Tag "előrejelzés"

Growth in retail sales may accelerate in the coming months

Growth in retail sales may continue to accelerate in the coming months – according to analysts interviewed by MTI. According to the first estimate released by the Central Statistical Office...

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Moody’s: the slowdown in productivity growth is one of the major global growth risks

The persistent decline in labor productivity growth, one of the key drivers of overall economic performance, corporate profitability and the government tax base, remains among the most significant risks to...

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The 2017-2021 convergence program expects a vigorous economic growth

After a successful crisis management period, one of the main goals of the government’s economic policy is to increase the country’s competitiveness, which, in addition to stimulating the economy, will...

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Analysts: gross wages can increase by 10 percent this year, real wage growth can be between 7-8 percent

Gross wages may increase by around 10 percent this year, while real wages – calculated with a 2.4 to 2.5 percent inflation rate – may rise between 7-8 percent, according...

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Analysts: inflation rate this year may be around the purpose of the MNB

Inflation decreased to 2.7 percent in March, lower than the expectations of the analysts, after the 2.9 percent in February. In the rest of the year, inflation will temporarily exceed...

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According to experts, this year’s tourism prospects are favorable

This year’s tourism prospects are favorable, the occupancy and revenues may increase as well – experts told MTI referring to the latest data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According...

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Analysts: export growth may continue, but this year’s surplus may be smaller

In the next few months export growth may continue, but this year’s foreign trade surplus may be smaller than last year’s 9.935 billion euros surplus. The further strengthening in household...

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CIB Bank: GDP in Hungary could grow around 3 percent this year

This year the Hungarian GDP could grow around 3 percent, according to CIB Bank analysts, mainly due to the increase in domestic demand and the use of EU funds –...

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GKI published its forecast for 2017

Last year, the Hungarian economic growth slowed strongly, compared to the previous two years, mainly to the decline in EU funds and the decrease in investments. The GDP increased by...

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Pénzügykutató: GDP will expand above 4 percent this year

The gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate this year may rise above 4 percent, due to the fact that investments will jump on low base. According to the latest forecast...

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London analysts: the performance of the Hungarian economy forecasts a stronger than expected growth this year

London financial analysts said that on the basis of the current activity indicators, the Hungarian economy started strongly this year and is likely to grow at a faster pace than...

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Analysts: foreign trade surplus is decreasing, but remains high

Foreign trade surplus is expected to decrease this year, but still remains high – according to analysts commenting the most recent data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to...

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Analysts: this year’s economic growth will generate consumption

This year started well in retail according to analysts interviewed by MTI, who believe that GDP growth this year will be mainly generated by increasing household consumption. The Central Statistical...

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World tourism expands further this year

A 3-4 percent growth can be expected in tourism Globally in this year’s favorable economic environment. In Europe, a growth of 2-3 percent is expected, while Hungary is among the...

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Cisco: mobile data traffic to increase seven-fold by 2021

Thanks to continued growth in the number of mobile phone users, mobile video, 4G networks and the Internet of Things, global mobile data traffic should increase seven-fold from 2016 to...

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Concorde: Hungary’s GDP growth may be over 3 percent this year

The Hungarian GDP growth this year may range between 3-4 percent, and next year it is expected to increase over 3 percent, due to the retail wage growth and the...

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According to a processing company, poultry production in Hungary might be restored by May

According to a processing company, poultry production in Hungary might be restored by as early as May – the CEO of the Pannon Fine Food Kft. told MTI on Wednesday....

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Pioneer: a growth of around 4 percent is expected in Hungary

In the next two years the economic growth can be around 4 percent in Hungary and the CEE region has also have favorable prospects – Forián-Szabó Gergely, chief investment officer...

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Analysts: Inflation may continue to accelerate in the first quarter

Inflation may continue to accelerate in the first quarter, but analysts interviewed by MTI do not expect to exceed the central bank’s inflation target of 3 percent this year. According...

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The European Commission expects a 3.5 percent growth for Hungary in 2017 and a 3.2 percent growth for 2018

The European Commission expects a 3.5 percent growth for Hungary this year and a 3.2 percent growth for the next year. The European Commission published its winter economic forecast for...

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Analysts: the trade surplus remains high, but is less than last year’s record

Because of the consumption and investment growth, as well as the expected rise in international oil prices, last year’s record-sized trade surplus is unlikely to be repeated this year, but...

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CIB Fund Management: Hungarian economic growth this year will be above 3 percent year on year

According to the CIB Fund Management, the Hungarian economic growth will be above 3 percent this year, while inflation will be between 2-3 percent. Hajdu Egon, investment director at the...

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GKI: economic growth may be around 3 percent this year

After last year’s 2 percent, Hungary’s GDP growth will be around 3 percent this year. In particular, due to the restart of the EU support a significant growth will occur...

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Raiffeisen: the outlook for the Hungarian economy is very favorable

The outlook for the Hungarian economy is extremely favorable: the expansion of the GDP may be over three percent this year and for the next year – Török Zoltán, chief...

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Analysts: this year’s expected inflation rate exceeds 2 percent

Macroeconomic analysts who responded to the Central Statistical Office’s (KSH) fresh data told MTI that they expect more than 2 percent inflation this year. According to the report, consumer prices...

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Analysts: the growth of retail sales may accelerate further

Analysts told MTI that they expect a further increase in retail sales, due to the significant increase in real wages and employment growth. According to the first estimates of the...

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GKI expects a 3 percent growth in the economy and a 5 percent in consumption next year

The Hungarian economy is essentially proceed along the path indicated in September. Due to the decline in EU subsidies, the 2 percent GDP growth of 2016 is one of the...

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The Kopint- Tárki improved its growth forecast for next year

The Kopint-Tárki Konjunktúrakutató Intézet Zrt. (Kopint- Tárki Business Climate Research Institute Plc.) has improved its forecast for next year's GDP growth from the 2.7 percent forecasted in October to 3.2...

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Takarékbank: economic growth may be 2.1 percent this year and 3.6 percent next year

According to the analysts of the Takarékbank (Savings Bank), the economic growth of Hungary may be 2.1 percent this year and 3.6 percent next year and 4 percent in 2018....

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Budapest Bank: the domestic companies are cautiously optimistic

Most the Hungarian CEOs are cautiously optimistic in terms of economic prospects. As the result of the increased orders close to 90 thousand new jobs may be created in the...

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