Tag "aszály"

Agrometeorology: Further abundant rainfall would be needed for optimal vegetation development

Further abundant rainfall would be needed for optimal vegetation development, as the soil was not fully replenished with moisture in most parts of the country during the winter, but there...

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Water crisis in Hungary: drought is worsening, urgent steps are needed

In recent decades, Hungary’s water resources have been continuously decreasing, while increasingly extreme weather conditions are worsening the situation. According to the third National Watershed Management Plan (VGT 3), published...

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AM: this year’s harvest and sowing have come to an end

This year, the autumn harvesting and sowing work was completed, the soil was sufficiently moist for autumn sowing, and in the more or less sunny weather, it was possible to...

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This year’s harvest and sowing have come to an end

This year’s autumn harvest and sowing work has been completed, the soil was sufficiently moist for autumn sowing, and in the more or less sunny weather, autumn agricultural work could...

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Many products are expected to become more expensive due to the drought

This year’s drought summer dealt a heavy blow to Hungarian agriculture, causing significant crop losses for several crops. Speaking to Pénzcentrum, the editor-in-chief of the Agrárszektor, Lajos Braunmüller, said that...

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A challenging market: why is it difficult to sustainably grow sweet potatoes in Hungary?

Although the popularity of sweet potatoes and the demand for them are constantly growing in Hungary, the domestic supply is not able to fully satisfy the needs. As a result,...

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This year’s drought also had a negative impact on the performance of the domestic canning industry

The domestic canning industry was able to buy a medium sweet corn crop and a weak green pea crop this year. According to the overview of the National Chamber of...

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Blue Planet: we must adapt to the challenges of climate change

If the environment changes, we can be sure of one thing: the farmers must also change – stressed István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, to former head of state János Áder...

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Rising coffee prices: disasters strike the world’s largest coffee growers

Coffee is becoming more expensive across Europe, as the world’s two largest coffee-growing countries, Brazil and Vietnam, faced severe natural disasters, reports EuroNews. Brazil was hit by a historic drought,...

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Agrometeorology: sunny, dry weather helps early autumn work

Sunny, dry weather helps agricultural work in early autumn – read the agrometeorological analysis of HungaroMet Zrt. on Thursday. Cyclone Boris brought significant precipitation and cooling to the area of...

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Italian locusts have multiplied in two southern counties

During the summer, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) received several reports from Bács-Kiskun and Csongrád-Csanád counties about the Italian locust, which is multiplying and causing significant damage. The...

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The EU’s common agricultural policy must focus on farmers A

ccording to Hungary’s point of view, the European Union’s common agricultural policy (CAP) should focus on farmers, the minister of agriculture said on Tuesday in Budapest, at a press conference...

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The corn and sunflower yield forecast has been changed

By the beginning of September, agricultural chamber yield estimation data based on both satellite and producer data are available for domestic corn and sunflower. For the former, the third lowest...

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Drought-stricken crop prospects: tragic domestic corn and sunflower harvest in 2024

By the beginning of September, final estimates of this year’s Hungarian corn and sunflower harvest will be available, which were prepared by the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) based...

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Raspberries may disappear, bananas will grow, and there will be new pets in Hungarian agriculture

The situation in the Carpathian Basin is worrying due to climate change. Plant species that once felt comfortable in the area may disappear, but now the climate is not suitable...

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Agrometeorology: to sow rapeseed, it is essential to moisten the soil

There is enough moisture in the soil to sow autumn cabbage rape only in small patches, the soil layer affected by sowing is very dry and dusty in most parts...

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Corn can be replaced with sorghum due to the drought

This year, extreme weather, especially drought, caused severe damage across Europe, especially in Central and South-Eastern Europe and Southern Europe. The drought resulted in significant crop losses in Hungary as...

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Record-breaking heat and drought in Hungary: serious damage and forecasts

The extreme heat experienced in recent days has serious consequences in Hungary. On Thursday, a third-degree heat alert was in effect in four counties, and from Friday, the heat will...

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Agrometeorology: plants are suffering from drought, the heat is only slowly easing

Summer crops are suffering from drought all over the country, however, the rainfall during the long weekend significantly alleviates the drought in only a few places, and the heat is...

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Agrometeorology: the drought is not easing

For weeks, the drought has been intensifying in most of Hungary, corn and sunflower stocks are in forced ripening in more and more places and have begun to dry out,...

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Drought damage in agriculture

By the beginning of August, it had reached 75,000 hectares, and the size of the areas declared for drought damage is growing by several tens of thousands of hectares every...

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The drought took a toll on the corn in the Tolna county

Among the arable crops, corn grown on 66.5 thousand hectares was the most affected by the weeks of drought and heat in Tolna County, the Tolna County Directorate of the...

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Agrometeorology: the drought is getting worse

The summer crops would have needed a lot of rainfall in the past week, a large part of Hungary is experiencing a high degree of increasing drought. Maize and sunflower...

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Domestic vegetable and fruit production is in danger

It’s a good time to know that Hungary can be a huge loser from climate change, and the severe droughts of recent years often show this. The first victims have...

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Agrometeorology: summer crops would need a lot of rainfall

The summer harvest crops would need the most precipitation during this period, but the rains of the past few days alleviated the increasing lack of precipitation in only a few...

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Agrometeorology: moderate heat is coming, with little precipitation

In the heat that lasted for ten days, showers mostly brought relief only in a scattered manner, but on Wednesday there were severe thunderstorms accompanied by downpours in many places...

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More wheat and barley were produced per hectare in Tolna

More autumn wheat and barley were harvested per hectare in Tolna County than last year, the Tolna County Directorate of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy told MTI on Tuesday....

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The harvest of the ear crops in Békés county has been completed

The harvest of the ear crops in the Békés county has been completed, the yield averages of winter wheat and barley were better than last year, although the farmers sowed...

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Agrometeorology: There is a drought in an increasingly large area

Especially in the central areas of Hungary, the drought is intensifying, the summer plants urgently need rain – HungaroMet Zrt. wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on Thursday. They wrote: there...

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Agrometeorology: the rain was good for sunflowers and corn, but not for wheat and canola waiting to be harvested

The rainy weather of the past week was good for sunflowers and corn, but not for wheat and canola, which are still waiting to be harvested, HungaroMet Zrt wrote in...

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