Tag "Ayvens"

Cheap, but good? Many people make this mistake when buying a used car

Due to the continuous increase in new car prices, buying a brand new car is becoming increasingly difficult for many individuals, which is why the demand for used cars is...

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Serious changes in the company car market – this is how businesses can prepare

According to the bill submitted on October 29, 2024 and already adopted by the government on November 25, the tax burden on company cars will increase significantly in the next...

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7+1 car cleaning tips for the gray autumn-winter period

Verőfényes napsütésben minden apró folt rögtön feltűnik az autónkon, és jó időben az autómosás is kellemes kikapcsolódásnak bizonyul, ezért hajlamosak vagyunk a jó időben gyakrabban tisztítani az autónkat. Pedig az...

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As of today, ALD Automotive | is also operating in Hungary under the name Ayvens LeasePlan, the largest domestic fleet manager

ALD Automotive | LeasePlan, the largest fleet management and mobility service provider in Hungary, will continue its activities under a new brand name.  Ayvens is born from the acquisition of...

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