Tag "elemzés"

Majority of managers don’t think that IT investment will increase this year

According to a survey conducted by Rentasystem about the IT investment plans of SMEs and large companies, firms replace their IT devices less frequently than before: instead of every 1-2...

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What will 2018 bring? Risk analysis sector by sector

Credit insurance company Euler Hermes analysed five key sectors at the end of last year – the automotive industry, building and construction, freight forwarding, the food industry and retail trade. As...

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Magazine: GKI calculates with better-than-expected years to come

Due to the great rise in the level of investments in the 2nd quarter of the year, GKI raised its growth forecast from 3.5 percent to 3.8 percent for this year...

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Butter and spread prices increased the most

In August 2017 consumer prices were 2.6 percent higher on average than in August 2016. Food prices rose 3.2 percent, with butter and spread prices jumping 12.5 percent. Pork’s price...

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K&H: it is time to modernize fruit plantations

The changes in the price of agricultural products for cereals and animal products did not surprise, but there is a very serious change in fruit and vegetables, which draws attention...

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Worldwide sales of smartphones declined

In the second quarter, only the five largest manufacturers were able to increase their smartphone sales, but global market turnover declined overall, according to an analysis of the US International...

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Two-digit growth in hotels in the first quarter

The hotels in Hungary reached a 2-digit growth in the first quarter: the total gross hotel turnover of the hotels increased by 10.7 percent and gross room revenues increased by...

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Szallas.hu: four times more people travel on the long weekend

Even after the Easter record, the Hungarians still want to travel, and four times more people plan to travel for a long weekend on 1 May than at a typical...

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The market for durable consumer goods continues to grow in Hungary this year

Last year, the sales of durable consumer goods increased by 6.8 percent – the latest analysis of the market leader credit insurer reveals. According to the analysts of Atradius, the...

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Consumer recognitions can bring significant sales growth

The winning of the Product of the Year Award (POY) award may bring an average of 40 percent increase in traffic for the brands, but the scope of consumers may...

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KPMG: Hungarian hotel capacity to increase by approximately two thousand rooms by 2018

In the next two years, the hotel capacity in Hungary will expand by about two thousand rooms. This means 4,000 new hotel beds, so Hungary and Budapest are preparing for...

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There is a lack of medium-sized breweries

The domestic beer producers’s revenues increased steadily over the past three years, but among the market participants there is an extremely lack for medium-sized plants – the analysis of the...

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GfK: the weight of the markets decreased in the procurement of daily consumer goods

The ratio of the markets, including the weight of the farmers' markets decreased in daily consumer goods purchases. The share of visitors from the 72 percent measured in 2010, decreased...

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Food retailing: a 2.5 percent increase was enough to the forefront

In terms of value, food retail sales in Hungary increased by 2.5 percent during the second quarter of this year, compared to last year's first three months. This is the...

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Every forint spent on advertising adds another six to the country’s economic performance

At the Media Hungary conference the Hungarian Advertising Association (MRSZ) and PwC Hungary revealed the findings of their study, ‘The Economic Impacts of Hungary’s Advertising Sector’. MRSZ president Zsolt Urbán...

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The European Football Championship boosts the food and beverage industry

The Hungarian beer consumption is expected to grow, while the shrinkage of the beer market is likely to temporarily stop in Austria – according to the sectoral analysis of Atradius...

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More than six hundred domestic M&A transactions were closed in the last six years

More than 600 public transactions were concluded in Hungary between 2010 and 2015 on the domestic market of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The total value of these transactions is estimated...

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Bisnode: the hotel industry in the first quarter increased its revenues by 10 percent

The Hungarian hotel industry in the first quarter increased its revenues by 10 percent, so it is facing a profitable year in 2016 as well – according to the latest...

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Nielsen: a sales increase in domestic food stores

The value of Hungarian food retail sales increased by 4.6 percent during the first quarter, compared to the first three months of last year. It is the third largest increase...

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Coface: internal consumption is the engine of economic growth in Hungary

In Hungary, the engine of economic growth will be primarily internal consumption, mainly due to the decline in unemployment, the increase in disposable income – according to the fresh analysis...

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The payment discipline of Hungarian companies has improved

In general, survey respondents in Eastern Europe appear to be more inclined to sell on credit domestically than internationally. On average, 42.9% of the total value of their domestic B2B...

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Labor shortage can be an unmanageable problem by 2050

The decline of the working age population could lead to critical labor shortages in Europe by the mid-century. For 2050, the European continent will be the oldest region. 15 percent...

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The retail real estate market is becoming more expensive in Budapest

The retail real estate market is becoming more expensive in Budapest – the latest analysis of the CBRE global real estate consultant was published by portfolio.hu. The supply of new...

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Bisnode: many catering companies continue to go bankrupt

The hospitality sector continues to be the sector that has the highest bankruptcy rate. The most risky businesses are the firms dealing with hospitality. The bankruptcy rate of such companies...

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Nielsen: the majority of the retail promotions close with losses

Food, household chemical goods and cosmetics manufacturing companies close six out of ten retail discount actions with lossses and the balance is deteriorating further – the three-year analysis of the...

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The agricultural producer prices are driven down by global overproduction

According to the latest data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the twenty-two month-long downward trend in the agricultural price index continued in April 2015. According to the data of...

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One hundred and fifty billion HUF whiteout in the economy thanks to the online cash registers

According to the calculations of the Central Bank’s analysts, the online cash registers whitened the economy in 2014 with about 150 billion HUF – portfolio.hu wrote. The analysts of the...

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PwC Global Economy Watch: employment increasing worldwide

The economic recovery prospects are still uncertain about seven years after the outbreak of the global financial crisis. However, it can be a reason for optimism, that one of the...

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A recovery is expected from 2016 in the markets of the Balkans

New doors can open in front of the companies that are seeking to expand in the former Yugoslav countries. The situation of the economy is likely to recover in 2016,...

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Everything that influences shopping decisions

Nielsen’s complex marketing mix model is suitable for analysing many aspects in addition to price, when it comes to influencing store sales. It is noteworthy that store choice drivers are...

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