Tag "előrejelzés"

Kopint- Tárki: GDP may increase by 3.2 percent this year and by 2.2 percent in 2016

The gross domestic product (GDP) can increase by 3.2 percent this year and by 2.2 for the next year – according to the forecast of the Kopint-Tárki Economic Research Institute,...

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GKI forecasts slower growth

In 2014, the performance of the Hungarian economy was much better than anticipated by anyone. Nevertheless, in a forward looking perspective, it did not reach a trajectory that ensures sound...

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Savings Bank: GDP may expand by 3.2 percent this year

According to the analysts of the Savings Bank (TakarékBank), the Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP) may increase significantly this year, by 3.2 percent. The engine of growth will primarily be...

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OKSZ: retailing continues to grow this year

The National Trade Association (OKSZ) expects a further growth in retail sales, but at a slower pace. According to data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published on Wednesday, retail...

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GKI: slowing growth and upgrade may come this year

After last year's exceptionally fast 3.5 percent growth, a deceleration may come. The GKI expects a 2 percent economic growth, and that the credit rating agencies will upgrade Hungary’s classification...

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The NGM expects the further expansion of retail trade

The retail sales reached a ten-year record in 2014 – the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) told MTI on Thursday MTI, commenting the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)....

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Analysts: the rise in real wages will continue this year

Even without the one-time effects the rise in real wages may continue this year according to analysts interviewed by MTI on Friday, According to data of the Central Statistical Office...

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PwC: the world economy may grow by an annual 3 percent between 2014 and 2050

he projections came in the consultancy’s latest “World in 2050” report, which provides growth forecasts for 32 of the world’s largest economies, accounting for around 84 percent of global gross...

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Szallas.hu: domestic tourism can grow by 9 percent this year

The growth of domestic tourism does not coming to a halt this year. According to the latest forecast of the Szallas.hu portal it can reach 9 percent. The Szallas.hu also...

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Analysts expect higher growth and lower inflation than the European Commission forecasted

The European Commission is too pessimistic with regard to next year’s economic growth and this year's inflation – the senior analysts of K&H and ING consider. According to the economic...

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The European Commission expects slower economic growth in Hungary and lower deficits

According to the “winter economic forecast” of the European Commission (EC) in 2015 and in 2016, the European Commission expects slower economic growth in Hungary. The European Commission also lowered...

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Analysts: the growth can be persistent in retail

According to analysts interviewed by MTI on Wednesday, the growth can be persistent in retail trade. Török Bálint, analyst of the Buda-Cash Brókerház Zrt. (Buda-Cash Brokerage House Ltd.) told MTI...

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GKI: Improvement in terms of trade

The GKI Economic Research Co. predicts that – although in 2014 the growth was approx. 3.2 percent a temporarily extremely rapid growth – the deceleration started in the third quarter...

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The Coface is expecting a 2.3 percent GDP growth in Hungary

This year, a 2.3 percent GDP growth is expected in Hungary. The Hungarian economy is only moderately affected by the strenghtening of the Swiss franc, due to the fixing fixing...

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The prospects for agriculture are promising

Czerván György, the Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible for Agri Management called the agriculture prospects encouraging this year and for the next years. Czerván George, agrárgazdaságért...

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