Tag "Big Mac-index"

Fast food is already a luxury for Hungarians

The prices of fast food have increased significantly in recent times, leading consumers to treat these foods as luxury items and consume them less frequently. According to a recent survey,...

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Big Mac index: Only the Swiss franc and Norwegian krone are overvalued against the dollar

The dollar is very expensive against most of the world’s currencies, including the forint, but the Swiss franc and Norwegian krone are overvalued against the U.S. currency, according to The...

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What is a Big Mac index? – Video of the day

Big Macs: delicious (kinda), cheap (kinda), and educational (absolutely). In this episode, we look at how the economist magazine used burger prices to teach about purchasing power parity....

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Forint is undervalued according to the Big Mac index

According to the the latest Big Mac index, the Forint is undervalued. It needs to strengthen much to find a balance against the euro and the dollar – the vg.hu...

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