Tag "bor"

(HU) Euromonitor International: a kiskereskedők bizakodóak az idei Valentin-nap kapcsán

Retailers are optimistic for Valentine’s Day 2024 with signs consumer confidence is returning, according to experts at Euromonitor International. Euromonitor’s analysts say that slow growth and high inflation, with ongoing...

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Hungarian winemakers are worried

The sassy weather of recent years, the low purchase prices, the increase in production costs, and the declining consumption together make the situation of domestic grape growers and wineries difficult....

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The wines awarded with the title Debrecen City Wine 2024 were selected

In order to develop and support the quality Hungarian wine culture, the City of Debrecen is doing a lot in an exemplary way. This objective is also supported by the...

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The result is in, the Wine Producer of the Year has been revealed

On December 6, 2023, at 12:00 p.m., in the FELIX Kitchen & Bar, the winner of the “Wine Producer of the Year in Hungary 2023” title organized by the Hungarian...

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Good wines, depressing aftertastes!

Nehéz gazdasági helyzet, az értékesítésben nem érvényesíthető költségnövekedés, csökkenő fogyasztás nehezíti a hazai borászok munkáját, az időjárás pedig idén a korai szüretelésű fajtáknak kedvezett – tudtuk meg beszélgetőpartnereinktől. Kérdeztük őket...

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NATARA borcsalád

Megérkezett a WH Borászat legújabb bormárkája, a NATARA, amely már megtalálható az üzletekben! A NATARA Irsai Olivér igazán kellemes társaság, mindig vidám. Már egy ezüstérmet is nyert az egyik legelismertebb...

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Wines and wine connoisseurs

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/11. “METRO keeps developing and systematically introducing a multi-channel wholesale selling model based on professional buyers, in every product category and...

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Még tart a szüret a METRO-ban!

Az ünnepi asztalról nem hiányozhatnak a kiváló borok és pezsgők. A METRO októberben megjelent borkatalógusában mutatta be új borválasztékát, amelyet a vendéglátóipar kínálati igényeit szem előtt tartva alakított ki. Novemberben pedig...

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Hungarian winemakers can count on government support in the future as well

Zsolt Feldman, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) responsible for agriculture and rural development, gave a presentation on the state of the grape and wine industry, the new...

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Hungarian winemaker “International Female Winemaker of the Year” in Germany in 2023!

Germany’s largest online wine portal, selection-online.de, honored Zsófia Kövesdi, the head winemaker of Jammertal Winery, with the title “International Female Winemaker of the Year 2023”. No Hungarian winemaker has ever...

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The winemakers’ burdens may increase due to the new waste management rules

According to the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT), the joint introduction of the deposit return system (drs) and extended producer responsibility (epr) for products with a deposit fee will...

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Hungarian wine exports fell sharply

Compared to last year, the producer prices of wines increased, especially during domestic sales. The rate of price increase on export markets is much lower. In the first three quarters...

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Hungarian wines and foods were introduced to Dublin

The Embassy of Hungary in Dublin organized a wonderful event to introduce and promote Hungarian food and wine in Ireland. Ambassador Dr. Gergely Bánhegyi and his team invited Dublin’s gastro-interested...

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Egyre csökken a vörösborfogyasztás

A magyarországi borkultúra és borkereskedelem hasonlóan alakul, mint amit globális trendek mutatnak. Ennek sajnos negatív hatásai is vannak, például Bordeaux-ban már támogatásokat fizetnek a szőlőkivágásért, mivel a világborpiac összezsugorodik. A...

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For the eighth time, the Villány wine region is organizing a professional conference and public tasting focusing on the Cabernet Franc variety.

As a sign of the unity of the Villány wine region, the first Franc & Franc international conference and tasting day was born in 2015, when for the first time...

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Wine harvest at Auchan: if it’s October, it’s a wine fair

Auchan’s wine and champagne selection also competes with specialty stores. 150 Hungarian wineries are represented in approx. With 1,000 types of wine and 200 types of champagne, including many new...

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The wine will be a tax-free company allowance

A recent government decree in Hungary has made it possible for wine to be provided as a gift or hospitality without incurring any tax. Here are the details: On October...

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HNT: surveys show a decline in wine consumption

The number of wine consumers and the amount of wine consumption have decreased significantly in Hungary in recent years – the National Council of Mountain Communities (HNT) announced to MTI...

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PENNY distributes the products of renowned domestic wineries

One of the greatest prides of PENNY’s offer are excellent domestic wines. The store chain considers it important to offer a wide variety of domestic wines in the well-known outstanding...

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New regulations affect wine producers

Wine producers must adapt to new rules. Within the framework of the extended producer responsibility system, a simplified administrative and lower flat-rate fee will be introduced for the wine industry, new...

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PENNY distributes the products of renowned domestic wineries

One of the greatest prides of PENNY’s offer are excellent domestic wines. The store chain considers it important to offer a wide variety of domestic wines in the well-known outstanding...

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This year’s winners of the Parliament Wine Competition have been announced

This year’s winners of the Parliament Wine Competition were announced on Thursday, Speaker of the House László Kövér presented the awards to the winners in the Parliament building. “Our commitment...

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What does the world drink?

According to the Beverage Market Analysis report by IWSR, volume sales of global spirits increased by 5% in 2022 – with a focus on whisky and rum – but at...

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Hungarian winemakers are pessimists

Despite the weather challenges, the grape growers managed to harvest more grapes from the vines, but the average yield is still low. Due to the energy crisis, the price of...

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The popularity of sauvignon blanc has grown by leaps and bounds in our country

Sauvignon blanc is becoming more and more popular here, there is almost no Hungarian wine region where such wine is not produced – says Antal Benesch, head winemaker of the...

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Hungarian wine is the best-known top product of the Hungarian food industry

Hungarian wine is the best-known top product of the Hungarian food industry – emphasized the Secretary of State responsible for the food industry and trade policy of the Ministry of...

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Consumers are no longer looking for heavy red wines

Extreme weather conditions and changing consumer habits pose significant challenges to Bordeaux winemakers. Many feel that production is no longer profitable, leading some to dismantle vineyards and seek compensation from...

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The 32nd Budapest Wine Festival is coming – with the support of SPAR

For more than 30 years, it has become almost natural for many of us to say goodbye to summer in a dignified way, in the framework of an unforgettable party....

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Mixed year for French wine

French wine production in 2023 is expected to be near the average of the last five years, with a favourable outlook in Champagne and Burgundy contrasting that in disease-hit Bordeaux,...

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The Summer of Bubbles wine marketing campaign will be presented at the Balatonfüred Wine Weeks

The Hungarian Wine Marketing Agency’s first domestic campaign, the Summer of Bubbles, will be presented at the Balatonfüred Wine Weeks, which started on Friday, with the aim of promoting Hungarian...

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