken numerous measures in recent years to reduce food waste, emphasized Anikó Raisz, State Secretary for the Environment and Circular Economy at the Ministry of Energy...

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You can apply for the European Waste Reduction Week until November 6

You can apply for promotions for the European Waste Reduction Week, which will be held between November 16 and 24, the main theme of which will be food waste, the...

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Global success from Miskolc: MiReHu’s awareness-raising programme reaches the top

Miskolc-based MiReHu Nonprofit Kft. has won another prestigious prize: the International Solidwaste Association (ISWA) honoured the company’s awareness-raising programme “May the R-power be with you, and you’ll be a superhero”...

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The European Waste Reduction Week awards were presented

The government’s goal is to increase the economic policy role of the waste management sector and to transition to a circular economy, said the Secretary of State responsible for the...

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What a large company can do to reduce waste

As part of European Waste Reduction Week, HELL ENERGY raised awareness to the importance of using environmentally friendly packaging, disposable plastics and PET bottles through an online education campaign. The...

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ITM: commercial and catering companies to join the European Waste Reduction Week!

Businesses and employees in trade, hospitality and tourism are also encouraged to join to the Hungarian program of the European Waste Reduction Week – Boros Anita, State Secretary of the...

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ITM Hungary is in the top five at the European Waste Reduction Week

This year the European Waste Reduction Week ended with more than 16,000 actions in 30 countries. Hungary joined the initiative with 410 outlining ideas, leading it to fifth place, ahead...

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The European Waste Reduction Week is expected to be extended

The European Week of Waste is becoming more and more successful, so after the end of the process, registration will not end, new commitments can be made until next year’s...

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The European Waste Reduction Week is about re-use

The European Waste Reduction Week campaign, organized by the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (FM) from 18 to 26 November is focusing on re-use – the Parliamentary Minister of State said...

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Tesco is reducing food waste

The European Waste Reduction Week organized between November 21 and 29 draws attention to the prevention of unnecessary waste production. Since 2013, Tesco actively supports the work of the Food...

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SPAR: stop wasting food!

SPAR has launched a billboard campaign in 10 of its stores in Budapest in connection with the European Waste Reduction Week. The SPAR would like to show customers to choose...

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The European Waste Reduction Week will be programs in each county

Within the European Waste Reduction Week this year a total of 473 waste-reduction and awareness-raising actions will take place. Programs will be organized in all of the counties – the...

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