Tag "Baross Gábor Hitelprogram"

EXIM: the Gábor Baross Loan Program is successfully closed

The Gábor Baross Loan Program has been successfully concluded, EXIM Hungary has signed contracts for 100 percent of the HUF 200 billion additional funds provided at the beginning of the...

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EXIM: the momentum of the Gábor Baross Loan Program is unbroken

The momentum of the Gábor Baross Loan Program is unbroken, in just two months, Hungarian businesses signed loan agreements worth more than HUF 139 billion, the 200 billion HUF surplus...

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EXIM: applicants quickly grabbed the resources of the Gábor Baross Loan Program

EXIM Hungary received so many applications from Hungarian companies in the Gábor Baross New Industrialization Loan Program, which was reopened on January 15, that it exhausted the loan program’s framework,...

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