Trademagazin > dubai csoki
Tag "dubai csoki"
Why is chocolate in Dubai so expensive? It’s revealed!
Date: 2024-12-18 11:25:34
In recent months, Hungary has also caught the Dubai chocolate fever, which has garnered worldwide attention. But why is it considered a luxury product, and why is it so expensive?...
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Dubai chocolate is available in PRÍMA and CBA stores
Date: 2024-12-18 11:13:31
The increasingly popular Dubai chocolate (Rosso Bianco 36g – Dubai Chocolate) is available in the PRÍMA and CBA stores operated by Vörösvár Kft. The worldwide popularity of Dubai chocolate is...
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Price competition for Dubai chocolate: Lidl explodes with another discount
Date: 2024-12-17 11:10:54
The Dubai chocolate price war has taken a new turn: Lidl is now offering the popular candy at an even lower price than last week. The discount chain announced on...
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