Tag "előrejelzés"

The European Commission has revised its forecast for the Hungarian economy this year

The European Commission has revised its forecast for the Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP) growth, according to which economic growth is expected to be 4.6 percent this year, the third...

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The IMF has significantly improved its GDP growth forecast

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved its Hungarian GDP growth forecast in the World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast released on Tuesday. The Hungarian economy is forecast to grow by...

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Kopint-Tárki has improved its growth expectations

The Kopint-Tárki Economic Research Institute raised its GDP growth forecast for September to 4.8 percent from the 4.5 percent forecasted in June, while its forecast for 2020 remained unchanged at...

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Fitch: global economic growth slows this year to a seven-year low

The escalation of the US-China trade war is expected to slow global economic growth to a seven-year low this year and will further weaken next year – according to Fitch...

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Financial research may continue to hold the momentum of the economy next year

According to the latest analysis of the Pénzügykutató Zrt., the momentum of the economy may continue next year, but the growth rate will decline from the 4.7 percent of this...

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GKI: economy is growing at an annual average of 4.3 percent this year

GKI Economic Research Co. has raised its forecast for economic growth this year, expecting 4.3 percent instead of the 4 percent forecasted in June – Vértes András, GKI’s president said...

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Századvég: GDP may grow by 4.8 percent this year

The Századvég Economic Researcher revised its GDP growth forecast to 4.8 percent this year and expects a growth of 3.9 percent by 2020, but notes that weakness in the German...

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The OECD has downgraded its global economic growth forecast

The OECD has lowered its earlier forecast of growth in the world economy this year to the lowest level since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, due to growing trade conflicts...

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European retail in 2019

A study made by GfK has revealed that purchasing power grew considerably in the European Union in 2018. The engines of this growth were Latvia (+10.3 percent) and the Czech...

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Equilor: the Hungarian economy is stable

The fundamentals of the Hungarian economy continue to be favorable, although GDP growth may slow down, but it will remain vigorous this year – according to the latest analysis of...

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Coface: the Central and Eastern European GDP may expand by 3.6 percent this year and 3.2 percent next year

GDP in Central and Eastern Europe is growing at a slower rate than last year, with GDP rising 3.6 percent this year and 3.2 percent next year – according to...

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Analysts: economic growth will slow down in the second half of the year

Economic growth will slow in the second half of the year, but may still be close to 4.5 percent throughout the year – analysts told MTI commented on Friday’s detailed...

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Optimistic statistics, pessimistic expectations

Data from April and May indicates that a slowdown occurred in the Hungarian economy in the second quarter, in comparison with the first quarter of 2019. However, the loss of...

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Ifo’s third quarter global economic sentiment deteriorated

The World Economic Sentiment Index of the Munich-based ifo Economic Research Institute has deteriorated for the third quarter – according to the results of the World Economic Survey (WES) sent...

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Analysts: retail sales growth remains decent

Rise in real wages will keep retail sales up, but the pace may decline as more income is spent on services, investments or savings – experts interviewed by MTI commented...

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The US-China trade war can hold back world trade

DHL’s Global Trade Barometer expects global trade to decline in the coming period – piacesprofit.hu wrote. Traffic is also declining in the air and maritime trade. Due to the growing...

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The IMF has downgraded its forecast for global GDP growth this year and for the next

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has downgraded its forecast for growth in the world economy for this year and the next. The IMF said in its updated report (World Economic...

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Analysts expect annual inflation of around 3.5 percent

This year, analysts interviewed by MTI are expecting 3.3-3.5 percent inflation based on the latest KSH data and do not expect significant monetary tightening from the central bank in 2019....

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The European Commission has further improved its growth forecast for Hungary

This year’s economic growth forecast for Hungary has been improved further – the European Commission published its summer forecast on Wednesday. Experts from the Brussels-based Economic and Financial Directorate-General (Ecfin)...

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The analysts of Takarékbank raised the forecast for this year’s GDP growth from 4.4 percent to 4.7 percent

Suppan Gergely, chief analyst of Takarékbank said at a press conference in Budapest on Thursday that the analysts of Takarékbank raised their forecasts for this year’s growth from 4.4 percent...

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Kopint-Tárki improved growth forecast

Compared to its March forecast, Kopint-Tárki Institute for Economic Research also increased its forecast for economic growth and inflation in a report published on Tuesday. Instead of the 4.0 percent...

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London analysts: the growth of EU economies in Central Europe are robust, but may slow down later

According to London financial analysts, the growth momentum of the Central and Eastern European economies was likely to remain robust in the second quarter, but due to euro area problems,...

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A large quantity of wine was produced last year

According to French market analyst Tallage, this summer farmers will harvest 143 million tons of wheat in the EU. As for corn, the yield is expected to be around 63.4...

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Századvég: economic growth may even reach 5 percent

The Századvég Economic Research Co. has improved its growth expectations, and in favorable cases it is also not excluded that it will approach or even reach the 5 percent growth...

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Growth can be four percent next year

Next year’s growth – similarly to this year – may be around 4 percent, well above the EU average – Adorján Richárd, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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The government expects economic growth of around 4 percent in the coming years

The government expects sustained high economic growth of around 4 percent in the coming years; the growth forecast for next year is 4.0 percent, while 4.1 percent for 2020, 4.2...

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The European economy is expanding next year

The European economy has been growing for the seventh year and is expected to grow further in 2020. The economies of all Member States are strengthening, despite less favorable conditions...

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FruitVeB: What we can expect from the sour cherry season

European sour cherry production and market positions. Four countries, mainly Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Germany, make up about 300-400 thousand tons of production in the sour cherry market. Germany’s production...

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IATA reduced the annual profit prospects for airlines

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reduced its profit forecast of airlines by the end of the year. The association expects a 28 billion USD profit instead of the previous...

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OECD: the growth of the Hungarian economy is slowing down, but remains strong

The growth of the Hungarian economy is slowing down but remains strong this year and next year -according to the latest OECD forecast released on Tuesday. Analysts from the Paris-based...

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