Tag "Bulgária"

Smurfit Kappa acquires Bag-in-Box plant in Bulgaria

Smurfit Kappa, one of the world’s leading providers of sustainable packaging solutions, has announced it has signed an agreement to acquire Artemis Ltd., a Bag-in-Box packaging plant located in Shumen,...

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Carrefour Returns To Bulgaria After A Decade

French supermarket chain Carrefour is back in Bulgaria after a nearly ten-year hiatus, according to local media reports. News portal Capital reported that last month, the retailer opened two stores in...

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Lidl, Billa To Open New Stores in Bulgaria

Lidl Bulgaria is set to expand its retail network with the opening of eight to 10 new stores in 2024, with each outlet seeing an average investment of BGN 14...

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Új raktárt épít a Billa Bulgáriában

Mintegy 25,5 millió euróból épít új raktárépületet a Billa Bulgária Stara Zagora közelében. Az 55 hektáros telken elhelyezkedő, 16 500 négyzetméteres raktárterületű depó a Billa Bulgária középső és déli régiókban...

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Új üzletkoncepciót vezetett be a Billa Bulgáriában

Új üzletkoncepciót vezetett be a Billa Bulgáriában, amely egyesíti a lakóhelyhez közeli boltok nyújtotta kényelmet a nagyobb szupermarketek kínálta termékválasztékkal. A kiskereskedő első Billa Dnes üzletét Dobrichban nyitotta meg, amelyet...

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(HU) Hét év után visszatér a Carrefour Bulgáriába

Médiajelentések szerint a francia kiskereskedelmi óriás Carrefour egy a Retail & More görög franchise-partnerrel kötött megállapodáson keresztül újra belép a bolgár piacra. French retail giant Carrefour is re-entering the Bulgarian...

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Kaufland Bulgaria Invests €11m To Upgrade Stores

The project includes a number of improvements on existing facilities and the implementation of technological innovations, Kaufland said. The retailer is giving priority to solutions aimed at improving the overall...

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Bulgaria’s fruit growers are in big trouble

Without government help, the sector could be on the brink of bankruptcy. The spring frosts and last week’s hail destroyed 70-80 percent of the crop. Cruel conditions prevail in the Bulgarian...

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The September deadline for the cereal import ban is unacceptable

A deadline of September 15 regarding the EU import ban on Ukrainian cereals is unacceptable for the EU countries neighboring Ukraine – Minister of Agriculture István Nagy emphasized on Wednesday...

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Billa Bulgaria Earmarks €16m For Store Renovations

Billa Bulgaria is investing over BGN 32 million (€16 million) in renovating its stores during 2023. The overall renovation of the stores includes the construction of new entrance areas; the...

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Bulgaria’s Fantastico Group opens new store and entertainment complex in Pernik

Bulgarian retailer Fantastico Group (established in 1991) has unveiled a new multi-use retail and entertainment complex in Pernik. The new 10,753m² complex opened in August and took 10 months to...

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Meeting for the region’s agri-chambers

On 25 September 2018 the agri-food chambers of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries met for the 69th time in Prague. The representatives of Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania and Romania were also...

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Bulgaria built a fence against swine fever

Bulgaria will shortly complete the construction of the 133-kilometer fence set up at the Bulgarian-Romanian border. The fence is built to prevent the entry of Romanian feral pigs into Bulgaria...

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In Bulgaria, they defend against swine fever by shooting wild boars

The mass shootout of wild boars was ordered in Dobric County, North Bulgaria, after having identified the 15 points of African swine fever (ASP) in the neighboring Tulcea County, Romania....

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Billa opens 10 new stores in Bulgaria

Austrian supermarket chain Billa employs 4,500 people in Bulgaria. They plan to open 10 new supermarkets in Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. The chain expects a 9-10 percent sales increase from...

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Bulgaria will coordinate its EU agricultural policy with Hungary in the future

In the future, Hungary and Bulgaria will coordinate their position on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with the EU so that farmers can get the right resources – Fazekas Sándor...

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The Czech KMV buys the Pepsi’s brand manufacturer in Bulgaria

The Karlovarské Minerální Vody has agreed on the acquisition of the Quadrant Beverages JSC, one of the largest Bulgarian beverage manufacturers – asvanyvizek.hu wrote. The acquisition must still be approved...

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