Tag "Campus Fesztivál"

At the Campus Festival, Lidl FesztMarket awaits customers with shop prices

If it’s summer, then it’s festival season – and of course Lidl can’t be left out! This year, the market-leading retail store chain of our country will host two musical...

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Nádudvar flavors again at the Campus Festival

This year, the unique regional cooperation continues between the Debrecen Campus Nonprofit Public Benefit Ltd. and the Nádudvari Food Ltd. The Nádudvari Gasztro Bistro and the Nádudvari Gastro Theater will...

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Nádudvari flavors at the Campus Festival

The Debrecen-based Campus Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. (Campus Nonprofit Public Company Ltd.) and the Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft., (Nádudvari Food Ltd.) have signed a unique regional cooperation agreement. As a result, two...

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