Tag "élelmiszerárak"

The core inflation rate calculated without food and energy prices did not change on a monthly basis in the USA

A várakozások alatt alakult júliusban a termelőiárak emelkedése mind havi, mind éves bázison a washingtoni munkaügyi minisztérium statisztikai intézete, az U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics kedden publikált jelentése alapján. Az...

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Annual inflation in Romania accelerated to 5.42 percent in July, food prices rose by 1.71 percent

Annual inflation in Romania rose to 5.42 percent in July from 4.94 percent the previous month, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Monday. Inflation in Romania slowed continuously...

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In July, inflation in the Czech Republic rose to 2.2 percent

Annual inflation in the Czech Republic rose to 2.2 percent in July from 2 percent in June, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Monday in Prague. According to the statement,...

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Food prices rose at an accelerating rate in Germany

Inflation in Germany slowed down in June, according to the final data of the federal statistical office, Destatis, presented on Thursday. In June, consumer prices were 2.2 percent higher than...

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In Turkey, retail sales growth slowed in May on an annual basis

In Turkey, retail sales growth in May was 5.8 percent, the slowest rate since July 2022, following a 10.2 percent increase in April, according to the statistical office on Thursday....

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Food prices in China have been falling for twelve months

In June, the annual inflation in China moderated to a greater extent than expected: according to the Wednesday report of the National Bureau of Statistics, consumer prices rose by 0.2...

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The development of fuel and food prices moderated inflation in the Czech Republic

Annual inflation in the Czech Republic dropped to two percent in June from 2.6 percent in May, the Czech Statistical Office announced on Wednesday in Prague. The monthly price decrease...

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What comes after the mandatory promotions?

As of July 1, 2024, a significant change has taken place in the Hungarian retail sector: the mandatory in-store promotions, introduced just over a year ago on June 1, 2023,...

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KSH: in June, consumer prices increased by 3.7 percent on average compared to the same month of the previous year

In June 2024, consumer prices were on average 3.7 percent higher than a year earlier. Compared to May, prices did not change on average, food prices fell by 0.3 percent,...

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MBH Bank analysis: Inflation moderated in June

According to MBH Bank’s latest analysis, the annual rate of inflation fell to 3.7% in June 2024, which is below the previously expected level of 4%. The level of consumer...

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Euro zone inflation slowed down in June

In line with analysts’ expectations, annual inflation slowed in the euro area in June, according to preliminary data published on Tuesday by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union....

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German inflation slowed in June, but food prices are still rising

Inflation in Germany slowed down in June, according to the Monday report of the German Federal Statistical Office, Destatis, based on preliminary data. In June, the consumer price index exceeded...

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Hungarian prices are becoming more and more attractive, and foreigners have also realized this

Over a longer period of time, i.e. in the last one and a half to two decades, there has been a serious turn in the world of stock exchanges, which...

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Food prices may continue to rise due to price adjustments following inflation

This spring, a number of companies were confronted for the first time with the phenomenon of inflation-tracking price adjustments, which, although they existed before, have now become really perceptible and...

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KSH: in May, consumer prices increased by 4.0 percent on average compared to the same month of the previous year

In May 2024, consumer prices were on average 4.0 percent higher than a year earlier. Compared to April, prices fell by an average of 0.1 percent, vehicle fuel prices fell...

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Prices increased by 4% in May

In accordance with our expectations, the annual rate of inflation rose to 4.0% in May. Compared to the previous month, prices fell by 0.1%, which is slightly below our expectations...

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Márton Nagy is satisfied: the price of eggs decreased by 22 percent, flour by 19.6 percent, dairy products by 11.6 percent, and dry pasta by 10.6 percent compared to the same period last year

Inflation brought down to a low level by the government is good for families and good for the economy as well – stated Minister of National Economy Márton Nagy in...

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In April, the personal consumption price index stagnated in the United States

In April, the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index excluding food and energy prices in the United States, the Fed’s preferred inflation indicator, stagnated at 2.8 percent for the third...

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Euro zone inflation was 2.4 percent in April as well after March

In accordance with what was announced in advance, the annual inflation in the euro zone was 2.4 percent in April after March, according to the final data published by Eurostat,...

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In Austria, inflation slowed down in April

The rate of annual growth of consumer prices in Austria fell to 3.5 percent, the lowest since September 2021, in April following the previous month’s 4.1 percent, in accordance with...

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Food price increase to slow down significantly this year

Erste told at a press conference in April that food prices will continue to rise in Hungary in 2024, but after the significant increase in the past two years, the...

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KSH: Consumer prices increased by 3.7 percent on average in April compared to the same month of the previous year

In April of this year, consumer prices were on average 3.7 percent higher than a year earlier, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Friday. Compared to March, prices rose...

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MNB: fuel and food accelerated inflation in April

The annual consumer price index rose by 0.1 percentage point in April compared to the previous month. Fuels contributed 0.3 percentage points and foodstuffs 0.2 percentage points to the increase...

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Márton Nagy: inflation remained at a low level

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in April 2024, in line with the trends of previous months, the rate of inflation remained at a low...

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Food prices may increase due to global warming

Global warming and extreme weather conditions are putting increasing pressure on agriculture, posing significant inflationary risks worldwide, according to a new study from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research....

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Shrink inflation is getting worse

Dishwashing detergent, sweets, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir and camembert cheese have also become smaller packages for certain brands, while the prices have remained unchanged – according to an article...

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In the OECD, inflation stagnated in February

In the countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the average annual increase in consumer prices was 5.7 percent in February, the same as in January....

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The annual growth rate of food, alcoholic beverages and tobacco prices slowed to 2.6 percent in March in the eurozone

In accordance with the preliminary estimate, the annual inflation in the euro zone slowed down in March, according to the final data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the...

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Inflation accelerated in Italy in March

In Italy, instead of the 1.3 percent reported on the basis of the preliminary estimate, consumer prices rose by 1.2 percent year-on-year in March, following the 0.8 percent increase in...

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GVH: Annual food inflation practically dropped to zero in March

Food inflation measured on an annual basis was 0.7 percent in March 2024, according to data published by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Thursday morning. Accordingly, food prices have...

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