Tag "élelmiszerár"

The vicious circle of food waste and climate change can be broken with simple solutions

Food. We produce it, harvest it, process it, pack it, transport it, distribute it, give it away, make it, and then throw it away. Every year, 14% of the food...

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Hungarians try to save a lot, but wouldn’t get rid of their cars

Nearly 60% of Hungarians expect higher electricity and gas bills in the fall, while a household with an average income could only manage HUF 3,000-3,000 extra per month. In terms...

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This is the message of the FAO food price index, which has started to fall

There is no sign of domestic food prices yet, but the FAO food price index has been falling for the fourth month. Zoltán Fórián, the leading agricultural expert of the...

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The rise in prices came in several waves: food inflation is already over 34 percent

Looking back over the past 12 months, it can be seen that Hungarian stores were hit by price increases in several waves. The first jump occurred at the end of...

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OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook presents production, consumption, trade and price trends for the coming decade

With less than 10 years until the 2030 deadline for achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), governments need to step up their efforts to meet global food security and...

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FAO: Agriculture on the proving grounds Damage and loss

Available data shows us that an increased occurrence and intensity of disasters is the new normal. Within the first few months of 2020, huge swarms of desert locusts began ravaging...

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FAO: International food prices continue rising in April

FAO Food Price Index posts 11th consecutive monthly increase, new forecasts point to growth in world wheat and maize output International food commodity prices rose for the 11th consecutive month in...

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Prices were up nearly 5 percent

In October 2018 consumer prices were 3.8 percent higher on average than a year before. In comparison with October 2017, food prices increased by 4.6 percent. Seasonal product prices (potatoes,...

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MNB: food and tobacco products increased inflation in September

Inflation increased by 0.2 percentage points in September, compared to the previous month. The growth was driven by rising food and tobacco prices – Várhegyi Judit, head of the Hungarian...

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Magazine: Food price increase above the average

In March 2018 consumer prices were 2 percent higher on average than a year before. In comparison with March 2017, food prices increased by 4.1 percent. Egg’s price soared by...

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The price of potatoes have increased significantly

Discounted potatoes cost already twice than a year before – the ripost.hu. wrote. In addition, this year's crop does not cover the domestic needs, and the major European producers have...

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FAO: food prices on a six-year low

Food prices fell to the lowest in almost six years, led by plentiful supplies of dairy products and palm and soyabean oil, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation....

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