Tag "előrejelzés"

CIB Bank: economic growth may slow next year

GDP grew by 4.7 percent in the first half of the year, and this pace will hardly moderate for the rest of the year, so in 2018, economic growth may...

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OECD: Hungarian GDP may increase by 4.6 percent this year

According to the OECD projections, Hungarian GDP growth rises to 4.6 percent this year from last year’s 4.4 percent. The previous forecast predicted 4.4 percent. For the next year, the...

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Increased weight and height will require more food

It will be more difficult to supply food to the Earth’s estimated population of 9 billion by 2050, as an average person will need more food in terms of height...

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According to a survey, sports tourism revenues can be quadrupled within a few years

Within a few years, the revenue from sports tourism can be quadrupled. Budapest, with its current sports infrastructure investments can benefit from the favorable process – according to the survey...

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Raiffeisen: the growth of the Hungarian economy may be above 2 percent in 2020 and will be 3.5 percent next year

Raiffeisen Bank analysts expect a slowdown in economic growth in the coming years: while this year’s GDP growth is expected to exceed 4 percent, next year it will fall to...

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The European Commission has improved its GDP growth forecast for this year and for the next year

The European Commission has improved the Hungarian economy’s growth forecast for this year and for the next year – in its autumn prognosis published by the European Commission. The analysts...

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The number of foreign tourists could increase by more than half in the Netherlands by 2030

By the end of the next decade, the number of foreign tourists in the Netherlands can grow by more than one and half times to about 29 million per year...

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IMF has improved the Hungarian GDP growth forecast for 2018 and 2019

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved its GDP growth forecast for this year and the next year in its autumn global economic forecast. According to the World Economy Outlook,...

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The Savings Bank raised its growth forecast to 4.1 percent next year

The Savings Bank (Takarékbank) confirmed its 4.6 percent forecast for the growth of the Hungarian economy this year, basically based on the boom in investment. However in 2019, the GDP...

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European retail sales expected to grow by 2.1 percent in 2018

According to a forecast by GfK, retail sales will increase by 2.1 percent in the 28 member states of the European Union this year. GfK’s ‘European Retail in 2018’ study...

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MNB: inflation will be slightly above 3 percent in the short term

According to the latest inflation report of the National Bank of Hungary (MNB), inflation is expected to be slightly above 3 percent in the short term. In a sustainable manner...

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Equilor: GDP growth continues to accelerate this year

According to the analysts of the Equilor Investment Ltd., the dynamic growth of the Hungarian economy will continue this year, but the dynamics of the economy may slow down next...

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Analysts: the foreign trade balance surplus may be lower this year

Both exports and imports in euros are growing dynamically, but the surplus of the foreign trade balance is expected to be lower in 2018 than last year – macroeconomic analysts...

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Retail sales may grow by around 6 percent this year

Retail sales are expected to grow by around 6.0 percent this year, reaching a year-on-year growth rate of around 6.0 percent, and contributing significantly to the rise in gross domestic...

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Analysts: over four percent growth is expected in 2018

This year, gross domestic product (GDP) in Hungary could increase by 4.2 – 4.6 percent, analysts said after analyzing the second estimate of the Central Statistical Office’s data. Central Statistical...

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GKI: growth is faster than expected, but its pace is slowing down

GKI has raised its forecast for the growth of the Hungarian economy this year to 4.2 percent, but believes that next year economic growth will decrease to close to 3...

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Analysts: earnings rise will continue to go on this year

Market analysts told MTI that the rise in earnings in June was slightly higher than expected but did not cause any surprises. In the second half of the year, similarly...

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GKI: The growth of the Hungarian economy is at peak

The Hungarian economy grew by 4.4 percent in the first quarter of 2017 and in the first quarter of 2018, with the highest fourth-fifth highest rate in the region reaching...

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The decline in milk prices may end

The producer price of milk is almost 10 percent lower since the beginning of the year, but the market expect that it has already reached this year’s low. The price...

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The IMF has not changed the global growth forecast for this year and the next

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) maintained its April forecast for the world economy’s growth for this year and next year, but indicated that the prospects are surrounded by increasing risks....

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The European Commission expects a 4 percent growth in Hungary for 2018 and 3.2 percent for 2019

The European Commission improved its prognosis for the growth in Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP), which is expected to grow by 4 percent in 2018 and by 3.2 percent in...

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GfK: retail sales may increase by 6 percent this year

Retail retail sales can grow by 6 percent this year in Hungary, while in the EU-28, the average growth will be 2.1 percent, according to a study of GfK’s market...

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The Savings Bank has improved its GDP forecast

Takarékbank’s analysts have slightly increased their forecast for GDP growth this year, from 4.5 percent to 4.6 percent – basically on the basis of boosting investment – Suppan Gergely, senior...

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Analysts: growth can be higher than expected all year

The growth of Hungary’s GDP in the first quarter was slightly higher than expected. As a result the Takarékbank and ING Bank have already upgraded their growth expectations for the...

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OECD improved the Hungarian growth projection

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has improved its forecast for growth of the Hungarian economy in its most recent Wednesday publication called “Perspectives of the economy”. The...

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CIB: growth is expected to be around 4 percent this year

This year, CIB Bank analysts report an economic growth may be close to four percent, with inflation below three percent, and loose monetary policy – Trippon Mariann, chief analyst of...

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Lidl plans to open hundreds of new stores

Lidl and Kaufland’s parent company the German Schwarz Gruppe expects more than 100 billion euros turnover for this year and is ready to make more investments. Lidl and its rival,...

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European Commission: the growth of the Hungarian economy will remain strong in 2018

The growth of the Hungarian economy will remain strong in 2018, but it is expected to slow down in 2019, as the construction industry’s opportunities will be more limited and...

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There will be eleven billion people on earth by 2100

The UN estimates that the world’s population will grow from the current 7.4 billion to 11.2 billion in the next 80 years – portfolio.hu wrote, on the basis of the...

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The IMF has improved the Hungarian GDP growth forecast

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved the Hungarian GDP growth forecast for this and the next year in its spring forecast for the world economy. According to the World...

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